Anyone else have sleep apnea????

tara3103 Posts: 107
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I have been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and been given a CPAP machine. I have been told how wonderful I will feel after and that I will sleep so much better. Problem is, I can't keep the stinkin mask on as night!! It drives me crazy and sometimes I will get up in the morning and not ever realize I took it off sometime throughout the night. Anyone else out there have this or have trouble? I am an impatient person, so maybe I'm not trying for a long enough period, but I feel so horrible throughout the day. Does it truly make you feel that much better? Thanks for the input!!!


  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wear it! It could mean a difference between life & death. I started using my machine about 2 years ago. I still get tired but I'm MUCH better now. I was to the point where I was almost falling asleep at the wheel. If you don't treat it (use the machine), bad things can happen. Former NFL star Reggie White died in his sleep from sleep apnea.

    Are you using a mask that covers your nose or nose and mouth? I found a VERY comfortable state of the art mask in the Resmed Swift FX Nasal Pillow. It just fits in your nostrils.
  • I have mild apnea, not bad enough for the mask, thankfully. Once you get used to it, I think it is a huge benefit. I hear you on the always feeling tired! I wake up every 10 minutes....but that doesn't qualify for severe.... I know there are different types of masks, my uncle has been on cpap for a long time and he gets along with his new mask a lot better than the old one.

    I think it is just like with anything...give it time. I have to use a night brace for TMJ issues, and I thought I would NEVER be able to sleep with it in my mouth the first few it is old hat :)
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    My husband has severe sleep apnea and it did take him a little while to get used to the CPAP machine, but once he did he has been so glad he got it. He's so much more rested and alert now, and feels a lot better all around. Keep trying to get used to it ...

    Do you have a chin strap? My husband uses a chin strap to help him keep his mouth closed while he's sleeping. If that's an issue for you, maybe you're still not getting into a deep sleep and thus you're noticing the mask and pushing it off without really realizing it.

    There are also a couple different mask designs. My husband had trouble with the first one he had (it chaffed his nose!) so his doc gave him a different one and it worked loads better for him.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    (The nostril one that BR1986FB mentioned is the one my husband uses now, likes it much better :smile:)
  • pattybond1234
    pattybond1234 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, I have it, too. I was diagnosed approximately 5 years ago. It takes quite a bit of time to adjust to it. I think it took me 3-4 months before I was used to it. I've never had the problem of removing it while sleeping; but, currently, I am struggling with finding a mask that is comfortable and that will seal to my face so that air doesn't escape. Yes, you will feel tons better, once you're adjusted to it. I was waking up every morning with a migraine which lasted several days. I pretty much existed with some form of a headache all the time. This is a classic symptom of sleep apnea due to oxygen deprivation while sleeping. I was also dragging during the day and frequently took naps on my lunch hour just to get through the day. I no longer have to do that. Granted, I still have my tired days but they are much less and usually occur because I don't give myself enough hours to sleep. I go to a sleep specialist and she is wonderful. She always had good tips for my little problems and issues. I hope you have access to same type of doctor that might offer advice for your dilemma? Is your mask good and tight against your face at night (without, of course, cutting off your circulation)? Perhaps that will help if it is harder to remove. Hope this helps. Best wishes...and hang in there, girlfriend!
  • twilight1542
    twilight1542 Posts: 403
    Both of my parents have sleep apnea and both took some time to adjust to the machine. I believe each of them also went through a few masks before finding the one that fit each of them best. So if your mask is not staying on, you need to talk to your doctor about alternatives because if the mask can' t stay on, the machine can't do it's job!

    BTW: Both of them sleep better than they have their entire lives :)
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Wow, It made me feel soooooooooooooo much better. Plus my blood pressure was much lower on my subsequent Dr. visit.

    It does take a while to get used to the mask, just keep putting it on every night and keep it on longer. Soon you will keep it on all night.

    That being said there are a number of differerent styles of mask, go back to whoever fitted you and ask to try another, plus make sure they fit you properly. It might be too loose, since it's coming off in the night.

    Also in 6 months or so when they give you new supplies, add another length of tubing. It makes it much easier to roll over and move around in bed to have the extra slack.

    Oh, by the way, after a year of so, you'll put it on and it will lull you to sleep.
  • cbullock115
    cbullock115 Posts: 110
    My husband found out about 3 years ago that he had severe sleep apnea. It took him a while to really get comfortable with the mask. He also still has nights where he will take off his mask in the middle of the night and not even realize it. He bought a pillow from the company he gets his supplies through that makes it much easier to deal with the tubing as well. It's shaped almost like an X.
  • ileitch
    ileitch Posts: 99
    Yes, it makes a huge difference so stick with it and good luck.
    Once I started CPAP I felt great.
    However, I gained a lot of weight and it took a lot of time and effort to start losing.
    Thankfully the weight is coming off now.
    I have heard that CPAP usually helps you lose weight but I would swear it made me gain initially.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member

    I also have severe sleep apnea, I was diagnosed in 2004 and was told I stopped breathing 60 times an hour!! That's scary.

    It took me a long time to adjust to the mask and I went through a lot of different types. I currently use a nasal pillow which is much better for me than the actual mask that covers your nose. I also use a chin strap to help keep my mouth closed when sleeping.

    I hear you about not being patient but keep using it every night and try to keep it on longer. You'll get use to it! I can't sleep without it now.

    If it's been a few weeks and the mask is still giving you problems I would look into getting a different mask. I use CPAP Express and they will let you exchange masks within 30 days. The place I used before them would also allow an exchange. Also, be sure to replace your mask every 6 months, or whenever your insurance will let you.

    Good luck! Give it time, it'll make a huge difference in how you feel! :flowerforyou:
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    Thanks for all the advice and help! I have a few issues with it...first, I am a side sleeper, so it's hard to get comfortable. Second, I feel almost clostrephobic (sp?) with the mask on. It covers only my nose, but I almost panic with it on. I will try the other masks that were mentioned. I'm gonna give it another shot tonight, wish me luck!!! Thanks again!!
  • Hello I have sleep apena but not really bad, if I sleep on my side I am fine..IF I sleep on my back I am not. I did not think I slept on my back at all, until the testing. I do use a machine and it has help so much. I can get through a day with out a nap. I used to have to nap every day after work because I could not function. I did not have any problems with my mask or getting used to it, but I had my husbands to try out before I even went for my testing and I new it would help..For me it helped with the first sleep for awhile, I could not get in fast enough for my testing..Remember we are all different, give yourself a chance to get used to it as well try different masks, mine is different from my hubby. Keep up trying and u will get used to it and find u are better, maybe not 100% but there will be a difference
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and help! I have a few issues with it...first, I am a side sleeper, so it's hard to get comfortable. Second, I feel almost clostrephobic (sp?) with the mask on. It covers only my nose, but I almost panic with it on. I will try the other masks that were mentioned. I'm gonna give it another shot tonight, wish me luck!!! Thanks again!!

    I can't sleep anyway but on my stomach and I have no issues with the mask I mentioned. I guess I was one of the rare/lucky ones because I took to the machine/mask like a duck to water the first night I wore it.
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