Hate being hungry! How do you cope?



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    When I'm hungry, I eat. :huh: This isn't a diet. Make sustainable changes and healthy choices you can continue for the rest of your life. Otherwise, as soon as you stop "dieting," you'll gain back every pound you lost and then some.

    Increase your protein and fiber consumption. 25-30% protein and at least 25g fiber. I'm almost never hungry between meals.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Funny... I have never felt hungry on this. If you choose lots of fruits and veggies, lean meats and whole grains you should be ok.
    Eat a mid morning snack and a mid afternoon snack and make sure you have protein at all meals and snacks.

    This afternoon, I had a granny smith apple with peanut butter. This morning my snack was 14 almonds and 20 cherries.

    Make sure you drink plenty of water. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger.

    Other than that..just eat well and often and you should be fine
  • shelenag
    shelenag Posts: 1
    I've been changing my lifestyle of eating over the past 3 months and the best thing to fight hunger is FIBER and drinking lots of water. I eat Kashi high fiber cereal for breakfast, make sure I have whole grain with my lunch and then choose something like steamed veggies and fish for dinner. I eat light yoplait yogurt for snacks in between. They have lots of great flavors that will curb a sweet tooth and are high in protien and calcium. Every 2-3 days I allow myself to 'cheat' with something I think I can't live without. So far it's working, lost 20lbs! Good luck!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough Fiber, Protein and Water. These will all keep you feeling full longer and keep the hungrys away. :bigsmile: Also, as someone else mentioned make sure you are getting enough calories and if you workout make sure you are eating back most of those calories too if not all of them.

    I have had days when I ate healthy stuff and was within my calorie range but I didn't get enough protein and felt SO hungry! I've started adding protein shakes, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and other high protein foods to my snacks to make sure I get enough protein. I usually get a good amount at dinner with whatever meat we are having but depending on what I have for breakfast and lunch I can easily not reach my protein goal.

    Good luck, hope this helps!
  • cccng
    cccng Posts: 16 Member
    I've stopped 'dieting'. I just eat clean! And I listen to my body: If I'm hungry, I have a snack, but it depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm generally in the snacking mood, I'll reach for veggies to fill me up till my next meal. If I'm tired, I'll have some fruit. If my stomach feels empty, I'll take 10-15 almonds and some yogurt. Or I'll see if I'm just thirsty and drink water. In my mind, diets are the 'quick fix'. It's more of a life style change. I also think that the first couple of weeks are the toughest, so you're more apt to be a little cranky, irritable, and moody. Push though it. And I feel better about myself knowing that I passed on eating caramels or something sweet and chose fruit instead. Of course, I will allow myself a sweet here and there!

    .... It's worth mentioning that I own a candy store. I LOVE my candy, but I know that it can't be part of my regular eating. (hence a treat here and there, just like my customers) BUT my fridge in my office is filled with veggies, yogurt, almonds, and fruit. Good luck!:happy:
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Very good points, and I didn't realise I was supposed to eat every last calorie! Especially since I find some of it is guesswork. The days I really battle are the days after I have eaten less than required calories or the day after I have exercised like mad. So this means my 2 month goal just isn't going to cut it - do I have to do it slower and for longer? Yeeeeugh that's AWFUL!
    So what do you do in the middle of a sugar craving? Because fruit wouldn't do it; but a mirangue or 3 toffees would - dairy desert I'd have to eat 3.

    It may take a little longer but there's a better chance of it staying off and not coming back.

    For sugar cravings I eat sugar free fudsicles (40 cals each) or Popsicles (15 cals each), or I'll get a sugar free jello pudding (chocolate) and add a little fat free redi whip and 1/2 tsp of miniature chocolate chips....and eat it with a baby spoon so it lasts longer. It feels like a decadent dessert but only around 75-80 calories. Also as far as chocolate goes I get the darkest I can find. It usually takes less to satisfy me and the bitterness doesn't make me keep craving sweets, it also has some health benefits over milk chocolate.
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