Ditching my Fitbit?

Before I started wearing my fitbit, I was totally focused and in control of the calories in versus calories burned. I go back and forth between whether I should be marked as sedentary in MFP when I have the fitbit or fairly active (which is the truth). I have been stuck for months and cannot get an accurate read on anything because my fitbit is giving me calories where I don't feel I have earned them. Has anyone else decided to ditch it, or at least thought of ditching it?


  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    bump for an education about the fitbit
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I've had my fibit 3 years. I find MFP overestimates more than anything. I eat what my fitbit tells me to, which according to my spreadsheets is more accurate than MFP based on my losses.
  • Carrma77
    Carrma77 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't believe my Fitbit is accurate; today it told me I did 18 minutes of "highly active" and that is not at all true. I sat behind my desk in my classroom all day grading papers. I just think it's too much going on at one time. Perhaps if I had my Fitbit before I started MFP it would have been better. I have had my Fitbit since April and it's just not working for me.
  • Maximumresults
    none of it is needed really...select a baseline of calories and/or macros..if you aren't losing inches/pounds, reduce your calories by 150-200 a day for 7-10 days and then take a look at things again...you should have some resistance training in your program as well as your cardio

    take home message: workout, eat right, and HAVE FUN!
  • Carrma77
    Carrma77 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Maximumresult. I do lift weights & do cardio (I like the insanity series). I am very athletic and believe it's come to over thinking and over planning. I appreciate your response a lot! The fun is missing and that is what I needed to hear. You rock something fierce for reminding me of that.
  • traccie2
    traccie2 Posts: 28 Member
    What is a "fitbit"????
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Seems like there are 2 separate issues - if your fitbit isn't working properly it doesn't matter how it integrates with MFP. If you feel it is generally working but gives you to much credit for exercise but in general like the idea of tracking your calories just consider entering 75% (or some percentage) of the calories it says you have burned. That way you are still tracking but have a little wiggle room.
  • clemsontiger78
    clemsontiger78 Posts: 19 Member
    Depends on what you are using it for, I suppose. I use my fitbit as a motivator to get up and move each day. It is like I am in competition with myself to see if I can get in more steps than the day before. I use a HRM for my workouts and only log those calories burned into MFP. I typically ignore the fitbit adjustments, unless I didn't workout one day but took 18000 steps. Those days definitely count :)
  • Carrma77
    Carrma77 Posts: 7 Member
    It started as a glorified pedometer, but I am a little OCD about it and it becomes more obsession than just a motivator. I am plenty motivated without it--probably a little too motivated at times. I think I am going to at least take a break from it and see what happens. Thanks everyone for your feedback!
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I love mine and if anything, when I record exercise on MFP I think it way overestimates my calories burned. My Fitbit seems to be pretty accurate if I'm walking or just seeing my daily movement. It's not great for weight lifting, then again neither is MFP! There is a group of Fitbit users on MFP if you'd like to ask specific questions there as well.
  • dexfatpants
    dexfatpants Posts: 55 Member
    My fitbit was way off all the time! It would tell me I climbed 12 flights when I had climbed none, it would give me no steps for walking for an hour & 180 while I slept. I took it back & just use my HMR for exercise.
  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    I've been struggling with the same thing, Carrma. I tend to start focusing so much on the numbers that it becomes all I can think about and then I exhaust myself on it. I lost mine for two weeks and just found it this morning. During the two weeks, I was more active and happy with none of the obsessive focus on numbers. I started wearing it again so I can see if I can find a balance.
  • witeowl
    witeowl Posts: 89
    What is a "fitbit"????


  • Carrma77
    Carrma77 Posts: 7 Member
    A Fitbit is a device you wear that "tracks" the amount of calories you burn, steps you climb, etc. It also tracks sleep (although I am not sure it does a great job at that...it is cool to see though). The device comes with an app similar to MFP, but you can sync the two so that they communicate. It's also a pedometer.
  • jmpilg23
    jmpilg23 Posts: 7
    I love my fitbit. I have been using MFP for almost a year now. But recently purchased a fit bit in order to really track my burn. It has been a great help and huge support. MFP and fitbit don't always agree, but it still gives me the knowledge I need to make sure I am burning more than I eat.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    That's too bad. I've only had my fitbit for a month but I love it. I am way more active with it than I would be without. It encourages me to move more and take the stairs more and I love the sleep function as well. But if you're not having fun with it, and it's not working for you, then for sure stop using it.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I love my fitbit and don't think I would have had the success I have had without it
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I love my fitbit and don't think I would have had the success I have had without it

    This with me too!! It does have it's times where it doesn't post correctly, like this morning for me, but it always works it's self out. So not ditching it here:smile:
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I love my fitbit and don't think I would have had the success I have had without it

    True story! I've had mine since November and I'm totally addicted. I'm a desk jockey so it motivates me to move more!
  • stumegsmum
    That's too bad. I've only had my fitbit for a month but I love it. I am way more active with it than I would be without. It encourages me to move more and take the stairs more and I love the sleep function as well. But if you're not having fun with it, and it's not working for you, then for sure stop using it.

    ^This - I find mine really accurate as to what I'm burning and how active I've been through the day - I've had mine for a month also and it has encouraged me to be much more active