What Wii games do you recommend?

IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I just purchased a Wii (no Wii Fit) and was wondering what you recommended for fun and productive games?



  • hvnsnt12
    hvnsnt12 Posts: 2
    We love "Just Dance". It is a blast and you sweat from head to toe.
  • I like the Biggest Loser and the EA Active game.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I like Biggest Loser, and Jillian Michaels 2010 Fitness Ultimatum
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    EA Sports Active, both the original and More Workouts, are great. I've been using them since I started losing weight in February and they've helped a lot. I've been neglecting More Workouts in the past few weeks in favor of the 30 Day Shred, but it has a variety of fitness levels that you can set it to, Level Hard is definitely a challenge. I've been wanting to try the Biggest Loser game, maybe that will be the next one that I get.
  • ecabrera
    ecabrera Posts: 24 Member
    I like the WII boxing. :mad: Gets out all the aggression and you can then go meditate afterwards :flowerforyou:
  • Michelle2oo4
    Michelle2oo4 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the Wii fit plus and I personally think that it's not that great. It takes so long to get to the actual exercises and the exercises are so short, it's not very productive. I love Wii boxing. It's something you already have, it's fun, and if you really play hard it's a great workout!
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Definitely buy Wii EA Sports Active - great structured workouts & challenges. You won't be disappointed. I also second Just Dance... very fun!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    Just Dance is at the top of my list already! I love the commercial and my soon to be step daughter has already requested it.

    Right now I just can not afford an additional add on packages for the Wii like the Fit or the EA package.

    I have played the Bowling and Golf game that it comes with and have heard a lot of good things about the Boxing that it comes with too, so thanks for more heads up on that.

    A friend of ours has wake-boarding and my fiancé loves playing that. Most of the games look like fun. I even saw that some of our favorite Xbox games have a wii version.

    I got the Wii for $125, so I am going to go with the fact that it is going to be money well spent for me and my family. As far as I am concerned, every little bit of movement helps!!

    I checked in to the Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels, they look pretty fun. I enjoy Bob much more than Jillian. I seem to have lost interest in her when she started to push weight loss supplements. But I have her workout DVDs and like them ok.
  • wkorsten
    wkorsten Posts: 5 Member
    I've been working out with the Wii Fit Plus, Wii boxing, and EA Active when its too cold and/or too hot. I try to change my routine every so often with running/walking whenever I can and the Wii games. I bought Nike Shoes and the Nike Application on my touch, but I can only go out and run when its nice out and not too humid. Lately, its been getting too hot and humid. So I've been having to exercise inside. Having migraines and allergies is a problem too. I don't have the money to afford a gym and I've gotten to the point to where I'm bored with the wii games I have. So I went to Target to see what new games are out. I looked up a little information on them. I wanted to see what you would recommend on the game I should get. I would like a game that will challenge me, be fun too, and read my movements.

    Biggest Loser
    I saw a review with a 7.7 score. I'd have exercises and the game would push me. The things I've heard about it is the graphics are not spectacular, some mentioned they were confused at weigh ins because they choose a constant to be them and then at weigh ins the numbers don't make sense.

    My Fitness Coach 2
    I've heard that this game is like an exercise DVD on the wii. I believe it will customize a whole exercise session by the weight goal you have, can input foods, and devise an exercise plan. The one thing I'm wondering about is I can't find a lot of information on it. It just came out Jan. 2010. I've heard this one is better than the last version. Is it that fun?

    Jillian Michaels Ultimatimum 2010
    I've heard its better than the first version. But, is it better than the biggest Loser Wii Game? How well does it read you? I'm five feet tall. My sister has this and I suppose I could borrow it from her to try it.

    EA Active More
    More exercises. The things that I do like about the first active is the test to give you an idea of how active you are. The exercises. I like using the bands and customizing the exercises. I like even using their exercises too. The one thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't read/register my movements well enough. I have to constantly wait a longer period and/or start over the exercise in order to get the thing to register me. I would have liked to actually play a game of tennis instead of always drills. I don't like that there isn't a free bag that you can just hit for how ever long you want.

    Wii Fit/Plus
    I do like being able to weigh myself. I do like the additional balance games. I like being able to change the view when trying to complete an exercise. I like a few of the strength exercises. The one thing I don't like is there are no weights involved. I don't like having a free bag and just being able to hit it. I do think that its easy for me. It does get me to jog when I can't outside.
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I just purchased the Gold's Gym Cardo Workout for Wii and it is really good. At only $19.99 it was also cheaper then a lot of games. IT is compatible with the balance borad, but not required. I would totally recommend it.
  • kkappleby
    kkappleby Posts: 3 Member
    I also highly recommend the Gold's Gym Cardio Workout, I especially like the boxing. :bigsmile:
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I just purchased the Gold's Gym Cardo Workout for Wii and it is really good. At only $19.99 it was also cheaper then a lot of games. IT is compatible with the balance borad, but not required. I would totally recommend it.

    This sounds right up my alley! I am adding this one to my list.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    Just a heads up my local video store has Wii games for rent for a few dollars and they have a pretty good selection. This is a great option for those who do not want to spend money on a game for fear they may not like it. The next town over there is a mall that has a store where we can take our old games to sell or get store credit for the purchase of another game. We have PlayStation, XBox 360 and just got the Wii last week. We have a few Xbox games we no longer have interest in and had planned to take them in, along with the car racing game the people I bought my wii from gave me. Since our 5yr old tends to get bored of things quickly, the rental and trade in option are perfect for her.

    Also if you have a Big Lots in your area they regularly get a shipment of Wii games in and they sell them for $9-$15. I found some fun looking games pretty good priced on ebay as well.

    The other option I found was NetFlix now offers Wii games.

    Good options to try before you buy and save money!
  • I have the original My Fitness Coach and I absolutely love it! (Too bad our Wii is already packed away for our move.) You pick the amt of time you want to workout for (15, 30, 45, 60+ mins), choose what you want to workout (strength, core, etc) or let the program choose it's recommendation for you and then away you go with your own fitness coach. At various times through the workout it asks you how you're doing and based on your answers it adjusts your workout to make it easier/harder.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I like the WII boxing. :mad: Gets out all the aggression and you can then go meditate afterwards :flowerforyou:

    I really dig the boxing as well. I sweat my butt off playing that! Great workout if you like that sort of thing. And it comes with the system, so no extra expense! :happy:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    For getting in shape, you have a few options, the Wii Fit (original is good), the Wii Fit plus (latest one) has lots of "fun games" like snow ball fights and golf driving range so you burn cals and dont really feel like you are working out

    The EA Active from my experience is the closest to a workout video, it targets and does more than just Wii Fit (it also uses the Wii Board)

    I also like the Wii Sports Resort just as some fun games (not really workout, but still fun to compete with friends)
  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    For getting in shape, you have a few options, the Wii Fit (original is good), the Wii Fit plus (latest one) has lots of "fun games" like snow ball fights and golf driving range so you burn cals and dont really feel like you are working out

    I agrre, it doesn't feel like a workout beacsue you start out so slow. But after 2 months of not doing it, I sure could "feel" it when I jumped back in to where I was. I was sore the next day!!!
  • I just purchased the Wii We Fish game for my 5 year old niece and it kept her entertained for the entire day Saturday. It come with the Rod & Reel attachment and everything!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I have a related question - Does anyone know of a Wii game that uses the balance board for snowboarding or skateboarding simulations that are fun and work up a sweat? I really like the skateboarding game in Wii Fit Plus and would like to do more of that kind of thing.

    In terms of what I recommend - I've used Wii fit for over a year and like it alot. I got EA Active at the same time, and never liked it. I find that usiing the nunchuck in the leg band is awkward and often does not follow my movement well at all. Also, the leg band slips and slides. I don't like the jumping exercises - I don't think those are good for knees and other joints. I stopped using it within the first 30 days. I went back to it about six months later and still didn't like it.

    I find WII fit to be very subtle in it's approach - I highly recommend it for someone who has not exercised much at all in a while. If you have it already and are wondering if the upgrade to Wii fit plus is worth it - I say YES! I put off getting it for a long time, but since I've purchased it about 6 weeks ago, I've used it almost every day. I like being able to put together a string of yoga/stregnth exercises into one chunk - it saves time, but you don't get an individual "score" on each exercise. The only thing I don't like is the color scheme changed from blue to green. I prefer the blue. Clearly not that big a deal.

    I have grand fun playing all of the new games. There are still stregnth exercises that challenge me from the origional version (such as pushup and side plank) and I like the new additions to the stregnth and yoga segments. I hope Nintendo puts out more stuff along theses lines.

    It's kinda fun getting on a treadmill for the free run around the island. Makes the treadmill more interesting to run with a virtual dog and the Mii's made by family and friends.
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I have the Wii Sports, Wii Fit Plus w/ Balance Board, and EA Active.

    I did the 30 Day Challenge on EA. It was okay but very repetitive and I got bored with it. I do, however, love that EA Active allows you to create your own custom workouts. This way, I can do exactly what I want and for as long as I want.

    Wii Fit Plus is somewhat fun but I don't feel I get much of a workout at all. The kids like it a lot though so they get more use of it than I do.

    Wii Sports has stayed at the top of my list so far and it came with the purchase of the Wii itself. I play tennis a lot with it and do boxing as well. It burns a lot of calories and you will feel sore the next day not just in your arms but all over your back!

    All of these do not calculate your calorie burn very well at all so I suggest wearing a HRM with chest strap so you can an accurate number on your calories burned. Most of the time, you actually burn more than what the software says you did. For me, I burn double or more the amount of calories the games say.

    I am interested in trying the Gold's Gym Boxing software though.
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