2 causes of confusion...need some help!



  • robnbrwn
    robnbrwn Posts: 18
    3. Exercise so that you break a sweat, but people around you are not holding cell phones ready to call 911. After you have built a solid aerobic base for a couple of months, you can increase the intensity, but resist the urge to do it too soon. The stress hormones created at high-intensity cardio will undermine your ability to burn fat. Higher intensity is great, and burns fat in people who are trained for it.

    I worry about those stress hormones. I am extremely stressed at work right now, and it will only get worse over the next 6-10 weeks. After that my stress will mostly disappear, but I am starting my weight loss program now. Am I setting myself up for failure with the stress? I do what I can to manage it, but that's not much.

  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    So, I'm at 1200 calories a day. I exercise 5-6 sometimes 7 days a week. Each day I burn about 300 calories. So, with that I should be eating around 1500 calories a day correct? Because you should never go under 1200 calories? I usually eat some of them back. So, according to the above I'm pretty much on the right track? Right? So, why am I stuck?
    You're in the 'last 10 pounds' range...toughest part. Are you strength training (weight lifting, power yoga, plyometrics...anything along these lines?) Your goal has to be to put on muscle in order to reduce more body fat. You have to make your body more metabolically active. In addition, you might be able to start incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) since it sounds like you have been doing moderate cardio for awhile. If you can do 30-40 minutes of cardio in the upper end of your aerobic range, generally achieved by jogging for most people, you can start add the higher intensity HIIT 1-3 days week (with a full day off in between, during which you can strength train).

    Normally I do my cardio in the morning then at night do my strength training routine at night. So normally I'm doing both everynight or everytime I work out. Is this wrong? My cardio include Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and the Elliptical or Treadmill and the strength training is basically general. Nothing over the top?