Is it possible to not lose weight but just inches?



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    it is definitely possible to lose inches and not weight. In fact, I've gained weight (on purpose) and lost inches, because I lost body fat.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Absolutely possible. The scale hasn't moved in a couple of weeks, but I can feel muscle definition I've never had and all of my current clothes are too big.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Been there - six months bouncing up & down the same few pounds, but lost fat & inches and dropped a full pants size during that time.

    Nobody is going to compliment you on a scale number they can't see, but they WILL see you getting slimmer and fitter and looking awesome due to less fat and inches!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
  • cparkburke
    cparkburke Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! When I look at your diary, it's clear that your eating, exercise, and journaling habits are exemplary. Nice!

    Losing inches but not weight is common when you've got the right exercise plan but are still eating too many calories. Your plan of staying under 20-25% TDEE is fine in theory, so my best guess is that your estimated calories for exercise, base metabolism, or both is too high. For example, circuit training and spinning typically doesn't burn as many calories as it advertises. The estimate for strength training looks about right.

    Since you're going up and down on 3-4 pounds, I'm thinking you only need to make an adjustment of about 100-200 calories per day to see some weight loss. A couple of ways to adjust for the high estimates:
    (1) Change your profile to "sedentary" if it's not already set to that.
    (2) Change your goal to lose 1/2 pound/week.
    (3) Stay 25-30% under TDEE instead of 20-25%.

    Good luck! Please feel free to friend me! Would love to see your progress! I use Fitbit, too, and I think you would motivate me! :-)
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    Yes, it's absolute possible. I too follow the 10,000 steps per day program and I also do Yoga, Circuit Training with a PT, cardio workouts at the gym, etc. and I have not lost more than 6.5 pounds since January. But my waist measurement shrunk by more than four inches since December, when I first started measuring my waist. I then began tracking my Body Fat using a handheld Omron % Body Fat Monitor and found my body fat had dropped from 30% to 24% during that same time period. Until that point, I was getting frustrated by a seemingly endless plateau during a time period where I was unrelenting in my commitment to a strict low-calorie diet and rigorous exercise until I discovered that I've significantly, but not completely, transformed my body composition into a lot more lean mass.

    FYI... one day of water (8 cups) totals 64 ounces and weighs 4 pounds. If you want to see a 4 to 5 pound weight loss or more within a week or two, start consuming fresh Parsley with all your proteins and add fresh Dandelion leaves to your salads and to your sandwiches. These are both really great natural diuretics that are very effective at correcting and maintaining sodium balance within your body chemistry and offer the added bonuses of enormous boosts in Potassium and Magnesium, not to mention Vitamins A, B, C, and D. So, you get a diuretic effect (if you need it) but you don't deplete your essential minerals or spike your blood sugar in the process of shedding excess water weight (which prescription diuretics are well known for). There are Hydration charts and tables that can tell you how much water your body needs for your age and weight and you can also find out through a standard blood test how much sodium your body contains if you're interested. But rest assured, your body is typically very effective at self-regulating its sodium balance and fluid balance unless it becomes super-saturated with both. Then, a little help from Parsley and Dandelion can really make a significant difference to your weight and your level of optimism.
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for all the comments everyone I know it isn't a bad issue to have but 200lbs just sounds so heavy for a bride to be! I'll just have to wow them with my toned body!
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    But rest assured, your body is typically very effective at self-regulating its sodium balance and fluid balance unless it becomes super-saturated with both.
    OK. So then why do I need the diuretic?
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    But rest assured, your body is typically very effective at self-regulating its sodium balance and fluid balance unless it becomes super-saturated with both.
    OK. So then why do I need the diuretic?

    I'm not sure you do need a diuretic. Your doctor can determine that through a blood test. But, if you drink four pounds of water a day and you only shed three or less of those pounds a day, you'll probably know better than I if you feel bloated or not. Swollen ankles or a swollen ring finger and other common indicators might be a valid clue your kidneys are not keeping up with your water intake, and might need a little assistance. That's when I'd try fresh Parsley and fresh Dandelion leaves in my salad or on my sandwich. I recommend avoiding prescription diuretics if possible. Prescription diuretics tend to deplete essential minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium and antagonize an elevation in blood sugar.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Are you sure you are eating 20% below TDEE - it seems you are actually just about eating at your BMR.....and then doing massive exercise on top of that.....

    I am also 5'9, and weigh 213lbs and my BMR is 1990 - TdEE is around 2700 from memory......Looking at your exercise logged I would be very surprised if yours is not very similar.....

    I kept "fighting" accepting those numbers, but after months of losing the same 5 kg's over and over i am now actually trying to eat 2100 to 2300 calories a day - and what do you know - the scale is moving!!
  • radiantsunshine40
    radiantsunshine40 Posts: 48 Member
    I joined the local CrossFitness Gym last year for about a month and lost inches.....only!

    My weight did not budge at all....I wasn't eating healthy but was making sure I did the protein shakes immediately after workouts.
    I was trying to eat HEALTHY MOSTLY but would occasionally have fried foods or Mexican and desserts. ((sweets my weakness)
    According to my trainer and the owner of the gym, I lost the most inches than anybody they've seen in a months time.
    Mostly around the waist and thigh area (my trouble zone)!

    Of course, I weighed 220lbs and i'm 5 feet and 9 inches tall ......obese/overweight definitely BUT the eye wouldn't say so! Most people are surprised at my weight.....even my doctor.

    Being that weight loss is new to me and truly not my specialty, I asked around and most women I've talked with are rather please with inches......although the scale doesn't move!
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    I keep loosing the same few Ozs and then putting them back on.

    But have lost a fair few inches since January 2nd this year!! xxxx
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    Staci is my hero.

    I second this. I dropped 2 skirt sizes a 0 pounds when I started lifting!
  • cheliki
    cheliki Posts: 33
    I lost only a pound but when I measured my waist, I'd lost 2 inches off of it.. So then I thought maybe I did it wrong.. Hmm..
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Someone asked me at the gym today how much weight I have lost (started my journey January the 2nd) I told her Ive lost inches rather than weight.

    She thought I was joking she said I look like Ive dropped mega pounds. In all honesty Ive "dropped" 2 pounds but a stack of inches along the way. I havent weighed myself for two weeks now. Scale has been banished to the back of the wardrobe!
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    yes it is possible my friend lost a few lbs and lots of inches. i am hoping to follow that way i dont mind being heavy just dont want to look heavy i want to be toned and muscle does that. i want to fit into my old size 8 jeans even if i cant get the button done up i do not care as long as i get them on x im giving myself 6 weeks to lose 4 inches and i will be so happy when i get to my goal.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Happens to me all the time. I recently increased my weight training and have gone up five pounds in weight, but my clothes fit looser than before. And every time I would plateau for a month, I'd still drop a size. Muscle takes up less volume than fat so if you tend to swap them out evenly like I do, your weight often doesn't change, but your size will.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
  • rylovesty23
    BIG TIME. my first 2 weeks using MFP I lost an inch and a 1/2 and no weight. sometimes the scale isnt worth looking at... that measuring tape will sure make you feel good.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    The only thing I can recommend is make sure to take a rest day or two per week. Eventually, your weight will catch up!