Question about hunger

I was just curious if anyone had this issue. I've been working out quite a bit lately (down 6lbs since I started my membership at the YMCA about two weeks ago), close to 4-5 days a week for at least an hour. My problem is I don't feel very hungry.. and when I do eat my stomach hurts for awhile.. Does anyone know why this may be?


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you don't feel hungry you could have messed up hormones and hunger signals.

    For your stomach hurting when you eat... are you eating too much too quickly? Are you taking your time to eat? What are you eating when your stomach hurts? I would imagine you are either eating too quickly, too much at once or you are consuming something you shouldn't be and that's what causing your stomach to hurt.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    This is simply your body adjusting, I promise, it will right itself. Never doubt how amazing your body is! it's so much smarter than we give it credit for!

    (If you ever doubt this, dont forget that your body never decides to tell you just how BAD you need to PEE until you're trying to get your key in the front door. word?)
  • Kjolyn
    Kjolyn Posts: 4
    Thank you for the responses! I noticed that my body seems to completely reject any sort of greasy fast food which, I think is a plus :) but I am so busy with my little one, working, working out, and going to school that I suppose when I do eat I may eat fairly quickly.