I've been bad :( advice please?

Hello! I'm just looking for a little bit of advice... basically I began the 30 day shred this day last week (I've just done day 7, level 1 this morning) but I fell off the diet wagon on friday through to yesterday big time. I was REALLY bad - think about 3000 calories yesterday alone...

I'll not go on bout it, you can read the full rant on my blog haha but I just wanted to know what you think about my weigh in. Do I do it today and depress myself with the probable pound or two I've gained this weekend from food along with the muscle weight that's probably going to have been caused by the first week of the shred? Or do I put this down to experience, learn from my mistakes and my shame, write last week off as a lost cause and work hard at both the diet and the exercise this week and weigh in next Tuesday instead?

All advice much appreciated - thanks!!


  • bambam32
    bambam32 Posts: 20
    Record it so you see it every time you visit the sight to remind you about falling off the wagon and how hard it is to make up for the slip. Don't let it discourage you. Just use it as a reminder to do better. That works for me...
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    i would weigh in today and deal with the result. it maybe that the weight gain isnt as bad as you anticpated and at least you have been true to yourself. the only way is up :wink:
  • eleanorrachel
    I would say you should weigh in. Then you know how it has affected you. Also if you only weigh at the end of next week then you wont be able to see how you've lost the excess weight from the weekend.
    Just be prepared before you step on the scales and let it help get you motivated for next week :)
  • bikinimission
    Thanks guys, I know you're right! Will weigh in at lunch and then stick the print out on my desk as a reminder of my wobble!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Do both. :) Weigh in (you may be surprised) AND THEN let it go and move on. You aren't going to eat perfectly for the rest of your life... showing yourself you can recover from little set backs is a valuable lesson that you need to learn if you are going to be successful long term.

    Forgive yourself for the slip, and be proud of yourself that you didn't let it defeat you.
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    I agree, I would do the weigh in - if its bad it might deter you next time you are about to fall off the wagon! But then let it go, we can't be good every single day and at least you have continued exercising and should be proud of that :-)
  • jenniferolg
    jenniferolg Posts: 14 Member
    I suggest that you recognize last week as a valuable experience where you chose to eat more food than what is recommended on your food plan and wonder why. In what ways did you benefit from the extra food? In what ways can you get the same benefit next time without the food, but with some other method? Where you thrown into an unanticipated stressful situation and the food helped calm you down? Were you under work pressure? Was it peer pressure? Were you in a situation where your usual foods weren't available to you?

    There is no need for shame, just understanding.

    Best wishes,

    Jennifer OLG
  • jenniferolg
    jenniferolg Posts: 14 Member
    Great advice!
  • bikinimission
    Thanks guys for all the advice - I can't blame stress, emotions or anything like that it was really just being faced with the opportunity to eat tasty but unhealthy food combined with a lack of will power and a 'sod it' i've already been bad I might as well be really bad attitude.

    I've learned my lesson though, just stood on the scales to find +5 lbs.

    I think you're all right though and I'm glad I weighed in. Seeing that has shocked me into the realisation that if I don't put in the work in exercise AND diet, i'm not going to see the results. Roll on next Tuesday!
  • lisa06b
    lisa06b Posts: 11
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do." ~ CONFUCIUS~ I know when I "fall" if I drink alot of water 100+ oz it seem to help with the weight gain, my body holds so much more water when I eat poorly....so by drinking a ton of water/green tea I see a drop of two to three lbs over night.
  • bikinimission
    Thanks for the tip, I was actually thinking the same and have been drinking a LOT of water this morning (some of which may actually have contributed to the extra 5lbs - well maybe!) I hope that a low carb, high water, high exercise week should see me back on the straight and narrow!