Please help Im so confused!

anon86_x Posts: 26 Member
I suffer from disordered eating binging purging, chewing spitting etc, and it was costing me a fortune obviously playing havoc with my insulin levels and i was either putting on weight or staying the same. No matter how much exercise I did, and i was going to the gym 4-5 days a week for an hour doing cardio , resistance and weights. Not sure how many calories i was actually consuming because of the purging.

So desperate to get out of this cycle I stated Atkins 4 days ago and have not felt too much hunger ive not binged or purged anything which is big for me, cos this was really effecting my life, however now Im getting carb withdrawal symptoms headaches light headiness, fatigue unable to exercise, very depressed. So i thought i can't do this anymore.

Will try and go to a normal healthy 1650 kcal balanced diet tommorow but my fear is ive messed up my hormone levels so much by this point that i will end up eating too much and starting the binging cycle again. anyone got any advice?



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Just take one day at a time. Keep an open diary - if you know people are watching you might be less likely to binge?
  • angelaanhela
    angelaanhela Posts: 111 Member
    By cutting out carbs ANYONE is going to have hormone changes and carb withdrawals. Dont be scared, just know that it is all part of your body adjusting and it happens to everyone who does it. Yes your hormones are definitely going to be swinging everywhere not just for the next couple days but could be the next couple weeks as your body adjusts. Dont be scared because there are plenty of people on mfp that have been through the same thing or are going through the same thing at this moment. Yes there probably will be times where you will want to binge so think about that now and how you can be prepared to face that when it comes. There will also be times where you will feel great about what you are eating and have more energy and "feel" healthier.

    Eating disorders are definitely hard because you have to deal with the physical changes your body has to go through while also your mental changes. We cant live without food so unlike a drug we cant just go cold turkey. Even though I dont exactly have the same eating disorder, I still go through similar things with my addiction to food. I know Im not perfect and make mistakes and definitely dont know everything about health or fitness or the body, but I am a good friend if you need one. Maybe we can help each other through this.

    You are not alone, you have support and love from people who dont even know you. :)
  • anon86_x
    anon86_x Posts: 26 Member
    By cutting out carbs ANYONE is going to have hormone changes and carb withdrawals. Dont be scared, just know that it is all part of your body adjusting and it happens to everyone who does it. Yes your hormones are definitely going to be swinging everywhere not just for the next couple days but could be the next couple weeks as your body adjusts. Dont be scared because there are plenty of people on mfp that have been through the same thing or are going through the same thing at this moment. Yes there probably will be times where you will want to binge so think about that now and how you can be prepared to face that when it comes. There will also be times where you will feel great about what you are eating and have more energy and "feel" healthier.

    Eating disorders are definitely hard because you have to deal with the physical changes your body has to go through while also your mental changes. We cant live without food so unlike a drug we cant just go cold turkey. Even though I dont exactly have the same eating disorder, I still go through similar things with my addiction to food. I know Im not perfect and make mistakes and definitely dont know everything about health or fitness or the body, but I am a good friend if you need one. Maybe we can help each other through this.

    You are not alone, you have support and love from people who dont even know you. :)

    Really encouraging words, thanks for your response ! x
  • shanander
    shanander Posts: 50 Member
    IMO, If you are feeling physical problems like you describe, you may not be eating enough. I started on the slow carb diet which included beans and legumes and I was super full from protein and fat than I never had a single symptom that you described. After a few weeks I moved to more of a low carb diet. If you are feeling physically sick, you need to consume something to make your brain function, like healthy fats and proteins. You are probably not consuming enough calories, fat and protein.

    When I was younger, I had eating disorders. I hope you are seeing someone to help make sure you are doing ok through the dieting process to ensure you are not starving yourself nor binging (I have done both)

    What you will feel no matter what is a desire to eat carbs and junk and after 2-4 days that should go away as you will realize that it's mental to eat out of borem as well as sugar (and carbs) make you crave sugar and carbs.

    Good Luck! If you are struggling, check out slow carb (4 hour body). I had issues doing low carb in the past but after reading the 4 hour body, I realized I wasn't doing it right! This way worked well for me and I still lost a good amount of weight.