haters at gym!!



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I don't think this happens, at least not openly, at my gym. I live in a small town, we're all going to see each other again and again, and people are openly supportive when someone new is trying to make healthy changes.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    There's girls at the gym?!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Been going to my gym for 5 days a week, the last 20 months, fat and slim and I have never heard anyone bad mouthing another member.

    Don't let negative posts or comments put you off joining a gym, it can change your life for the good and most people I have met there are friendly and supportive.
  • HoneyPie99
    Well I joined a class at the Y and its 2 times a week..I am the oldest and fattest one. I can not do what everyone else can do. I have to talk myself into going every time . This is my second week. Very intimidating for me.
  • LizLeigh19
    LizLeigh19 Posts: 28 Member
    That is beyond irritating! That's why heavier people stop going to the gym. Luckily, the gym I go to, there's a ton of supportive people. Even the girl behind the front desk who's in good shape is super nice and genuinely sincere and she's good conversationalist while on the treadmill or bike :)
  • JanaBadd
    JanaBadd Posts: 1 Member
    Thank You!! It took me two years to get up the courage to go to the gym because I was afraid of people seeing how fat I am. But eventually I decided that I didn't care let them giggle at my jiggles. When I see anyone bigger than I am at the gym I am soooo happy for them. I want to congratulate them though if anyone did that to me I would die of embarrassment!!
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    I know the feeling. I am a 52 y/o guy. Just recently decided to go to the gym because I can not afford to live and eat the wait I used to. I am one of the very few guys that go to Zumba class.

    The majority of the people there are young. Last night when the class was over I was leaving the gym and I overheard 3 lady's speaking. One of them was telling to the others "Did you see the old guy dancing?, he should be with the seniors at the swimming class". And they laughed, not out laud but they did. They were gossiping. A somewhat cruel comment but that did not bother me. Not cruel bacause they classified me as a senior. That does not bother me at all. Just because I think they should show more respect to others, to everyone and they should not be making fun of others humans being.

    Of course they did not realized that I was walking behind them and I was the only guy at the class so definitely they were talking about me.

    I did not get offended, I am happy with myself. I started the gym (only one month ago).

    But I always speak up my mind so I walked faster and when they realized I was almost behind them they all suddenly stop talking.

    I told them that is that is a problem they will have to get used it because I will be there for a long time or perhaps they should change classes if they were not comfortable.

    I don't focus on anyone but myself. I have workouts to do and that is all I care. Like somewhat here mentioned before, it is just pure ignorance.

    Good for you!! I find that when men show up in my Zumba classes that they're the most popular people in the class, no matter what the age! Hey, who doesn't love dancing their butt off?

    I definitely overhear snitty, vindictive women gossiping about others in the class, and I just feel sorry for them...

    Keep up the good work and your positive attitude!!
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    People are judgemental by nature it can be anything from height, weight, race, religion, orientation, age, or culture. I say live and let live - I largely ignore the judgemental type and do what I need to do in any setting.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It really bothers me when girls talk **** about other girls at the gym. That skinny girl wearing the spandex pants and tank top who comes to walk the treadmill maybe doesn’t have the ability to run 5 minutes. That bigger girl who you think shouldn’t be wearing a tight top finally got the confidence to do so. That girl who wears makeup maybe has no self-esteem and thats the only way she’ll go to the gym. Regardless, what others are wearing or doing at the gym shouldnt affect why youre there. Stop putting a label on everyone because fitness is a lifestyle that should be welcoming to everyone.

    Nice to see a positive post.


    Odd. I actually interpreted it as a fairly negative post...just directed at certain/other people.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    I kept out of the gym for 6 months because of my own insecurities. I finally joined the Y in January and slowly encouraged myself to use the treadmill, elliptical *Which I LOVE* and the bikes. I got comfortable and really didn't care what others thought and just worked out. Last Sunday I got really crazy and did a Zumba class and a HIT Spartacus class. Boy did I have fun AND I realized that NO ONE cared what I looked like. They were all too busy trying to follow the teacher and keep up with their own workout. I wish I had that confidence 6 months ago but I have it now :) Nothing will stop me ever again.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I'm too busy working out at the gym to pay attention to who says what and what anyone else is doing.
  • rachaelheaney
    Love this! I wear makeup to the gym because I have really bad acne and acne scarring and literally cannot leave the house without it covered. Although sometimes I do "judge" the girls with a crapton of eyeliner/lipstick on. But for all I know they could only be able to come straight after work and not have time to take it off, so I've been checking myself recently. :laugh:
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Us girls are very competative. However, not all of us are down right rude or mean. :bigsmile:
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    Only thing that really bugs me is when people leave a puddle of back sweat on the machines and walk away like they don't see it. OR - totally forgot deodorant that day. I also hate when there's a 1 hr long line for zumba... But I got royally ripped for being "unsupportive to my fellow gym-goers" for that one; so I'm kindly moving away from that topic.

    Please, please... just wipe the backrest off. And thank you. :)
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    This is why I've decided on creating a home gym. As much motivation it can be going to a proper one and meeting people, it could be devastatingly dismotivating as well..

    Make your own motivation, girl! They look at me and laugh til I do a 1/2 getup with a 35 lb kettleball dangling over my head or deadlift 105 lbs! I've earned their respect now because I come consistently and always beat my last lift. That's what people notice!! And the comments from that are so motivating and so worth the other sideways looks!! Those looks don't come from the regulars anymore. I love my smalltown gym!! :wink:
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I dislike the people that complain about the 'new year brigade'. What they're really saying is "I'm so awesome that I come to the gym all year round and I'm better than the people that come in after new years for a month".

    I prefer the term 'Resolutionary Army'.

    I think women in general need to just do what they need to do. People judge. Just get over that, you can't control them.

    I am reasonably sure that those in this thread claiming never to judge others actually do, on occasion, in other places if not at the gym. I'm the 44 year old fat lady telling off the dudes for unracking my weights (and not unracking thiers). Just grow some ovarys and do what you gotta. Or hide in your house. Your call.

    That said, as I said in another thread, I'm not likely to notice you for any reason other than 'that chick is doing something weird'. I'm the fat girl, why am I gonna judge for that? I'm the chick who has turned up in full makeup after work (before I switched to mornings) so who cares. Half the girls in there are texting or standing about oogling the guys, so that's pretty normal. Fat or skinny people in classes are always there. I was one and I'm heading for the other. I'm also the chick with a back injury that runs no more than 1 1/2 minutes at a time and I know for an absolute fact people have noticed and maybe even commented. If they were to comment to me, depending on my mood and their tone, my response would range from a short explanation to a terse get ******. But that's just me.

    People are sensitive and get their feelings hurt, that's not news.. They whine and make excuses - "people are meeean so I can't gooooo". Then don't, so long as you do smoething else. Or not. It's your life, really. I got things to do and I'm too busy to care..

    But if you do something seriously strange, I'll notice. I might even laugh. Or post about it later. Things like working out in flipflops or doing bicep curls in the squat rack (though genearlly these aren't girls) or wearing enough perfume to make me look around for Pepe LePew, or any of the other seriously non-standard behaviour I've seen out there. Guess I'm a hater that's gonna hate. *shrug*
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    Love this!
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I dislike the people that complain about the 'new year brigade'. What they're really saying is "I'm so awesome that I come to the gym all year round and I'm better than the people that come in after new years for a month".

    Well, you know what? People who commit to something year-round ARE cooler than dilettantes who make a "resolution" that they keep for three days between January 1st and January 15th.

    I'm perfectly supportive of anybody starting at any other time and only working out for a day or an hour or whatever they can manage. I love seeing new people who are just starting out - it's so inspiring. I just don't like fighting for a treadmill in early January.

    No...you are so totally wrong. Everyone has to start somewhere and as a certified personal trainer and GX instructor for 16 years I always hoped that the New Years resolution would stick. True, for many it doesn't. But at least they made the attempt. Fighting for that treadmill, or in my case having regulars complain when they couldn't get a bike in my Spinning class because they didn't get to the gym on time forced me to remind them that at one time, they were the new ones.

    (Unless of course, you were born in the gym).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Never heard of this happening....

    Was going to say the same thing. I love my gym...everyone I've encountered has been pretty cool...there's even this awesome 65 year old lady who's in there every Thursday and she just rocks the hula hoop for about 30 minutes non-stop while belting out whatever she's listening to on her head phones. It's awesome.

    Maybe my gym is weird, but everyone there seems to be pretty cool...no haters that I've ever encountered.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Haha, that's why I go into the Cardio Cinema, just work out in the dark and watch a movie. XD No judgement.