tired and frustrated

so frustrated right now, i've been on mfp for 4 weeks and at first the weight was coming off pretty good. I've been tracking my calories (which is driving my husband crazy, lol) and exercise 30 mins. a day. i even change up my exercise, but for some reason i'm stuck, nothing has changed over a week. Even looking at myself in the mirror, i look and feel the same. Sometimes i feel like throwing in the towel, .......it's driving me nuts!!!!! it's very hard to get motivated when nothing is happening.....


  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    OK - you say nothing is happening - yet your profile shows you have lost 7 lbs..in 4 weeks! :noway: Perhaps you are obsessing waaaay too much and that may be driving you and hubby crazy. :explode:
    Step back, breathe & focus. The weight di not come on overnight - so ...chill. :wink:
    You are doing an absolutely fantastic job!!
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Whatever you do don't QUIT!

    I was at that point just last week but I kept going and what do you know 1/2 pound lost. Yes it's small but its 1/2 pound closer to my goal.

    Also be sure that you're eating enough to support your exercise. I kept cutting my calories and increasing my exercise and that is what got me into trouble as soon as is started to eat 100-200 more calories a day i started to lose again.

    Hang in there. You've got 4 weeks behind you DON'T THROW IT AWAY!
  • jessicakate26
    Hang in there!!!! You seriously can do it and dont throw in the towel!!! Just think...you're totally changing your life for the better...theres no reason to go back down that unhappy path! Good call switching up the exercise...maybe switch up some foods - do you feel like you have been eating the same thing? Sometimes I get into a rut where I feel like I eat the same thing over and over again...our bodies love change so definitely try to work in some new and different exercise and maybe some different food choices - shock the body:wink:
    And I 100% hear you about your husband going nuts about your tracking...my fiance (husband this saturday!!!) gets the same way when we're out and I take out my iphone to track things! But hey...we're doing it for all the right reasons!!

    End of the day...dont give up...we're only human and things are never perfect! It will totally turn around...so keep you head up!:flowerforyou:
  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    I know it's tough, but try to be patient. Stick to your formula of calories in less than calories out and you will lose weight. As you've seen, it's not a steady even pattern of weight loss measured in the short term, but over the longer term (months not weeks) the system works. Trust it and think long term. Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll do great!
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Totally feel for you, I have reached a bit of a plateau at the moment and it is soooo frustrating! But I just keep thinking it has to change, when you compare your eating/exercise habits now to what you did before, you have to start noticing the results, right? Good luck x
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    maybe you need to add in some extra exercise? like a 20 minute walk or something to keep your metabolism going all day? Also, how many calories are you eating?
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    Hello there, try not to get so frustrated. There are tons of possibilities to factor in here, and I'm sure other members will start listing those off for you based on their own experiences! I noticed that you have much less weight to lose than a lot of other people on here, and that makes a difference for sure. The initial weight always come off faster than the rest of it, but I wouldn't get discouraged. It takes time, and 7lbs in a month is great! Think of this as a lifestyle change, not just a quick loss of some pounds. Retraining yourself to eat healthy, exercise, and make good choices is going to be way more beneficial than only losing weight. As for your progress, what kind of exercise are you doing? If it's just cardio, then I would suggest adding weight training. That will help you tone up and gain muscle as well as burn calories. That will help you see more visible results. Also, make sure you're drinking lots of water, watch your sodium intake, and go back into your food diary and see if there's anything that, looking back, you would change if you could. I think that you are on the right track, and like I said before, the weight you've lost already is awesome, so be happy! Good luck to you =)
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    while it is important to track macros and stay within the guidelines...

    make sure your giving your body adequate amounts of nutrients an vitamins....


    spread your meals out....eat 300-400 cals every 2-3 hours.....

    you will burn more calories, and your metabolism will shred anything yo0u put in it.

    without a defined idea of what your macros look like hour by hour and what exactly your eating, we cant really help....im here for advice...but don't quit....

    how much weight have you lost? sometimes i get very tunnel visioned on my body- but you can't allow that to happen. if 2 pounds a week is coming off...its coming off somewhere and you just have to trust that overall and given enough time, you'll start to notice!!!

    hang with it, and adjust as you see fit...eat lean proteins and slow digesting carbs!
  • devoneyk
    devoneyk Posts: 15
    Wow this was me 2 weeks ago. For almost two weeks I stayed at the same weight and when I got on the scale I had even gained a pound back. I was so frustrated!! But I knew that if I just kept doing what I was doing my body would catch up. Last week finally I lost 1.5 pounds.

    Don't give up and just keep doing what your doing. Watch your sodium intake and drink your water. You will see this won't last forever! Keep at it this is a life change, and first and foremost you are making healthier choices :smile: Make sure you are eating 5x a day, if you regularly give your body a few good healthy snacks during the day it feels like food is always available and will start to burn the fat for energy! You're doing great! Just keep at it, and you will get there! Slow and Steady wins the race :flowerforyou:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    Did you start your weight loss routine 4 weeks ago, or did you just start using MFP 4 weeks ago? Well, either way maybe the first month and a half is the weirdest. Initially the awesome weight loss you see is water weight and after a couple weeks of that you get to where your body has to accept the changes you're making. Your body has gotten used to you not eating right or exercising, and then all of a sudden you start doing the right thing so your body kinda pauses and goes "is she really going to stick with this?" and when it's convinced you will, the weight starts coming off again. It can take around 6-8 weeks before your body accepts the change. I've read that this happens for alot of people and it's exactly how it worked out for me. So hang in there! Either way you're doing something great for yourself!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Hate when that happens. There's a great post in the BLOGS section someone wrote about breaking through plateaus that I think is really helpful

  • roderick_stacey
    roderick_stacey Posts: 20 Member
    Wouldn't it be worse to gain back what you lost. I just did this last july I stopped exercising and gained back almost all the 20 I had lost. I thought I wasn't losing either but now when all the fat is back I can feel it and am now starting all over again.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    You have to relax a bit. It was a week.

    You've lost 7 pounds in 4 weeks with only 23 pounds total to lose? That's very fast actually and your body is likely trying to balance out right now.

    Chill out. Stress adds weight, just throwing that out there.
  • colekay
    colekay Posts: 34
    Thanks so much for all the positive responses :smile: i have to keep telling myself it's only been a week and to hang in there,....when i started I would drink soda pretty much all day so I think alot of the weight that came off so quickly was i switch to just water. i'm taking in about 1400 calories and burn about 200/300 everyday I'm a stay at home mom so it's hard to find time to exercise so I do alot of walking at night and Just dance on the wii. I"m wondering if working out at night could be the problem too, because i heard the best time was first thing in the morning.....thanks again for all the support and congrats on your wedding jessicakate :)