
I have found myself stress eating an awful lot lately. I started back up on mfp about a week ago. I had a baby who is now just about 6 months. I want to start eating better and losing the weight I had BEFORE I got pregnant with her. I only gained 19 pounds while pregnant with her and lost it about 6 weeks after having her. NOW I'm back to trying to lose the weight I had before I got pregnant. What you do to stop stress eating? I will eat supper then find myself thinking.... Hmm I could go for some cheese or some chocolate or something. even though I may not even be hungry. I drink tons of water, but still stuck! I know I'm going to have bad days/weeks and I just have to jump back into the swing of things. I'm so scared of failure and I'm scared I will end up failing. I have failed myself for so long and I need/ want to get healthy. HELP!


  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Schedule a night time snack you have after dinner and before bed. That way after dinner you have your snack to look forward to instead of eating dinner and thinking about food for 4 hours
  • TooLeftFeet
    TooLeftFeet Posts: 139 Member
    keep your hands busy. I find that I eat a lot more when i'm bored. Or when I'm watching TV
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I'm really bad about stress eating too. Maybe try replacing your stress food with something harmless? Every time you want to stress eat make a pot of coffee instead and drink that.