How should I plan my week nutritionally?

Hi! I am in high school right now, and I have used MyFitnessPal for the past two years. I had my ups, and my downs, and my ups some more, but now I am getting back on track and starting to eat healthier (with the exception of this past week) That is why I am asking for your help!

I figured what would be perfect for me is to track everything and have a pre-selected menu for the week. Generally, my breakfasts consist of orange juice and cereal, which is simple and quick, so I am really looking for ideas for lunch. Calorie wise, 400-500 calories for lunch is perfect and 500-1000 for dinner is on target. I don't really eat fish, but other than that, I will try most foods!

Give me your ideas! Maybe we can exchange in this forum!!


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I looked at a day in your diary. It looks like you need to change your goals to include tracking on protein, and then possibly try to eat more protein, especially at breakfast. Not sure since its not tracking on your diary right now.

    Some staples to consider:
    Protein-greek yogurt, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs
    Carbs-brown rice, quinoa, barley
    Fruits and vegetables (really whatever you like) try to get in 5 servings a day.

    I like to fix a very balanced meal at dinner (like turkey breast, greens, barley) but make enough for 4 or 5 servings, then portion it out for lunches.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and then you can read my diary for ideas or PM me with ?s.
  • beccami768
    beccami768 Posts: 5 Member
    What works best for me is to pack my lunch for the entire week on Sunday. I usually do the following:

    Pick One-pita bread, low carb tortilla, flat bread (stay under 100 cal)

    Pick One-ground turkey cooked with a taco seasoning packet (you can portion a lb into 9 servings, hickory smoked tuna, chicken breast


    Salsa or teaspoon of mayo (I only use mayo if I am having tuna)

    slice of kraft cheese

    As a side snack with my lunch I usually have a 60 calorie pudding, hummus with carrot chips, or blue diamond nut thin crackers with laughing cow cheese.

    I also pack snacks for mid morning and mid afternoon...usually a fiber one bar, almonds, trail mix

    This all gets prepared and portioned on Sunday so I don't have to think about it all week...having a plan helps me to really stay focused and on track.

    Hope this helps!!
  • Before I joined this forum I lost 43 pounds following the 17 day diet. I recommend looking for a copy of that book and you will see how easy it is to plan your daily meals. Breakfast should include some protein, a piece of fruit and some greek yoghurt. Lunch - more lean protein and veggies and supper the same thing. Also, find some kind of fish that you can learn to like. For me it was haddock loins. Good luck.