Bad day..



  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Ok. Got my thoughts together a little bit. OP, there are some really cruel, nasty people in the world. That was true in the past, true today. I know you were really hurt, and rightfully so. This guy was totally out of line. I think you handled it with class by maintaining your composure and holding your smile. Sometimes it's harder & takes more discipline, and character, to NOT say or do something ugly in a situation like this.

    Keep on with your goals & don't let this stranger derail you.

    Big hugs.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    So, today at work an outpatient walked onto my unit while I was at the desk mistaking it for the clinic where he had an appt. I explained to him where the correct area was.. blah blah.

    HOWEVER, then the dude proceeds to tell me that "You need to exercise" My response.. Why do you think that? *with a smile remaining on my face* His response, "Because you work at one of the busiest hospitals in the nation and the hospital holds health highly and since you work here you need to represent that".. and I still smile.. and then he thanks me

    and goes on his merry way..

    ....not knowing that his comments REALLY hurt my feelings. This guy knows NOTHING about me. He doesnt know I AM exercising or that I have lost weight. I have been overweight my WHOLE life and so has my family. Ugh, I struggle so badly with my weight AND my low self esteem. Needless to say, I am feeling really down.

    Basically he was pissed because you made him feel stupid, then he proceeded to insult you to make him feel better about himself. Believe me, he knew his comments hurt you because he did it on purpose.

    Please don't let a douchbag like that make you feel bad. He's a pathetic excuse for a human. The only mistake you made was being way too nice to him and playing into his rude comment. A comment like that deserves no response. It was such a rude unexpected comment you were caught off guard and it's our natural response to try to be nice. Next time just ignore him until he leaves or call security if he insists on getting a reaction out of you.

    Keep doing what you're doing and forget about this jerk. :flowerforyou:
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Keep on keeping on and you'll continue making progress, which will make him look even more like an *kitten*!


    (Oh man that didn't sound so cheesy in my head)
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I really admire you for smiling through it at him-had it been me, I probably would have broken down and cried right in front of him.
    Don't let the *kitten* of life get to you-you are losing weight for a healthier you, and thats all that's important. And I bet your family friends and family are damn proud of you.
    Keep your head up xo
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    People like that are just miserable and unhappy with themselves and deflecting it onto you. Don't let it get to you!!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.

    You frequently miss the sarcasm bus, don't you?
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.

    You frequently miss the sarcasm bus, don't you?

    It is possible that YOU may have missed it.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    What an *kitten*.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    It is possible that YOU may have missed it.

    Ha, I bet you claim to speak sarcasm as a second language.

    OP, I am sorry that people are jerks.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.

    You frequently miss the sarcasm bus, don't you?

    It is possible that YOU may have missed it.

    Actually, she drives the sarcasm bus and just ran you over.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.

    You frequently miss the sarcasm bus, don't you?

    It is possible that YOU may have missed it.

    Actually, she drives the sarcasm bus and just ran you over.

    Hold on, I am busy consoling a friend. Someone just called him fat and he is crying.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    There are going to be people like that that will come and go in our lives.....just know that YOU know what you are doing, and sometimes that needs to be enough....I know it hurts...been there, done that....I work in a gym for crying out loud...try being 220+ needing to still lose 60 pounds give or take and work in a gym :sad: but with that said, I just have to keep telling myself that I used to weigh 283 at my all time high so I have come a long way and I am not going to let some ignorant poo head defeat me that easily.....
    You are doing great, dont let anyone tell you otherwise....and NEVER EVER EVER EVER LET ANYONE MAKE YOU FEEL 'less than'!!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That's really crappy, considering you ARE working on it and you HAVE made progress. Kinda takes the wind out of your sails, huh? That guy is a miserable jerk with absolutely no sense of manners and decorum. There's a lot of stuff I think in my head that I would never say out loud. (For example, I would have thought he was an A-hole, but I wouldn't say it to his face.) He should have kept his ugly mouth shut.

    You know the truth and that's what matters. Don't let some ignorant, self-righteous *kitten* bring you down. Just keep up the good work and the next time someone says something stupid just look them in the eye and with no expression or emotion say, "I'll give that suggestion all the consideration it deserves."
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    The TRUTH. Cuts like a knife.

    Imagine what he DIDN'T say to you.

    You mean something like, "Sorry for being a massive neanderthal," right? The OP is working towards her goal and making progress; no need for her to hear "the TRUTH" from some uncouth IDIOT.

    I thought the same thing. What a douche.

    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.

    Yes, thank you for your sage wisdom and advice. Now I can free myself of these dang rose-colored glasses and see the world for what it truly is.

    There ya go. You are moving in the right direction now.

    You frequently miss the sarcasm bus, don't you?

    It is possible that YOU may have missed it.

    Actually, she drives the sarcasm bus and just ran you over.

    Hold on, I am busy consoling a friend. Someone just called him fat and he is crying.

    You're incredibly rude.
  • happy_heart_jen
    happy_heart_jen Posts: 30 Member
    That completely sucks! But you are right he doesn't know you or what you are accomplishing and how hard you are working. Let him and his comments go. I know how you feel I also work in an outpatient setting and had a guy in front of a group turn and tell me I look like a woman who doesn't miss many meals. It sucks, it's embarrassing, and it should never happen. You handled yourself well. Keep moving forward!!!!!!
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    Remember, how others treat you is a reflection of who they truly are and how you respond/react is a reflection of who you truly are.
  • I know how you feel and I tend to do the same thing. But please don't give your power away. YOU know you have been exercising and eating right. Think of all of us who support you and the people in your circle who love you. Let him go, look up, and never surrender to despair.
  • MandyPhoe
    MandyPhoe Posts: 94 Member
    So, today at work an outpatient walked onto my unit while I was at the desk mistaking it for the clinic where he had an appt. I explained to him where the correct area was.. blah blah.

    HOWEVER, then the dude proceeds to tell me that "You need to exercise" My response.. Why do you think that? *with a smile remaining on my face* His response, "Because you work at one of the busiest hospitals in the nation and the hospital holds health highly and since you work here you need to represent that".. and I still smile.. and then he thanks me

    and goes on his merry way..

    ....not knowing that his comments REALLY hurt my feelings. This guy knows NOTHING about me. He doesnt know I AM exercising or that I have lost weight. I have been overweight my WHOLE life and so has my family. Ugh, I struggle so badly with my weight AND my low self esteem. Needless to say, I am feeling really down.

    First off, I need to commend you on your professionalism while on your job. Some of us may cry, defensive or even get aggressive. You didn't. You handled the situation like a trooper. For that, you have shown why you are an asset to your hospital. You can never control how people behave but you have all the power in the universe to control yourself..... you did it.

    That unkind man was just the tiniest fragment of your work life, and I am sure that you are an individual that recognizes that work is just one aspect of your life. Hopefully this puts into perspective for you, how inconsequential one person who doesn't have enough social grace to keep his unwarranted opinions to himself is.

    Go to sleep tonight knowing that you are professional individual. Feel good about the things that you have achieved and are proud of. Remember that people like the horrid man exist and if the highlight to their day is to dish out unwarranted remarks about people's appearance, they must lead rather depressing lives themselves. Finally, wake up tomorrow knowing that you have the power to put this behind you and charge forward to a healthier you.

    I hope this helps in making you feel better.