Bad day..



  • Heathlington
    Heathlington Posts: 2 Member
    what a douche!! thats when you tell him you accidentally gave him the wrong directions, and proceed to lead him in a direction that will get his butt lost! ;P seriously though, you did a wonderful job being the bigger person in that situation when im sure that what i suggested is exactly what you felt like doing. dont let him get your spirit down, you know what you have accomplished and he is just a minor blip to try and discourage you. forget him!
  • twessel20
    twessel20 Posts: 1 Member
    I work in the health care industry and our main philosophy is always put the citizens/costumers first. I can appreciate your story about the rude person you interacted with. Professionals in the health care field, such as yourself, are subject to people like this more often than not. Most people's day who are in this type of field is typically filled with rude people that most others don't have to deal with. Healthcare seems to be a thankless career. So first off thank you for what you do. Secondly, most people see the desk position and not the actual person behind it. Should you take this interaction personally, as I would, I would turn that feeling you have now into more motivation than you had before. I think deep down, when we all join this endeavor we all have that one individual in our mind which really burns us. If this helps at all, turn that feeling you have now and use it to stoke the fire!!!!!!

    Good luck!!!!!!
  • healthilybeautiful
    healthilybeautiful Posts: 8 Member
    Do not let ignorant comments keep you down. People will discourage you throughout life but that does not mean stop. Keep going and when you have met your weight goal he will have nothing to say. You can't control what people are going to say and think but you can control your happiness and destiny. Be happy that you arent't as ignorant as some of the people in the world now a days! Good luck and you can do it!
  • Fraileya19
    Thank you all for the support. I did need to vent and reading your responses has made me feel a lot better. And looking back, I did impress myself by staying professional and not tearing into the dude and telling him the TRUTH.
  • Marcellus_08
    Thank you all for the support. I did need to vent and reading your responses has made me feel a lot better. And looking back, I did impress myself by staying professional and not tearing into the dude and telling him the TRUTH.


    To be honest I'm sure he meant well ( pg3ibew). I think if he knew it would hurt your feelings or someone would take it wrong he wouldn't of said it. I'd like to think that anyways. I do agree with his second statement of "Imagine what he didn't say to you." The person must be a complete *kitten* for saying what he said to you. Sadly we can't control what others do.

    You've been my MFP friend for like two years. I've seen how well you do. Don't let people hurt your feelings even tho it is easier said then done. <3 take care love.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Obnoxious jerk. Some people just like to judge others without even knowing them and this is something I will never get haha IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.

    You should have replied 'I DO.' with a self-righteous smile on your face because you deserve to!! You are so strong to have kept your cool and conversed with him with a smile on your face!! Who cares what he thinks, if he is such a person then you don't need to waste your time fretting over what he said!
    All that matters is that everyday you are getting stronger, healthier, happier :) (While he continues going around offending people with his lack of EQ)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Life AIN'T all rainbows and unicorns kids.
    True. But courtesy and etiquette are options.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • makaiya
    makaiya Posts: 80 Member
    This is where I would have replied with, "It's a shame your assoholism is showing. You should get that checked out."
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    This is where I would have replied with, "It's a shame your assoholism is showing. You should get that checked out."

    ^^^This!!! Best response so far lmao
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    Not sure how people get through life just saying whatever comes to their little pea brain head. They chalk it up to speaking their mind. Noooo its not cool. Usually they are covering for a large inadequacy but in his case its a very small one. I'm sorry he said that to you honey. He's a horrible person & is probably going to hell. Feel better.

    Agreed! When I read what he said to you I just thought a long line of expletives I won't post here lol. Where do people get off thinking they have the right to judge you on appearance alone? If you think something like that keep it to yourself. How many doctors have I seen who smoke, drink, have potbellies; doesn't mean you can take shots at them for being 'bad examples for their profession.' its their life, no one else's. If a personal trainer eats a cupcake do we have a right to jump on him about it and attack his 'bad example' food choices? it was very professional and strong of you to keep a smile on; you should be proud of yourself for rising above his idiocy!