IUD vs. the Pill



  • littlebre33
    littlebre33 Posts: 318
    I was on Alesse (a low dose birth control) and I didn't seem to gain much weight at all, it helped decrease the heaviness of my period, but on the other hand I also got pregnant with my 5 month old son..lol..

    I now have the Copper IUD and so far the only issue i have is that you occasionally have some light spotting between periods, which is kinda awkward at times. I wanted to try the Mirena but my OB/GYN recommended the copper as I have had a child before.

    Good luck!! and at the end of the day..it may suck to gain a few pounds from a contraceptive but trust me you would gain 10 times more weight getting pregnant.. and the weight after the baby is sooooo much harder to lose :)
  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    hmm i have had mine for 2/5 years, was told it was painful to be put in, but actually except for a pinch, no big deal. have not gained weight or noticed any change in acne.. gone are the cramps and all the rest of the unpleasantness...but truly i think it works differently for every woman, i have had a side effect, but decided the side effect was easier to put up with than an actual period. research and hopefully you have a great doctor,
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    Done the pill since 14 (bad periods), did the IUD in my late 20's (removed because of infection). In my late 30s/early 40's it was the depo shot (loved that, no periods). Finally switched to Mirena Jan 2011. Have spotting, not enough even for a pad, but sometimes it's for 10 days in a row, then it's months with nothing.

    I've been heavy all my life, I've gained and lost with all the methods I've tried. I finally got serious this January and seem to be loosing appropriate to the effort I'm doing (diet and exercise). No acne. So I guess it just depends on you. Hopefully you'll have no issues.

    Good Luck!
  • Considering cost, I think it's worth a try. I'm currently rotating at OB-GYN clinic right now and I've heard good feedback from patients regarding IUD. Most providers recommend it too; they said overall they have seen the least side effects from the IUD. I should warn you about the pain, most women who never had kids had a tough time with it but since you said you have a high tolerance for pain I think you should be okay :) If in doubt, you may ask your provider for a low dose Cytotec to soften your cervix.

    If the IUD doesn't work for you for some reason, maybe try researching Nexplanon (implantable contraception) as that could be an option for you as well (good for 3 years).
  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 25, never had a child and no skin problems besides an odd pimple with the IUD, I've had it for about 4 years. I'm not going to blame my weight gain on it because I gained about 30lbs on the depo shot and had a minor stroke because of the hormones in the depo and the pill. Mirena was my only option for a birth control method.
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    On my second IUD for 5 yrs. I had no issues with the 1 st and when time came up had second put in. I love it. I didnt have any acne and infact my periods disappeared all together. I had my first one put in in my late 20s after 3 kids. I am now 35 and i would recommend it.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Contraception effects are just going to vary person to person. I know there are copper iuds that women whom have issues with hormonal issues can use as it's hormone-free. It makes the uterus a nasty environment for sperm so it's very effective. If you're that worried about hormonal side effects talk to your doctor about that.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I have had the Paragard copper IUD since October of 2011. I love it! It was a great "almost permanent" choice for me. I hated the pill, caused me to get 25+ migraines a month for 8 years. No hormones for this chica!
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    I wanted to go onto an IUD and off the pill, as my husband and I pretty much don't want kids and I really don't want to have to think/worry about it. My doctor & her practice will not put an IUD in someone who has not given birth. According to her, and some research I've done, the failure rate is really high (70%) for women have have not given birth. Apparently your body isn't used to something way up in there (if you've had a baby, the IUD is way smaller than that, so the body ignores it) and long story short, your immune system treats it like an invader trying to get rid of it, hence why so many women (who have not given birth) have really bad side effects. Also, it's not cheap, so for what it costs and the failure rate, I decided to go with NuvaRing.

    This is wrong by the way. This is an old school belief. Older physicians tend to shy away from using IUD to nulliparous women (never had kids) because of the bad reputation of IUD. The so called "high failure rate" is only due to rejection which happens in the first few months. Even amongst nulliparous women, the rejection rate is rather low. If the IUD stays in place the effectiveness is 99.7% whether the person had kids or didn't have kids before. The size of the uterus accommodates the IUD (its very very small) unless you have a abnormally shaped uterus. By the way, I never had kids and I've had the IUD now for about 6 years (I have the copper one which last up to 10 years)
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I wanted to go onto an IUD and off the pill, as my husband and I pretty much don't want kids and I really don't want to have to think/worry about it. My doctor & her practice will not put an IUD in someone who has not given birth. According to her, and some research I've done, the failure rate is really high (70%) for women have have not given birth. Apparently your body isn't used to something way up in there (if you've had a baby, the IUD is way smaller than that, so the body ignores it) and long story short, your immune system treats it like an invader trying to get rid of it, hence why so many women (who have not given birth) have really bad side effects. Also, it's not cheap, so for what it costs and the failure rate, I decided to go with NuvaRing.

    This is wrong by the way. This is an old school belief. Older physicians tend to shy away from using IUD to nulliparous women (never had kids) because of the bad reputation of IUD. The so called "high failure rate" is only due to rejection which happens in the first few months. Even amongst nulliparous women, the rejection rate is rather low. If the IUD stays in place the effectiveness is 99.7% whether the person had kids or didn't have kids before. The size of the uterus accommodates the IUD (its very very small) unless you have a abnormally shaped uterus. By the way, I never had kids and I've had the IUD now for about 6 years (I have the copper one which last up to 10 years)

    I agree. The IUD has a very high effective rate. It's at the top of the list after sterilization.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    If you don't want the hormonal size effects of the IUD (acne, weight gain, etc.) why not try Paragard (copper IUD). That's what I have and I really have no issues with it except maybe heavier periods.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    There are conveniences and draw backs for both. IUD is nice because you don't have to worry about it. It's there and constant. The pill is nice because you can stop taking it when ever you want and it doesn't take as long to clear out of your system (in the event you want to conceive.) I found the IUD to be very painful as I attempted to have it done numerous times and it kept coming loose and causing severe hemorrhaging. Like said pro's and con's for both. I wish the IUD had worked for me :(
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have done a ton of research and had a very long conversation with my doctor. I spoke with my boyfriend about our future plans for children and we are planning on trying to conceive in around 5 years- we want to get married next summer and me go to graduate school and get that completed, then start the new chapter in our lives with children. I'm not terribly worried about the acne since I am already on medicine for it, just from the research I've done, so many people complain about the weight gain, but I think that just pops up because people complain more than praise some things? What I am hearing overall from you all is that it's give or take, but most are pleased- minus the pain.

    As for my OB/GYN- fortunately, his records are good, he's never punctured a uterus while inserting an IUD and almost all of his clients are pleased with the IUD.
  • AngelineTheBaker
    AngelineTheBaker Posts: 155 Member
    After I had my son I got Mirena, and had it removed nine months later.

    My doc told me that 50 percent of patients stop getting their period entirely. What he didn't mention is that the other 50 percent can have CONSTANT spotting. It was like having a light period for nine months.

    After switching back to Nuvaring (which I have been nothing but thrilled with) I just feel better overall.

    I swear that the IUD made me more emotional, and more hormonal, and I am not the only one to experience that -- if you read The Great Fitness Experiment blog, she had the same experience. I also gained weight even though I was eating well and running 40 miles a week.

    Everyone is different, but for me, it was terrible, and worth the money to have it removed.
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    I found it just as easy (or hard lol) to lose weight on the pill and with the IUD. I had more side effects with the IUD though and ultimately got it removed. I know some people hate the pill and love the IUD and vice versa and I just happened to do better on the pill. Weight loss though was the same for me with both.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had the Mirena placed in September 2012. Same time I started here. It hasn't caused any weight gain what so ever.
    Acne, I only get it the week before my period comes.
    My period is my only complaint thus far. It isn't tapering off (yet- it's only been 6 months).. it's a little longer and heavier (sometimes) This month has been lighter but about 9 days long. Last month is was kind of hell, and 14ish days long.

    When it was inserted, it did hurt (and I had 2 kids, both close to 10lbs, both were vaginally delivered). It was painful!!
    I was crampy for about 2 days afterwards, spotted off and on during the first 30 days, then things went back to normal.

    I love it (so far, like I said, it's only 6 months)
    I was crazy on the BCP because I wouldn't take it the same time each day, and the hormone levels were dropping and spiking at crazy times. I was a mad woman!! Now, I'm a mess (total ***** mode) the day I start, and that's it. My hubby just hides that day LOL
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I had a Mirena for almost two years. I loved it at first; no period, no spotting, but about a year and a half in, I started having really bad cramps and started getting my period again. My husband was getting fixed anyway, so I had it taken out. MD said it had migrated out of its initial spot and that was probably why I was having pain and bleeding, etc.

    My weight gain or lack of weight loss from any contraceptive was my own fault, not the pill's or the IUD's. I overate and didn't move enough. Just like there isn't a pill out there that magically makes fat disappear, there isn't one that makes fat magically appear.
  • scwilson38
    scwilson38 Posts: 104 Member
    I had horrible side effects with the pill. I had the Mirena put in after my third child and I love it. I have had it 3.5 years. Occasionally spotting for one to two days otherwise I am great. I used to have heavy bleeding so that is not a big deal for me. I have just started this weight loss journey and I have been losing weight and inches. I took an ibuprofen before the procedure and I had a little cramping but nothing major like everyone was telling me. No complaints with the Mirena. I love it!!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I switched from the pill to Paragard. The hormones made me CRAY so I wanted to try something that was hormone free.
    Insertion hurt like a b!tch, but I was told it's more painful if you haven't had kids (which I haven't). Other than that, I have no complaints. I've had it since September 2011 and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    the pill made me feel all wacky, and ruined my skin...and on top od it got me preggo lol =) so im for the n.ring all along i freakingly love it =)