Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • Hi... 46 years old.. and still on the weight loss roller coaster
  • Just joined and I am 51 years old...
  • traciemc
    traciemc Posts: 26 Member
    42 in June :)

    I've lost 66 pounds (around 30kg) over the past year or so and am now the lightest weight I've been in my adult life - for the first time in my adult life I have a weight in the normal BMI range - it only took me 40 years to do it!
  • mamamia05
    mamamia05 Posts: 82 Member
    Just turned 40 in January...tough getting these last 15 lbs off but I find the support/ friendships I've made here are priceless.
  • sunnybell
    sunnybell Posts: 1 Member
    I am 48 and still have 75 lbs to lose. Finding it very hard at this age!!!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    I'm 58 years old. Decided to go on a 3 year journey. The first year I am going to put myself in position to begin athletic training (lose weight, walk). The second year (2014) I am going to train athletically, and then in 2015, I am going to compete in the 60-64 age group in the USTA Masters Track and Field meets. I am two months into a 36 month journey, and as of now I am right on track!

    You go! That's awesome!!!! I will be 57 Sunday. I year ago last Thursday I had hip replacement surgery due to a fracture suffered 3 years prior that I didnt know happened. Been a long couple of years. My new goal is to do a Century ride Summer of 2014.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I turned 45 in January..:)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I turned 40 on the 24th February and i'm not trying to lose weight, i AM losing weight. Total change in diet and exercise regime
    my body seems to be chewing through the weight, but i was 111lbs now down to 106 in just 2 weeks so i have alot to burn..
    consequently my father is mid 60's and due to blood pressure medicine he sweats buckets and burns very little weight.but he's near healthy range
  • Angela_BB40
    Angela_BB40 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 43 turning 44 April
  • Shug_E
    Shug_E Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone..... I am 44 and desire to lose at least 100 pounds. I am setting my goals in small increments so it won't look or feel so bad to me. I have a very long journey ahead of me so please feel free to add me as your pal so that we can encourage each other during the process.
  • It takes 3500 calories BURNED to lose 1lb. for example:
    if you ate 2800 cal a day x7days = 19600 calories consumed a week
    if you burned 3200 cal a day x 7days = 22,400 calories burned a week
    22,400 -19600=2,800 net burned for the week it's not quite a lb lost but it's .8 lost

    How do you know what you burn a day? look up BMR and enter your body data. I know all the pills and stuff the world promotes sound great, none of them work, they only increase the amounts of calories burned a day by small amounts and supress your appetite, but if you don't know your basic calorie intake or your basic burn a day, nothing can help you manage the outcome. I explain this to say that I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and I work out roughly twice a week, but walk 3 miles 3 days a week in the summer............hope this helps.................
  • It takes 3500 calories BURNED to lose 1lb. for example:
    if you ate 2800 cal a day x7days = 19600 calories consumed a week
    if you burned 3200 cal a day x 7days = 22,400 calories burned a week
    22,400 -19600=2,800 net burned for the week it's not quite a lb lost but it's .8 lost

    How do you know what you burn a day? look up BMR and enter your body data. I know all the pills and stuff the world promotes sound great, none of them work, they only increase the amounts of calories burned a day by small amounts and supress your appetite, but if you don't know your basic calorie intake or your basic burn a day, nothing can help you manage the outcome. I explain this to say that I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and I work out roughly twice a week, but walk 3 miles 3 days a week in the summer............hope this helps.................
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    44, lost 20 pounds, exceeded goal. MFP is a big part of it - never thought logging can be so useful!
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Coming up to 49 in September. Lost a few stone in 2011.

    Would like new friends here.

  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    52 as of a month ago. I've lost 62 lbs It has taken me a year to loose that. I've got 38 to go. We can do this!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    46 and strong.
  • Cheryl_thoms
    Cheryl_thoms Posts: 2 Member
    57 and trying real hard to lose weight and get in shape
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Im 45...and trying to stay on track with logging and eating right. Looking for positive friends who are also trying to
    be healthy and active who we can help each other and be motivated,
  • mikester66
    mikester66 Posts: 45 Member
    I will be 47 in April:)
  • HI there - I'm 43 soon and joined in January with 145lbs to lose. Feeling really positive and determined that this year will change the rest of my life and help me enjoy the next 43!