i have a sprained knee..any ideas on how to exercise?

its a little frustrating because although im new to this i was really starting to enjoy the walking i was doing and seeing how far i can push myself. last saturday i sprained my knee and havent been able to do much...as a result i havent been eating as healthy either!

i think logging my food (good and bad) is an excellent way to keep track of what im eating, and the last few days have been an eyeopener.

anyway, im not giving up! i am determined to do this. and the knee will heal, but in the meantime does anyone have any ideas on how to exercise? thanks!


  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Honestly, I would give it time to heal and just know that once it's better - you can do more. Risking re-injury or extending the pain isn't going to help you any.

    Perhaps you can pamper your self with a long hot soak on the tub. Make sure you are doing everything you can to improve your recovery rate.

    If you are willing to risk the above, stick to light swimming or stretching, imo.
  • fayefern
    fayefern Posts: 57 Member
    your right , thanks...even though its hard, i have to be patient!
  • vanillarama
    vanillarama Posts: 101 Member
    What has your doctor said in regards to exercise?
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    I would say rest the knee - if we don't give our bodies time to heal, we end up with problems.

    That said, you could grab your weights and do upper body workouts - you can still work your arms, shoulders, chest and back and build strength and burn calories. Sit ups or leg raises might be ok too.

    Hope you heal soon!
  • themaskedpixie
    themaskedpixie Posts: 26 Member
    when it dose heal start with swimming it's low impact so it is good for not reinjuring yoru knee.
  • swimming/water walking is great for knee injuries....just don't go fast & only do 1 or 2 laps of walking at a time.

    10 minute solutions pilates video that can modify the exercises so u can still workout. it is all low impact.

    in a few weeks - start out by doing some leg raises sitting on the couch and then move into doing squats.

    also, once u r able to walk normal again, that's about the time-frame you could then start riding an exercise bike. u need to build up or quad muscles to lessen the risk of re-injury.

    hurt my knee yrs ago playing sports, did rehab, never really worked, but building my quads has really been the only help i get.

    hope this helps
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    I sprained my knee in June, so I feel your pain. After 2 weeks I started swimming, which is the recommended exercise for rehabbing a sprained knee. The other recommended exercise is riding a bike, though you should probably wait until it's been 3-4 weeks for that. You can also do things like sit ups, light yoga, bench press, bicep curls, etc. There are all sorts of exercises you can do that don't even include your knee. Best of luck!
    ETA:2 others that I did were leg raises and standing calf raises. That way I could work my legs without damaging my knee.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    if you can not wait it out try sitting down exercises like shadow boxing, weigh mahcine that focus on upper body. Maybe swimming - but I would ask a doctor first.
  • JRaeZins
    JRaeZins Posts: 171 Member
    I am a water fitness instructor and after you have rested this week, try water walking or a low impact water fitness class. Any swimming is great too. You can use a pull-bouy(a small float, if you are a member of a facility with a pool, they should have some for your use. Ask the lifeguard) between your legs and you don't even have to kick.
  • fayefern
    fayefern Posts: 57 Member
    thanks everyone! :smile: i love the support!
  • Find a good Physical Therapist. Maybe one with OCS certification. Orthopedic Clinical Specialist = OCS. This is what PT's do.
  • I totally feel your pain I've just sprained my knee and i'm in pretty damn good shape! I run, row, hike, bike! I sprained the damn thing running around doing horse play with my dog quick stops and starts with out properly warming up after sitting for a loooooong time working on term papers. It's a really mild sprain but every time I injure myself I start binge eating and gain weight super quick I know I have been doing it a little bit the last two days. For some reason my appetite increases when my exercise decreases.