Starting Exercising: Nausea and Knees?

Starting next week, I'm going to be starting up an exercise program (resistance band workout MWF, and aerobic stepping, M-F). I've tried working out in the past and two big things have contributed to me not following through and I wanted advice on it before I start up again. Please remember that I'm fairly new to this, so if I'm making a n00b mistake, please leave constructive criticism so that I can do better.

#1) Nausea: When I work out, occasionally I wind up feeling INCREDIBLY nauseous. If I make sure that I wait several hours after eating a meal, sometimes it helps. On the other hand, I've found exercising when I'm hungry, or having a bit too much water does the same. What do you guys suggest for keeping the nausea down long enough for me to finish my workout? Any tips at all are welcome.

#2) Knees: I'm fat... I've come to grips with that. For the last several years, I've had aches in my right knee (probably from mild arthritis, it runs in the family). As I've been getting heavier, it hurts if I walk around for long periods of time. Would Aerobic Stepping be considered low impact enough that it won't aggravate my knee until I lose enough weight that it won't be as much of a problem?

Also, I figured that since the pain coincided with me hitting 230+, I figured I should try and lose weight first before consulting a doctor about the pain, since it only happens when I do long periods of higher impact exercises and isn't constant. On the other hand, I know that joint pain isn't something that you screw around with since I don't want to cause permanent damage. If there are any physical therapists on the forum, I would appreciate any advice that you have.


  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    I think the nausea is a good thing, means you're pushing yourself, but it does get better as time goes by. As far as the knees, that too will get better the more weight you lose :) Just gotta stick with it!!!!
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    The nausea goes away in my experience. Perhaps you just need to build up your stamina. As for the knees, I'd suggest swimming. It's easy on the joints and still a good cardio work out. Yoga can be good too.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    When I first started exercising, I was 252 lbs. To say I had nausea and knee pain would be an under statement! But after about a week, the nausea lightened up, and after about 2 weeks, I was no longer feeling it at all, and didn't have intense knee pain anymore either. It's just your body getting used to it. You are making your body do things that it has never done before. Just stick with it, and the pain will lessen and eventually disappear!

    Good luck!
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    Sometimes I've had nausea if I so a lot of bending over and/or lying flat sorts of things -- crunches are especially bad. I found out that it is not uncommon with GERD and esophageal erosion, both of which I've had. I can do almost everything upright or on an up incline.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    For the nausea it does get better, trust me on that. Try and take small sips of water while working out instead of chugging or anything. Try not to eat anything to heavy before hand either.

    The knee pain I'm not to sure what to do about. Try ice and be careful. I had lower back pain for awhile the more I worked out the better it was.

    I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Good luck in your journey.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I am 3 weeks into the Insanity workout and I have the nausea issue sometimes too. I find it best not to workout on a full stomach, waiting 4 hours after a meal, and usually an hour before having an apple or banana or some grapes. It comes and goes depending on how hard I work so i don't know that it is necessarily a bad thing.

    As far as your knee(s) go i would suggest seeing a doctor first! Just in case there is an injury there you aren't causing any more damage that could keep you from your goals for a longer period of time. One thing to keep in mind, particularly when exercising, your knee SHOULD NOT go past your toes!!! For example, squats, your butt should go back and if you look down at your knees you can still see your toes. Knees going out over the toe can cause some pretty bad injuries!
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    I found stepping only worsened the pain in my knees. I use walking with Leslie Sansome, it is low to no impact and not as easy as it sounds.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    If it hurts, try something low impact, like biking/stationary bike, water aerobics, body weight exercises like planks, sit ups, pushups, dips, etc.

    You don't have to exercise vigorously to lose weight. Walking is fine, resistance bands are good. So is regular weight-lifing if you belong to a gym.

    Weight loss is about food. Get that under control first and foremost.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I am by no means an expert and this is just my opinion.

    Both will get better as you go.

    Do you watch the Biggest Loser? If you have ever seen the season premier you see people vomiting all over the place. You are pushing your body to make a change so the nausea is a good thing (as long as it gets better over the weeks).

    As for your knees, same deal, they will get better as well. Don't push too much on them as you don't want to cause a permanent injury. Other than a trained personal trainer, no one can tell you what exercises you can and can't do. Listen to your body, it can usually tell you what is too much and what you can do. I try and work just passed my comfort zone and increase often.

    Hope that helps!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I also have (had) really bad knees. I was very apprehensive about beginning an exercise program. After about 6 months, and a loss of near -100 pounds, I began walking last October. In November I began using an elliptical machine for 1/2 hr M-F and walking on weekends. I have added 1/2 hour on the treadmill M-F to the 1/2 hour on the elliptical in the past week, so 1 hour (well 65 minutes; 5 minute cool down) 5 days + walking on weekends. I basically exercise on an empty stomach, very early in the morning. It works best for me, but get advice from your doctor.
    BTW, my knees are 90% improved from 1 year ago. I can run up and down steps now, a year ago, I was taking each step one at a time. I got a fitbit early in February, and I absolutely love it. It challenges me and that is why I am increasing my exercise.
    Best of luck to you!
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I really don't have much in the way of advice, but I'll give it a shot.

    Nausea: I'm not sure what type of workouts you were doing when you experienced the nausea, or how long, how intense, etc. Any of those can factor in. I work out in the morning, in a "fasted" state, meaning before I eat, obviously. My workouts are generally 30-45 minutes and I do ok with that without nausea or feeling light-headed. Sometimes I *do* hear liquid sloshing around in my stomach, but other than that, I do ok. If you cannot work out in a fasted state, I really would suggest waiting for at least an hour after eating before working out, if you're eating a full meal, that is. I know a lot of people will have something small, such as a piece of fruit, granola bar, etc prior to working out. Maybe that would be something that might help you?

    Knee pain: This depends on the severity of the pain, or at least it would if it were me. If the pain is acute, definitely consult a doctor. Honestly, you may want to try getting in some "walking" type workouts prior to trying other things... See how it holds up with that. If it becomes aggravated by just doing extra walking, again, probably should consult a doctor. I was actually discussing arthritic-type knee & hip pain with a doctor yesterday and she told me that she has it too and that she does a modified step workout. So it may be something you could do, but it may be something to consult a doctor on if you have a lot of pain.

    I hope that was helpful for you. Best wishes to you for much success!
  • fishlover888
    On the nausea, I think your body will adjust but like others said I recommend having neither a full or empty stomach - I usually work out in between meals but have a small snack like an apple or banana or protein bar beforehand if it's been a while.

    As far as knees go, aerobic stepping would not be considered a low impact exercise and could aggravate them the same way that walking does. I would recommend either that you switch to elliptical, bike, swimming, water aerobics etc for low impact OR if you really think you want to stick with the stepping, use ice on the knee in an elavated position for 15 minutes afterwards.

    Either way stick with it! It's great that you made a commitment to make a positive change to your health :)
  • samanthawarren
    I used to have nausea doing certain intense exercises. It got better. I don't think I would do step aerobics if I had knee issues, or maybe use a really low step. You can also buy one of those knee braces. I know they sell them at my Walmart. I started jogging at 245. It made me so sick at first, but now I am loving it.
  • ember673
    ember673 Posts: 19 Member
    My knees hurt and make popping sounds. I'm about the same size as you and my Dr suggested rowing, walking, or biking. Hope that helps some.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    If you are pushing yourself tooooo hard, naseau will occur.(this happened to me also) You may need to start slow and build up your resistance. If you can only do 5 or 10 minutes... its more than what you did before you started. Every day or so add a minute or two. Before you know it you will be able to work out 30 minutes with no naseau.

    I find when running, half banana before I run gives me fuel without getting any GI issues. If I eat a meal, I will need to wait 3 hours before running. Have a glass of water at least 15 minutes before working out. If you are working out for more than 30 minutes, you might need a little water. Usually I can run for 60 minutes before I need any, but everyone is a little different.

    Keep at it, your resistance will build. When I started running, I couldnt run 200 feet. Within 3 months I was upto 3 miles and a year later training for a half marathon.

    I dont know about the knees, but if you have extra weight, I would think that taking off wait should help.

    Keep us posted on your progress!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're getting nauseous, try going a little easier on yourself and work up to a higher level of difficulty. I actually get really nauseous afterwards, from what I believe is exercise-induced hypoglycemia. As soon as I'm done I eat something sugary, like jelly beans.
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    as for the nausea, are you stopping abruptly after your workout? because if you don't cool down that could make you feel sick, also over hydration can cause nausea, make sure your're not drinking too much water before, during or after exercise it reduces your electrolyte levels. try sipping a gatorade after you workout
  • lgoewey36
    lgoewey36 Posts: 19
    I agree I love walking with Leslie Sampson. She is great and it is not easy. I do her three mile walk on days my knees need a rest.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    nausea for me is just part of working out it happens all the time and I just push through it to the end. Not so sure about just starting stepping if you have knee issues. I would just make sure you where good shoes and if you have pain to stop and try something lower impact until you lose some of the weight. I personally would wait before going to a doctor about it he would most likely suggest you lose weight. I would try exercises that are joint friendly and keep in mind while exercising that for every lb you lose you are taking 4lbs of pressure off of your knees.