Victorious Fitness Challenge. . .June 16

Morning! I'm up extra early because I have a writing deadline Thursday, and I work best when the house and street are quiet (so. . .that's around 4 a.m.) . So, I've now been up a disgusting four hours (or 1500 words. . too. . . .slow. . . .).

Today I'm going to spin class, and I've mutated into the sort of freak that is disappointed that this spin class is "only 45 minutes long", but I'll be walking there and back, which turns it into an hour and a half of cardio, actually.

I've stolen your marvelous idea for daily goals, Wanderin'. (at least I think it was yours) Today I also want to:

drink my waters (and then some).
take my vits.
cook my own dinner (I've been giving in to takeout too often, lately, which may explain the current "puffy" situation.) :flowerforyou:

Let's go get 'em ladies!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning! I'm up extra early because I have a writing deadline Thursday, and I work best when the house and street are quiet (so. . .that's around 4 a.m.) . So, I've now been up a disgusting four hours (or 1500 words. . too. . . .slow. . . .).

    Today I'm going to spin class, and I've mutated into the sort of freak that is disappointed that this spin class is "only 45 minutes long", but I'll be walking there and back, which turns it into an hour and a half of cardio, actually.

    I've stolen your marvelous idea for daily goals, Wanderin'. (at least I think it was yours) Today I also want to:

    drink my waters (and then some).
    take my vits.
    cook my own dinner (I've been giving in to takeout too often, lately, which may explain the current "puffy" situation.) :flowerforyou:

    Let's go get 'em ladies!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    OMG I use to do a spin class and LOVED IT!!! There's a point, where everything is so tired, you forget that your tired and that helps push you to keep moving because you are just "one on a bike" at that point! :tongue: Have a great day and I can't wait to see if you meet your goals! Good luck!
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Good Monday morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Today was my 7th day of Level 2 of JM's 30 day Shred. I'm gonna give it three more days & then move on to Level 3.

    My weigh in this morning was a pleasant surprise. I lost another two pounds. I sure hope this means my three week plateau is over.

    Happy Monday all!:smooched:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey girlie! CONGRATS! WAHOO!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Congrats Julie!

    I'm geared up for my intense week - the final week in this challenge. Today is weights class and yoga. Yesterday I walked for a little over an hour uphill. Hopefully I'm not up a lb from last week (as the scale said this morning - will recheck tomorrow).

    Today is the DEXA (body fat) scan. Anything under 25% and I'll be excited, 25-26% is what I expect, 26-27% is ok, anything over 27% and tears are a'comin'.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Some days I ask myself if I should even bother. I said I was goign to do better last week but I didn't. I am starting again this morning. I have gained weight and I just can't seem to find the motivation to get it off. I don't know what's wrong with me! I don't know if I am going to get a chance to work out today or not, so I am counting my house work. It's in desperate need of cleaning. My goal is to clean the whole house so I can start deep cleaning. It's been crazy with therapists coming over and Alex's classes in the mornings, which is when I like to work out. But I have to say eating is my biggest problem. I don't have any snack food left for the week except fruit and a bag of popcorn so I am hoping the lack of food will help. Of course there are my son's snacks which I am going to try to keep my hands off of. Anyway, my goal for today is to drink a lot of water and clean the house for two hours or more. That's about 300 cals, maybe more. I figure it's better than nothing and I will get an upper body work out at least. Tomorrow I have more time so I can get a work out in!
    I just need help. Feeling rather discouraged.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Aw. . .m/m. . .

    I count cleaning all the time. Count it, and kill two birds with one stone. It's amazing how much our stress levels influence our eating, huh? Try to get just five minutes to yourself today. (and every day)

    Drink your water today, and be gentle with yourself. I'm always amazed that I feel more energized when my house is clean, so maybe that's just what you need.

    hugs to you.:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    MM -- I second Vivias thoughts -- take it easy on yourself and just do what you can. Cleaning is a great stress-buster. Maybe you can even fit in a few intervals of jumping jacks or situps? Then it really will feel like a real workout.

    I read one time that even just working out for 8 minutes a day can help in all sorts of ways...

    MWD -- I'm sure you will do well on the DEXA scan, and I've got fingers crossed for you. You've made SO much great progress!

    Im getting ready to start Extreme Makeover: Home Edition this week, so my goal is to get my fitness prep in order for when I hit the road. The travel is going to be pretty relentless so my plan of attack is:

    ~ Take one more Yoga Booty Ballet class and write down the exercises so I can do on my own
    ~ Do a few rounds of my favorite FitTV sessions and write down those programs (esp. Shred)
    ~ Pack the following:
    * resistance bands
    * DVD
    * HRM
    * Squishy ball (to hold between knees for thigh exercises)
    * maybe a hotplate? (we will be in hotels with no cars, and I know from experience that there is typically only gas stations and fast food around these roadside motels)

    Meanwhile, yesterday was a great day:
    ~ Burned 900 calories on elliptical / weight training
    ~ Walked for 300 calories
    ~ Took my vitamins, drank tons of water
    ~ Kept healthy calories

    15 minutes stairclimber / 15 minutes treadmill
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    DEXA complete :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Luckily they did all kinds of body fat test, so here are the results:
    DEXA 37.8% :noway:
    Skinfold 28.2%
    one of those scale like things that have the electrical current: 29.8%
    hand held electrical current: 30.3%

    DEXA broken down results
    Arm fat %: 27.9
    Legs: 43.9
    Trunk: 37.7
    no surprises there, although the arms were less than I would have thought (comparatively).

    Also gave me projected weight loss body fat from the original DEXA of 37.8:
    150 lbs 36%
    146 lbs 34%
    143 lbs 33%
    141 lbs 32%

    That's all the bad news. The good news is
    1. he said the DEXA reads a little high for those with more body fat, so I'm probably somewhere around 33-34%
    2. he gave me a gift certificate to get a DEXA scan - to come back in 10 lbs. - he said it would be more accurate at that time - which I thought was very nice of him.

    So remember, I got my body fat done in November at 165 lbs (now at 152 or so) and it was 30% by the electrical current thing. Now my goal is to be 30% by the DEXA scan. hmmm

    One interesting thing happened. My sister also had this done. We have almost the exact same amount of Fat Free Body Mass in all areas - I just outweigh her by about 20 lbs of fat (I'm also a lot older).

    Word of warning for those that want to get this done. It's not for those that have a low self body image. The scan makes you look like a blob.

    ps. MM - you'll get there. one step at a time. you don't have to be perfect :bigsmile: