lost more wight not exercising... :(

Ok so I started dieting January 1st. I basically did south beach with out acutally counting carbs or calories. I have done it before and lost 25 lbs in 2 1/2 months, so i just knew what and how to eat. I lost 10 lbs in the first month. Then I joined the gym for the first time EVER. I work out 5 times religously and occasionaly 1 day on the weekend. I also walk 1-2 miles 3-5 days a week. This is my routine at the gym, 20 min on the elliptical at 1.3 pace. 15-20 min on stationary bike or row machine and 15-20 minutes of circut training. I usually am there 1 hr and 10 min. In the month of February I only lost 5 lbs :( and actually have gained 2 1/2 lbs in the last week. Why did I stop loosing? I did start coutning calories and have allowed my self a little more wole grain breads rather then stick to the south beach diet but i am eating very healthy. Am I just gaining mucle? I did change my routine today while at the gym. I basically cut out the circut tranining and did 20 min each on elliptical, bike and treadmill. WHY am I not loosing :explode: ? Am I not working out enough?I am always under my calorie goal once i enter my exercising.


  • you have probably gained muscle. this has happened to me before
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You're not gaining muscle if you're eating at a caloric deficit. Even if you were doing everything right to gain muscle you'd see .5-1 pound gain per month max.

    More likely, your body is holding onto water to help your body repair itself after all the exercise. Drink plenty of water to help flush out the excess and that should help.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    it's not muscle that quickly.
    it's either water, or after effects of being on South Beach.
  • colistab
    colistab Posts: 3
    all of this makes sense except i am drinking alot of water, or I think i am anyway. I am drinking aout 3-4 44oz cups of water a day.
  • Norinella
    Norinella Posts: 31
    Hi Collstab,
    So, you joined a gym. Have you been working with anyone there to monitor your progress?
    My gym has something called a Healthy Start program, where they weigh you in and measure lots of things, like percentage of fat and muscle, and your flexibility, and even how hydrated you are. A few times, the trainer I have been working with (this doesn't cost extra, or I wouldn't do it, honestly) has been able to tell me, well yes, you gained weight, but look at your muscle mass, or look at your BMI!
    So they have ways of being able to guide you and give you perspective on what you're doing and if it's working for you. You seem so motivated. Let somebody who knows about this stuff help you keep that motivation.
    I also recommend seeing a nutritionist, even if you only do it once. They can really give you perspective on what you're eating, and if it's the right amount, and give you strategies for eating healthy and losing.
    (p.s. I am plateaued, so I should be taking my own advice.)
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    it is possibly due to water retention. Muscle doesn't build up that quickly for many people. Although for some people, it is possible depending on how much you push yourself in the gym.. Plus the initial weight loss you got from the south beach diet is due to water and glycogen stores anyway not from fat. I would say continue what you are doing and don't lose hope just because of the number in the scale. You will lose weight eventually if you keeping sticking with it.
  • colistab
    colistab Posts: 3
    Hi Collstab,
    So, you joined a gym. Have you been working with anyone there to monitor your progress?
    My gym has something called a Healthy Start program, where they weigh you in and measure lots of things, like percentage of fat and muscle, and your flexibility, and even how hydrated you are. A few times, the trainer I have been working with (this doesn't cost extra, or I wouldn't do it, honestly) has been able to tell me, well yes, you gained weight, but look at your muscle mass, or look at your BMI!
    So they have ways of being able to guide you and give you perspective on what you're doing and if it's working for you. You seem so motivated. Let somebody who knows about this stuff help you keep that motivation.
    I also recommend seeing a nutritionist, even if you only do it once. They can really give you perspective on what you're eating, and if it's the right amount, and give you strategies for eating healthy and losing.
    (p.s. I am plateaued, so I should be taking my own advice.)

    Unfortunalty my gym doesnt offer that... I live in a very small town and really am lucky to have a gym at all .. hehehe. I guess i could hire a personal trainer but am too cheap to spend the $$$.

    I am very motivated and have found that I love to work out. I would never thought I would hear my self say that but I really do. I am thinking i probably need to see a nutritionist. I have lost 15 lbs and have a goal to lose 40 lbs more so I definitly need to do something. thank you