Day 2 of my coke addiction



  • I am down to one a day. I can"t cut out my coke with supper
  • I gave up diet Coke two years ago. It was worth it. Using water that is filtered (Brita or such) is better, and having ice in the container is better. Good luck.
  • Go to water isle in your local grocery store..there you will find seltzer water that is flavored with lime, lemon, raspberry, melon, you name it..these are low calorie low salt but they have the bubbles..and the taste of a soda.. I can not have any soda DIET COLA OR DIET DR PEPPER i could drink non stop.. so it gives me kidney stones and the salt content makes me blow up..legs swelling ect
    you need to switch to low calorie low salt flavored waters then sneak in regular water with a lime or lemon wedge or a chunk of pineapple or watermelon..but be careful of the fruit juice you do NOT want to be a diabetic ...slowly you will learn to flavor you plain water with fruit or try the tiny little bottles of cake flavors in spice isle..almond water, vanilla water, ect.. I wish you luck
    try ice tea or crystal light packets..i know i am so addicted to diet coke i go nuts but for me its the bubbles not the flavor..
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    It will definitely take a couple of days before you can actually enjoy water. I don't drink a lot of soft drinks, but if I drink a fair bit of it in a day, I find it really hard to drink water as it just tastes weird. The next day I am just fine with water again.
    and definitely drink filtered water!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    My favorite drink in the world is Dr. Thunder ( Dr. Pepper makes this for Wal-Mart, their house brand), diet. My nephew-in-law gave me a lecture on the dangers of aspartame, and I switched to regular, and gained weight fast; I was drinking 2 liters a day, 4 in summer. Plain water is boring, boring, boring, i don't like fruit juices, and I will not drink milk, period; absolutely hate the taste of milk. Melissa Gibson ( niece, personal trainer, and to my good fortune, my friend) convinced me to drink water. I've been on this program a month, and in that time have had a bottle of SoBe and two glasses of Dr. Thunder, the rest was all water, or water filtered through coffee, with creamer andf stevia, which chemically speaking is STILL WATER.. Still not my favorite, but I'm drinking it . If I have anything going for me it's grim determination Oh, and I'm losing weight, slowly..
  • It is hard! Keep up the good work. I was addicted to Diet Coke along with my husband, step daughter and good friend. My firend was drinking 6-16 oz bottles a day. When she finally gave it up, she no longer experience bloating and joint pain. My husband and I noticed we no longer craved sweets as much and our daughter felt better overall. We started carrying a bottle of water everywhere and like allot of others on the site, put lemon, cucumber, lime, or anything else in water to break up the monotony. I feel 100% better not drinking Diet Coke and it is so much easier not HAVING to drink a diet coke the moment i woke up...yeah no more addiction!!!

    You have made it through the worst of it...after the first two-three days it gets SO much easier. :happy:
  • Wow! THank is motivating!
    IHAVEPMS247 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't like water either, but I drink it because have had a lot of kidney stones. If you buy frozen strawberries or other frozen fruit that you like and add it to tap water it makes it tolerable and cheap. You can eat the fruit when you are done drinking the water.
  • My husband bought me the flavoring GRAPE and im surviving im at the end of day 2 and I haven't had the crave today and I already am starting to feel a bit better just feeling a bit more energy. But I know I still have to stay strong because my husband still isn't willing to give up soda only thing going for me is he doesn't drink coke he drinks diet pepsi tells me he drinks diet its not as bad as coke but I beg to differ
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Okay Okay not THAT COKE just coke the soda.... I have not had a coke in 2 days. ive been a HUGE coke drinker since well I don't remember back when I wasn't. Yesterday all I wanted was a coke. It sounds crazy a drink would have such a hold. All I drank yesterday was juice no I didn't look at anything on the package sure it wasn't much healthier then coke but oh well... throughout the morning and afternoon. was juice and by 6pm just water. I hate water I feel like I don't get anything from it but I know drinking coke is where most of my calories come from and it just needed to stop. today all I have had is water don't seem to be wanting a coke but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

    Does any one get flavors to put in their water if so what brand,flavor, etc? cause plain water well its just nasty.

    Try drinking just one at dinner, then you have something to look forward to.

    1 soda a day = 15 pounds a year

    Th same could be said of any food for the same calories. It's about what you want, and what you can fit into your calories and macros. If you save the carbs and calories, then it won't make you gain. :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My husband bought me the flavoring GRAPE and im surviving im at the end of day 2 and I haven't had the crave today and I already am starting to feel a bit better just feeling a bit more energy. But I know I still have to stay strong because my husband still isn't willing to give up soda only thing going for me is he doesn't drink coke he drinks diet pepsi tells me he drinks diet its not as bad as coke but I beg to differ

    That's another option. I would never drink diet Pepsi. (eww) But Coke Zero tastes just like regular Coke.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Ive been soda-sober for 2 months :drinker:
    First two weeks of just plain water were tough, the fizz was calling to me and the amount of bathroom trips was RIDICULOUS. Now all I drink is plain water, roughly 2.5l a day and the crazy thing is my sweet tooth is no longer in control. I can have just ONE biscuit, normal juice sets my teeth on edge and soda doesnt appeal anymore. Stick with it, your body will thank you for it :flowerforyou:
  • I was a hard-core soda pop addict for YEARS, and I tried everything to get off it, including flavoured water. No dice.

    I finally quit it almost entirely by getting into loose leaf tea. (Sometimes I will drink about 8oz once or twice a week, but I try to avoid that because I can feel the claws sinking back in when I do!) Tea is basically my life now - I work in a tea store. It's healthy, it's hydrating (new studies suggest it's as hydrating as water), and it's incredibly interesting to drink. Tea comes in thousands of flavours, and even if you want to stay away from flavouring, there's still a HUGE world of straight tea to explore. I joke that I'm "addicted" to tea, but the way I feel when I drink it is absolutely different - calm and centered vs. anxious for more. I feel a little out of place in situations where I can't have tea, but I don't obsessively crave it the same way.

    You can get off pop if you are drinking something that brings you joy, not by forcing yourself to make do with a pale replacement.

    I would recommend checking it out. If you need to know anything about getting started with loose leaf, contact me.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    If you like diet sodas, drink them. Nothing wrong with them.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I got rid of my coke habit by having seltzer with a splash of orange juice (which is healthier than pure juice as well).

    Diet sodas are arguably even worse than regular ones because aspartame is some really nasty stuff.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I got rid of my coke habit by having seltzer with a splash of orange juice (which is healthier than pure juice as well).

    Diet sodas are arguably even worse than regular ones because aspartame is some really nasty stuff.

    Depends on you POV, I guess. Coke Zero keeps me from getting too hyper.

    sugar + caffeine = high as a kite

    aspartame + caffiene = wide awake, but not hyper

    Aspartame like *so many* other things, is only potentially dangerous in high doses.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I got rid of my coke habit by having seltzer with a splash of orange juice (which is healthier than pure juice as well).

    Diet sodas are arguably even worse than regular ones because aspartame is some really nasty stuff.

    Yes that protein they are made out of his horrendous, kinda like chicken, but worse!!!!!!! OMGZ!!!!!!

    Learn what it is. A chicken breast has 25x more of the proteins in it than a can of coke. If you fear coke, you should fear most meat products.

    Unless you'd like to tell us what is so bad?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I got rid of my coke habit by having seltzer with a splash of orange juice (which is healthier than pure juice as well).

    Diet sodas are arguably even worse than regular ones because aspartame is some really nasty stuff.

    Yes that protein they are made out of his horrendous, kinda like chicken, but worse!!!!!!! OMGZ!!!!!!

    Learn what it is. A chicken breast has 25x more of the proteins in it than a can of coke. If you fear coke, you should fear most meat products.

    Unless you'd like to tell us what is so bad?

    stop fighting this fight.

    aspartame =/= chicken.

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Not sure if you agree there but it is exactly that buddy?

    Aspartame is a methyl ester of the dipeptide of the natural amino acids L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine.

    They should have gone with the original name AminoSweet, much less would have been thought of it then!