Anyone else lose weight with slim fast?



  • Adelaidekempf
    I have tried slim fast too. It helped but as you i go tired of the shakes until i added frozen berries to the strawberry shake and weight watchers hot chocolate and ice cubes to the chocolate shake. Also try to add cod, salmon, vegetables, lentils or fried mushrooms and piri piri to the soup. Its lovely and you still loose weight. Good luck.
  • Adelaidekempf
    Try ASDA measure up. It doesn't make you bloated
  • SweetlyVague
    SweetlyVague Posts: 172 Member
    I'd recommend making your own protein shakes if you wanna go that route! I find slim fasts are too small and really not very filling.
  • kn081083
    kn081083 Posts: 18 Member
    Having a slimfast bar for snack is basically gonna ensure that you dont binge on any other high-cal snack...some ppl might have a fruit or handful of walnuts or non-fat greek yoghurt as a snack..anything as long as u know what goes in and what u burn out..
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    I peel and freeze ripe bananas. Every day at lunch (tonight) for dinner, I make one slimfast like this:

    I put 2 cups of SKIM milk, one frozen banana and one scoop of chocolate powder into a blender
    Eat one tablespoon of peanut butter with it and whallah.. yummy, yummy, yummy.

    Sometimes, to cut calories, I only use one cup of milk and one cup of water but still add the banana.

    Try it!
  • mbetts123
    mbetts123 Posts: 4 Member
    I love slim fast--I buy the walmart equate brand. I like both chocolate versions
    I usually just have them for breakfast, then have a snack or early lunch. I usually want something savory for lunch.

    My favorite thing is to freeze one, use a can opener and open it on the bottom, let it thaw a bit and it is like ice cream/italian ice. Chocolatey and it takes a REALLY long time to eat.

    I think what I like best is that I always know how many calories and don't have to think about.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    ask if anyone has MAINTAINED their weight loss after substituting a Hershey bar for their meals:



    Look at this chart I put together that compares 1 can of Slim-Fast to a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar!
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Calories 220 210
    Fat 3.0 grams 13 grams
    Saturated Fat 1 gram 8 grams
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5 grams None
    Monounsaturated Fat 1.5 grams None
    Cholesterol 5 grams 10 grams
    Sodium 220 mg 35 mg
    Carbohydrate 40 grams 26 grams
    Fiber 5 grams 1 gram
    Sugar 34 grams 24 grams
    Protein 10 grams 3 grams

    Sugar. First ingredient! Slim-Fast has more sugar than a Hershey’s Bar!!

    High Oleic Sunflower Oil. This just sounds bad, but it actually isn’t! K, sugar and oil though? Yeah, gross.

    Maltodextrin. According to Wikipedia, “Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide (sugar) that is used as a food additive. It is produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powder.” Keep those creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powders outta my food! This ingredient is often extracted from corn, a crop that is commonly genetically modified in the U.S. In Europe, it is extracted from wheat.

    Gum Arabic. This is a is a natural gum made of hardened sap taken from the acacia tree.

    clip_image006Milk Protein Concentrate. This is a concentrated milk product that can be highly processed. I don’t even quite understand what this is. Can one of you smarty pantses go to Wiki and tell me? Leave a comment! We don’t know if the milk being used is from cows treated with rbGH. Check out my Dannon post for more about rbGH (growth hormones).

    Cellulose Gel. People would probably wonder more what this is if it was called it’s alternate name, carbooxymethyl cellulose! Sounds scary, right? It’s a food additive that’s also used in K-Y Jelly (high viscosity!) and some paper products. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    Soy Fiber. First off, soy is often genetically modified (GMO) in the United States.

    Buttermilk Powder. A cultured skim milk. This could also be made with milk from rbGH-treated cows.

    Potassium Phosphate. Yet another food additive. It is a term for the salts of Potassium.

    Xanthan Gum. Guess what this is? Yep. A food additive. It thickens! Also used in cosmetic products. Versatile! It can be made from common allergens, such as soy, wheat and corn. People who are allergic to these foods should not eat foods with this ingredient.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    ^^ this is why i usually refer to Slim Fast as junk food. (not that i take any issue with junk food; but i think if you're gonna eat junk food, eat something that actually tastes delicious)
  • JeannieFronapfel
    I did not prefer the taste of the slim fast but do like the Costco brand as well. I've only found chocolate, though. Does it come in another flavor? Just interested in variety.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    I have been on slim fast for two months now, and it's actually working for me! I been trying to find out what others success has been using the slim fast diet? Have you tried it? Did it work for you? Was it a fail?

    I started it when I talked to my doctor about losing 55 pounds. He mentioned it to me and said it would be something I might want to try. So 8 weeks later, I'm still going strong on it. I'm so sick of the shakes! ;p But afraid if I switch to something else, it might not work as good for me as this is.

    Any advice?

    I did Slim Fast twice. The first time I was around about 220 and I eventually quit out of boredom, hunger and the cost. Also, I was 18 and not eating socially with friends was like a serious suck in my life.

    The second time I was 287lbs and I don't remember anything about the experience except that it rotted my tooth to the point that it broke and got seriously infected. The ONLY thing that I could figure was drinking the shakes through a straw on that side of my mouth several times a day weeks on end. Not even brushing could stop it.

    That's my experience and I'll never go back.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    I just get addited to their food I feel I has something in it that makes you want more and more
    Like the premade milkshakes I could drink them as if they were just a nice glass of milk, several a day, but they have enough cals in to be a meal
    All the cals but doesnt fill you up
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Now that your steadiy losing and the slimfast got you going into the right direction try weaning yourself off if you think your at a point where you can do so and switch to a regular healthy diet since you have MFP as well to track your calories.

    I second this! Back when I did Slim Fast there was a part of Slim Fast's website that was like MFP's food diary it was the only part I really liked anyway!
  • BridgeKiki
    Eating heathy is the way to go. I have been doing it now for 3-months and I actually love it.
  • linalovekitty
    I did try slimfast and managed to lose some weight but then I started to bloat and not lose weight, I think its because me and milk don't really get along and it made it hard for me to lose weight on it.

    same thing happened to me. I think theres sodium in it too. If I drink it, its occasionally and I feel great after, but if I try to drink it daily I bloat
  • nhradeuce
    nhradeuce Posts: 168 Member
    The problem with any "diet" is that you are going to gain the weight back as soon as you stop. Slimfast, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, all of them cost a lot more than simply learning to eat right and exercise. Learning to eat right will help you maintain your weigh loss once you achieve your goal weight and you will feel a lot better and have more energy. I'm just about to maintenance and I have a hard time eating enough to make my daily calorie goal some days. It's easy to stay full when you drink a lot of water and eat a lot of veggies.
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I do slimfast most days when am working, but I always put chia seeds in it and have a fruit with it. I lost most of my weight working out and eating right I just like the low carb high protein shakes
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    personally i didnt like it, i was hungry all the time. its great if you just need to lose a few extra pounds for an upcomming event, but its not realistic for long term success
  • Shenandoah76
    Shenandoah76 Posts: 8 Member
    ask if anyone has MAINTAINED their weight loss after substituting a Hershey bar for their meals:



    Look at this chart I put together that compares 1 can of Slim-Fast to a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar!
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Calories 220 210
    Fat 3.0 grams 13 grams
    Saturated Fat 1 gram 8 grams
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5 grams None
    Monounsaturated Fat 1.5 grams None
    Cholesterol 5 grams 10 grams
    Sodium 220 mg 35 mg
    Carbohydrate 40 grams 26 grams
    Fiber 5 grams 1 gram
    Sugar 34 grams 24 grams
    Protein 10 grams 3 grams

    Sugar. First ingredient! Slim-Fast has more sugar than a Hershey’s Bar!!

    High Oleic Sunflower Oil. This just sounds bad, but it actually isn’t! K, sugar and oil though? Yeah, gross.

    Maltodextrin. According to Wikipedia, “Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide (sugar) that is used as a food additive. It is produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powder.” Keep those creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powders outta my food! This ingredient is often extracted from corn, a crop that is commonly genetically modified in the U.S. In Europe, it is extracted from wheat.

    Gum Arabic. This is a is a natural gum made of hardened sap taken from the acacia tree.

    clip_image006Milk Protein Concentrate. This is a concentrated milk product that can be highly processed. I don’t even quite understand what this is. Can one of you smarty pantses go to Wiki and tell me? Leave a comment! We don’t know if the milk being used is from cows treated with rbGH. Check out my Dannon post for more about rbGH (growth hormones).

    Cellulose Gel. People would probably wonder more what this is if it was called it’s alternate name, carbooxymethyl cellulose! Sounds scary, right? It’s a food additive that’s also used in K-Y Jelly (high viscosity!) and some paper products. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    Soy Fiber. First off, soy is often genetically modified (GMO) in the United States.

    Buttermilk Powder. A cultured skim milk. This could also be made with milk from rbGH-treated cows.

    Potassium Phosphate. Yet another food additive. It is a term for the salts of Potassium.

    Xanthan Gum. Guess what this is? Yep. A food additive. It thickens! Also used in cosmetic products. Versatile! It can be made from common allergens, such as soy, wheat and corn. People who are allergic to these foods should not eat foods with this ingredient.

    Thanks For posting this I have been saying this for years since my run in with Slim Fast..
    It took Going to weight watchers then here to get in shape and stay there...
  • karedaly75
    karedaly75 Posts: 34 Member
    I am not a breakfast person, well I love all of the high fat foods like sausage, pancakes, hashbrowns, etc. I use the slimfast shake for my breakfast. Knowing I am going to have a snack around 10am. I can't imagine using them for lunch as well. I like something more filling. I have used the lean cuisines, smart ones, weight watchers frozen meals, or leftover dinner, salad, sandwich, etc. I say to each their own, if you are tired of the shakes, switch it up for a week, see how things go. It's only a week. Good luck and keep up the good work
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    ask if anyone has MAINTAINED their weight loss after substituting a Hershey bar for their meals:



    Look at this chart I put together that compares 1 can of Slim-Fast to a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar!
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Slim-Fast Shake Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
    Calories 220 210
    Fat 3.0 grams 13 grams
    Saturated Fat 1 gram 8 grams
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.5 grams None
    Monounsaturated Fat 1.5 grams None
    Cholesterol 5 grams 10 grams
    Sodium 220 mg 35 mg
    Carbohydrate 40 grams 26 grams
    Fiber 5 grams 1 gram
    Sugar 34 grams 24 grams
    Protein 10 grams 3 grams

    Sugar. First ingredient! Slim-Fast has more sugar than a Hershey’s Bar!!

    High Oleic Sunflower Oil. This just sounds bad, but it actually isn’t! K, sugar and oil though? Yeah, gross.

    Maltodextrin. According to Wikipedia, “Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide (sugar) that is used as a food additive. It is produced from starch by partial hydrolysis and is usually found as a creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powder.” Keep those creamy-white hygroscopic spraydried powders outta my food! This ingredient is often extracted from corn, a crop that is commonly genetically modified in the U.S. In Europe, it is extracted from wheat.

    Gum Arabic. This is a is a natural gum made of hardened sap taken from the acacia tree.

    clip_image006Milk Protein Concentrate. This is a concentrated milk product that can be highly processed. I don’t even quite understand what this is. Can one of you smarty pantses go to Wiki and tell me? Leave a comment! We don’t know if the milk being used is from cows treated with rbGH. Check out my Dannon post for more about rbGH (growth hormones).

    Cellulose Gel. People would probably wonder more what this is if it was called it’s alternate name, carbooxymethyl cellulose! Sounds scary, right? It’s a food additive that’s also used in K-Y Jelly (high viscosity!) and some paper products. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

    Soy Fiber. First off, soy is often genetically modified (GMO) in the United States.

    Buttermilk Powder. A cultured skim milk. This could also be made with milk from rbGH-treated cows.

    Potassium Phosphate. Yet another food additive. It is a term for the salts of Potassium.

    Xanthan Gum. Guess what this is? Yep. A food additive. It thickens! Also used in cosmetic products. Versatile! It can be made from common allergens, such as soy, wheat and corn. People who are allergic to these foods should not eat foods with this ingredient.
    I lol'd because I thought it was a good comparison, but I don't think it's a fair one. The nutritional of slimfast only sucks because they try to make it taste good... it's about as ****ty as musclemilk.
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