I need encouragement

I've been a member of MFP for nearly 2 months. I lost 10 pounds the first 40 days, but last week I gained a little back (less than a pound). I bought a pedometer when I started and have logged at least 10,000 steps a day, often going for walks after dinner to ensure I got there. I also sometimes go way over - like 15 or 16,000. But the last two days, I just haven't had the energy. yesterday I went home and crawled into bed and took an hour nap. I was wiped. But even though I had time, I still didn't go for a walk yesterday. I also ate 10 oreo cookies (argh!). I'm looking for encouragement to get me back on track. I really want to continue losing. It's so great to have my clothes fit me comfortably again!


  • lisacherrone
    lisacherrone Posts: 11 Member
    hi! great job on working out! how is your diet? you have to get some calories in (not necessarily from oreos;)) or your body goes into starvation mode, and you hit a plateau. the food journal page on here should tell you how many calories you need every day. i started running recently in addition to all the other working out i am doing, and i had to up my calorie intake. its working, i am dropping easily 1-2 lbs a week.
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    If you were that tired, it means your body needed that nap and rest. Granted the 10 oreos might not have been the best choice, but it is over and done with, today is another day. Listen to your boy, rest when it needs it, then get back up and go for it. You are doing great!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Don't let a couple of off days set you back permanently. :) (I'm saying that as someone who has done that!)

    I think it is normal to have a couple of off days every once in a while... could be TOM, or getting sick, or just needing a break from working hard! The key is to not let those days set you back for good. :)

    You are doing great so far! I don't know about you, but I find that I (almost) always feel better after I exercise, even if just a quick walk... even if I was so tired I just wanted to lay on the couch the whole day. (Obviously, being sick is an exception to that!).

    Edited to add: Oreos are a huge weakness of mine! I can't keep them in the house!
  • slschouest
    i have a lack of self control! what keeps me going to the fact that i don't want to be squeezing into my cloths anymore. that alone has helpped me a ton. just think about what you don't want to look and feel like.
  • fitandhealthy
    fitandhealthy Posts: 82 Member
    Just keep going, you are already doing so great! Try not to focus on the scale so much; it really is such a small part of being fit and healthy. Weight loss fluctuates, and take time. Eat right, continue to exercise and you will lose inches and lbs, and your clothes will continue to get bigger ;)
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Sounds like your body needed the rest, so don't feel guilty about the nap. I agree with the other posters, take a look at what your recommended calorie needs are and make sure you are getting those in, try to make healthy eating decisions and allow yourself a treat once in a while.
  • PamStar4th
    Try eating foods that will give you energy like cucumbers that I know of. Look on the internet for the fruits and veggies that do that and maybe that will help and I think it is ok to have a snack now and then that way maybe it would be less likely to devour more sweets than you should ;) I know it is very hard. I look at our vending machine at work and use all my willpower to walk away.
    Hope this helps.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    encouragement encouragement encouragement encourangement :laugh:

    I think that a blip every now and again is going to happen, if we weren't prone to bingeing we wouldn't be on this site would we???????

    Keep on recording your exercise and food, ensure that your input is less than your output and you WILL get there :flowerforyou: so will I :flowerforyou: and so will everyone else :flowerforyou: . It probably will be a slow process with little oreo blips :blushing: but keep on in there it cannot fail!!!!!!!

    Well done you for your weight loss so far, keep up the good work and watch those pounds melt away, slowly but surely!
  • mamaofapreemie
    When I talked to a gym last week they told me that you will have days like this. He also said that we are aloud to have cheat days at least 1. So just make that day a cheat day. We all still have to live a lil' hun. Keep up the great work and you will get there. Last year I started a weight goal for myself of 150 lb. I was 204 lbs. I lost 28 lbs in 12 weeks and I was 167lbs which was my pre pregnancy weight with my daughter. July I found out I was pregnant and I was 167 lbs lol. I just had my son 3 months and 1 week ago. 3 weeks after he was born I was 156 lbs way past pre pregnancy weight. That same 3 weeks we found out that my milk breast milk was bad so we had to put him on formula. I have been so depressed about it and I have gain over 30 lbs back. Tell me your secret please.
  • Garcialynne
    Yes u are doing great , and yes I think when your body needs rest it tells u to rest , so rest when u need to rest. I am sure that when u feel rested u will want to go back at it. You seem to be very motivated and I am sure u love the feeling when u step on the scale and see your weight down. Just remember that feeling of how your cloths feel and the great feeling u get when u step on the scale and u have dropped some more weight. U are doing awesome and u can do it some more. The cookies were eaten but today is a brand new day.
  • bluemountain2185
    You can eat anything in moderation. Take it easy with the biscuits though and don't starve yourself.
  • DSMmom
    DSMmom Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone. I do watch my calories and if I burn them, I eat them. My net is usually right around 0 (some days a little over, some a little under). Of course, yesterday, I was way over thanks to those oreo cookies!! My original intent was to have 3, then I had 3 more...then 3 more. Typically, when I do that, I go for a walk after the first 3. I just didn't even want to. But, you're right. Today is a new day. I will go for a walk and run a bit today. Hopefully, the kids will polish off the oreos while I'm at work!

    Thanks everyone.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I find i can get bored easily. Immersing myself in these boards, searching for new recipes, trying exercise other than walking and finding little ways to keep me motivated are helpful such as a picture of me in a dress currently that i hope to rock by August. Maybe in your case, finding a walking buddy to keep accountable might be helpful. I would also get rid of the oreos haha! GOod luck, you can do this if you decide its what you truly want. I would also maybe try keep a log, of your feelings and how you are feeling when you do binge and lose motivation. perhaps you can find some trends, such as weather, menstrual cycle or if its 'emotional' and if certain situations in your life are better avoided (this helped me a lot, cut lose some toxic friendships).
  • beutiful5678
    beutiful5678 Posts: 58 Member
    even elite athletes give themselves rest days - so don't let the fact that you took a rest day get you down!

    when planning my runs i plan easy days and hard days. also, every four weeks or so i plan easy weeks. when building up your stamina and increasing your time/distance every week you need to remember to give your body time to recover! our bodies are not infallible 100% of the time.

    good job on your progress!
  • mrsyyoung
    mrsyyoung Posts: 16
    You sound like you're talking about me. I tend to lose a little and then feel like I can slack off, which results in me gaining some if not all back. Then I get discouraged and its hard to start again. What I'm trying now is giving myself a focus point( like they teach in lamaze classes). Maybe an old picture of what I used to look like posted on the fridge, anything that keeps me focused on my goal.
  • DSMmom
    DSMmom Posts: 5 Member
    yesterday was better. I did a 30 minute and then later a 60 minute walk, even when I didn't want to. My net was still over what it should have been, but that's because I snacked instead of eating lunch. I find when I don't fill up for lunch and dinner, I want to munch and that adds up. So thank you all for the encouragement and know that I am back on track. Although, so many days this week have gone bad, I'm NOT looking forward to my Monday weight check. Maybe I'll skip it....