How the bloody hell do i avoid COOOKIES !

I have like no self control its been like that since i was little and my family wants to support me but when it comes to taking the sweets out of the house they dont do it and for some weird reason its like i cant say no ! its almost like im obsessed with thinking about them till i get them but only when their in the house and i would know i have OCD! ugh any ideas ?


  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I know EXACTLY what you mean! I cant buy sweets or else I'm always eating them. It's all about self control though. There are no tricks or pills or magic fixes :( try to stay full on things like veggies and fruits and water so you're less likely to eat them maybe?
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    well i LOVE fruits but of course last year i became allergic which sucks so when im craving sweets i cant just grab a strawberry but right now i have my petite carrots on hand try after i lost complete control today after doing so good i felt so guilty i grabbed my carrots but thanks for some input ! ill keep trying my self contol
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    Oh also, the less you eat sugar, the less you crave it. The first few weeks will be HELL... trust me. But after that it get easy. Everything will taste sweeter and you just wont want it as much. That's too bad about the allergies!
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    Oh also, the less you eat sugar, the less you crave it. The first few weeks will be HELL... trust me. But after that it get easy. Everything will taste sweeter and you just wont want it as much. That's too bad about the allergies!

    Thank you so much i am listening and taking it all in and hopefully my mind will listen ! Good luck with everything !
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    well i LOVE fruits but of course last year i became allergic which sucks so when im craving sweets i cant just grab a strawberry but right now i have my petite carrots on hand try after i lost complete control today after doing so good i felt so guilty i grabbed my carrots but thanks for some input ! ill keep trying my self contol

    You became allergic to all fruits?
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Oh also, the less you eat sugar, the less you crave it. The first few weeks will be HELL... trust me. But after that it get easy. Everything will taste sweeter and you just wont want it as much. That's too bad about the allergies!
    Oh, so very true!!!
    have 'substitute sweetness' and trick your body into thinking you've had sugar for a while, maybe? If i want sweet i often either have a diet soda, or a small piece of chocolate, then a lot of something like celery, then another teeny piece of choc. I'm full and the flavour in my mouth first and last is chocolate... it works somehow

    Thats actually quite a brilliant idea i might try this thanks !!!
    Careful on the diet pop it gets me craving sweets even more, I don't know if it'll have the same effect on you but just wanted to give you a heads up in case.:ohwell: Our bodies can sometimes be tricked by the artificial sweeteners, they trigger some response in our brain receptors.

    :drinker: Oh I agree, most definitely check out she's got some awesome recipes. She's got a page full of treat for one, like you make one cookie, cupcake or whatever it is you're in the mood for. She's got healthy ingredients in her baking so you don't crave sweets in the same way as she's using sources other than white sugar, flour etc. Keeps the simple carbs at bay.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    have 'subsitute sweetness' and trick your body into thinking you've had sugar for a while, maybe? If i want sweet i often either have a diet soda, or a small piece of chocolate, then a lot of something like celery, then another teeny piece of choc. I'm full and the flavour in my mouth first and last is chocolate... it works somehow
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    well i dont know about all fruits but first it was an apple then a blueberry and then the strawberry and i got tired of trying lol
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    have 'subsitute sweetness' and trick your body into thinking you've had sugar for a while, maybe? If i want sweet i often either have a diet soda, or a small piece of chocolate, then a lot of something like celery, then another teeny piece of choc. I'm full and the flavour in my mouth first and last is chocolate... it works somehow

    Thats actually quite a brilliant idea i might try this thanks !!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    well i dont know about all fruits but first it was an apple then a blueberry and then the strawberry and i got tired of trying lol

    Maybe you could talk to your physician to do a scratch test? That way you can know exactly what you are allergic to. Not only will this help you with getting in your fruits..but will also prevent any reactions to foods that have fruit that you might not be aware about.

    Maybe have a square of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is actually recommended because of its natural antioxidants and sedatives. It's been said to help with high blood pressure too :)

    Other ideas might be sugar free candies or sweet potatoes/yams.
  • originalcookiemonster
    Give all cookies to meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    You could check out paleo cookies. I'm not paleo, but recently did an ignite challenge... and basically if it was paleo I could have it (within reason). Had a lot of fun finding healthier versions of stuff that I craved. And one thing I learned... tricky though it is to cook with, coconut flour is the bomb. Only need about 1/4 the amount vs. regular flour. More fiber too. :) My favorite site for paleo treats is She is totally awesome. Not interested in Paleo? Check out She is pretty cool too.

    Good luck!
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    yea i went to a allergy specialist and its a Counter reaction because of something in the tree or pollen that im allergic too i guess i have to go back and finish everyones idea have been sooo helpful and Take al the cookies ! just make sure too hide them lol
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I have like no self control its been like that since i was little and my family wants to support me but when it comes to taking the sweets out of the house they dont do it and for some weird reason its like i cant say no ! its almost like im obsessed with thinking about them till i get them but only when their in the house and i would know i have OCD! ugh any ideas ?
    Your goal is to never eat another cookie for the rest of your life? I hope not.

    Work a few cookies here and there into a reasonable diet. Then you can have cookies, and enjoy them guilt free, and get healthier. It will take practice. The sooner you start practicing, the sooner you will learn moderation. :smile:
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    I think i am in love with :D ALREADY lol
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Nothing worth it is ever easy.. just give it up.. and suffer through the sugar/sweet withdrawals for a week or so. If it's just a craving you will get over it. If it's your body trying to tell you something you will not.

    I find when my body is craving something unhealthy that i have not had a balanced diet that day and it's my body trying to get it's fix. I do like sweets, but not sugar.. so fresh pineapples and other fruits do it for me.

    the scratch test is easy.. but I had to be given benadryl at the doctors office and they made me sit there for an extra 30 minutes.. But I have a severe allergy to shellfish. Just saying go after work if possible or on a day off and plan to sleep for awhile afterwards. Not trying to scare you, but that test, while safe, knocks you for a loop. it is always good to know what you are really allergic too. (you might just have to avoid citrus)

    If I really want sweet from sugar i'll have a dark chocolate nugget. Of course you have to have enough control to only have one or two as you know they com in a large bag. Also, you can make your own *healthy* cookies.. or at least ones that are lower in sugar/fat/calories/additives. I find that if I add cranberries or nuts into them, no one else eats them. LOL

    If you're always thinking about the end goal.. before you eat that cookie ask yourself how that cookie will help you achieve your goals.. you might eat it anyway.. but you might not eat the second or third one..It's not about never eating them again.. it's about having only 1 and being happy with it.
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    well not EVER but until i can learn the self control its gonna have to be never ! :]
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    Eventually ill get the courage and go back for the rest of the test lol but thank you for your advice im deff going to be trying my hardest !
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I suddenly developed an allergy to fresh apples and pears well into my 30s. Here's a bit more info for those who've never heard of it. Yes, I realize Wikipedia is a questionable source, but you can still glean the basics:

    As far as the cookies are concerned, my advice is to resist as much as you can, but if you feel the need to give in and indulge, have 1 cookie at a time. It you give into the craving again, make a separate trip to the kitchen to get one. And here's the most important part: LOG EVERY COOKIE.

    You will likely find that, after a few days of those cookies eating into your calorie allowance and cheating you of calories that you could have spent on more satisfying, filling foods, they will suddenly lose a lot of their "OMG must nom" appeal. I just went through a 4 day stint of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (about 3 a day at 90 cals each) and now I don't even want them, with half a bag still lurking in the cabinet.

    Trust me, the more you deprive yourself, the bigger your chances of giving in and binging.
  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    You will likely find that, after a few days of those cookies eating into your calorie allowance and cheating you of calories that you could have spent on more satisfying, filling foods, they will suddenly lose a lot of their "OMG must nom" appeal. I just went through a 4 day stint of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (about 3 a day at 90 cals each) and now I don't even want them, with half a bag still lurking in the cabinet.

    Trust me, the more you deprive yourself, the bigger your chances of giving in and binging.

    This is oh, so true. Someone on a thread once suggested making up cookie dough, making it into one serving (one cookie) balls and freezing them. She said that when she craved a cookie, she would go to the freezer, pull one out and bake it. This usually detered her from having a second because she'd actually have to go back and go through the whole process of baking another one. If it takes us longer to prepare something/get something, it usually makes us question how much we really want it as opposed to that bag of cookies being right there on the arm of the chair by us and us mindlessly eating.

    Also, my roommate is continually bring home boxes and bags of candy and other sweets. She likes to point out that SHE'S not on a diet. :grumble: I make her keep them in her room, not the kitchen. That way I don't have to see and think about them being there. The temptation's not right in my face.