Time To Fess Up

Hi. My name is Ash. I am a 22 year old mother of 1.

I haven't always had weight issues. Mostly it was self image. But the past 2 years have been an emotional rollercoaster and I have made some BAD choices.

I have lots of health issues ( listed on my profile ) and a 3 year old son who is Autistic.

I am struggling to keep up with the day to day activities. I am in constant pain and my weight gain has only made it worse.

Doctor says if I gain another 20lbs or more .. I probably wont be able to walk ( because of my knees ) and I will wind up with type 2 diabetes.

He is referring me to the Dr.Poon Diet Clinic and it scares the hell outta me. I am a very picky eater.. and a carb a holic. I do not like the sound of no carbs, no dairy, no fruit, no sugar for WEEKS.

I want to find the right support system to motivate me. I know I am not alone is this struggle and this trap of a cycle.

Anyone feel like a kindred soul? Just reach out. I could use some positive attitude.
Doesn't help that my own bf brings me down about this.. no support what so EVER. ughh...

phew. feels good to say it "" out loud "" :)


  • You can add me! I cant say I share the exact lifestyle as you but I am 22 yrs old. I have 2 children, a busy schedule and a husband who fitness came naturally and even when he was over weight he didnt look bad, me on the other hand -_- gross. I gained weight after my first child (my son) about 65lbs with him and pretty much only lost what he weighed after that. I hated and still kind of do hate my body... It is a lifestyle change so little steps towards a bigger goal is the best way to look at it. start slowly... change little things until you can maintain over all!
  • boomerz12
    boomerz12 Posts: 140
    You can add me as well. I'm a single mom of 1 and before her I was a pretty good size, relatively skinny then I gained over 60 lbs and only lost 20 of it. I have a long way to go and being the only one in my house who's actually trying to better my health and having to deal with a little 5 month old all on my own while trying to find time to exercise really gets me down and I lose a lot of motivation to keep on going. We both have children who need us and she's all the motivation I need. Your son needs you, so when you get down just think of him. I know you can do. It is hard sometimes but I promise it'll get easier along the way.
  • aka1030
    aka1030 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I'm hoping to be soon and that's one reason I'm trying to lose weight - I don't want to add more weight to what I'm already carrying and just want to start living a healthy lifestyle now. I've got a similar weight loss goal to yours, but older (ouch...), but I can help motivate you so add me if you like! You're on a the right track being here, you'll definitely go all the way.
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, I can sympathize as I have been in a similar situation. So cheer up it isn't all bad news... I am a diabetic type 2 that uses insulin to protect my organs and i also take metformin as well. sugarstats.com is an excellent free program that helps you keep track of your sugar readings and other important stuff diabetics need to track and can also be used by prediabetics that want to track their sugar levels, meds, Dr. visits etc.. you will still be able to have sugar, deserts, and carbs too. You will need to make some adjustments in your eating habits but take your time and don't try to do it all at once. Instead work at a pace that YOU find comfortable.The key is moderation and that is where this site comes in as monitoring your food,calories,sugar,fats,protein,iron ect...makes it really easy to keep track of stuff. Utilize the exercise part of this site and you can track your efforts on that as well. Take your time and check both sites out to see how they can both help you. See a dietitian also if possible and see what goals the doctor had in mind for you and work those in as well as your personal goals. I wish you luck and things will get better for you.
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, I can sympathize as I have been in a similar situation. So cheer up it isn't all bad news... I am a diabetic type 2 that uses insulin to protect my organs and i also take metformin as well. sugarstats.com is an excellent free program that helps you keep track of your sugar readings and other important stuff diabetics need to track and can also be used by prediabetics that want to track their sugar levels, meds, Dr. visits etc.. you will still be able to have sugar, deserts, and carbs too. You will need to make some adjustments in your eating habits but take your time and don't try to do it all at once. Instead work at a pace that YOU find comfortable.The key is moderation and that is where this site comes in as monitoring your food,calories,sugar,fats,protein,iron ect...makes it really easy to keep track of stuff. Utilize the exercise part of this site and you can track your efforts on that as well. Take your time and check both sites out to see how they can both help you. See a dietitian also if possible and see what goals the doctor had in mind for you and work those in as well as your personal goals. I wish you luck and things will get better for you.
  • Hi Ash =) My name is Karen. I am 52 years old, and the mother of 6 kids (my own and 3 stepdaughters) who are all in their 20's. I read your post and although we are at different places in our lives... your story, your struggles. I have been so busy taking care of my family for the past 25 years that Ihave lost me... and gained 100 pounds in the process =( I don't want you to be me 30 or 30 years from now. I don't know if you and I will "connect" or not, but I just had to reach out to you regardless. I am learning now (30 years too late) that I cannot be the mother/wife etc. that I want to be if I continue to put myself last. My family will never get the best of me until I make myself a priority. I know that it must be so hard for you to do that when you have a child who seemingly takes up so much of your time and energy. I just want to encourage you and to tell you that the time is now to make yourself a priority, your child will reap the benefits of it for years to come =) Take good care of yourself.... you deserve it!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Just added you!
  • danceym
    danceym Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Ash,
    The Dr. Poon diet is wonderful for taking away the aches and pains as well as steer you clear of type 2 diabetes. There are documented cases where type 2 patients have controlled the diabetes with this diet to the point of no longer needing medication. Once you get through the first couple of weeks you won't crave the simple carbs. It's not NO carb but no simple carbs - its unfortunate that those are the ones we often turn to for comfort. It's up to you to decide how you want to live your life and if you could live it mostly pain free why wouldn't you chose that life especially when you are so young and have a child.

    You'll find that the stores that are in some of the Poon locations have items to give you some visual comfort in thinking you are eating some of those comfort carbs. :)
