Anyone else lose weight with slim fast?



  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    I've only used shakes as a quick alternative to meals when needed or to help balance out nutrition. But for those in the UK I would recommend Tesco's own brand version. It makes up a far thicker shake (closer to a McDs shake than milk -even if made with water) so feels much more filling. It's quite a bit cheaper too and imo the banana even tastes better (less artificial).
  • wannabe1959
    wannabe1959 Posts: 80 Member
    I tried slim fast and I did loose wt. But it was so restrictive that when I gave up on it, I gained it all back and more.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I lost weight on it before and kept it off for over a year so yea it works. I raise my calories a bit after that and made healthy choices so that's probably why it stayed off. I as also able to work out as I wasn't on sf because of an injury. So the whole "OMG ITS ALL GON COME BACK PLUS 5LBS" is a load. It just depends on how you go about it after. SF rec's to keep one meal as a SF product if you want to go into maintenance.

    Is slimfast healthy? Well that depends on what your current diet is and portions.
    It's probably okay to do in the short term, long term, no probably not.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    slimfast is a meal replacement. Meal Replacements happen to be the only confirmed effective method of weight loss by the FDA. The problem with it is it is not filling at all and is somewhat low in protein but yes it can work.

    ha ha hahaha hahaha ha ha. UM. hahahaha. Tee hee, ho ho! har har! this statement is GOLD.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Why do people want to "substitute" their meals with chemicals and sugar?

    bc you're "on the go"? Really? Really? You are SOOOOO busy, busier than everyone else? Are you a STUDENT who has SO much work? Do you live with your parents who force you to eat their food? Are you a parent? Are you really really important? Do you have some of those "busy" kids too? Do you have a "busy" job where they expect you to actually WORK? How about one of those partners who doesn't help / can eat anything they want / sabotages your weight loss?



    Sheesh. I'm so lucky I don't have any of those problems. I just eat food and exercise.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Why do people want to "substitute" their meals with chemicals and sugar?

    bc you're "on the go"? Really? Really? You are SOOOOO busy, busier than everyone else? Are you a STUDENT who has SO much work? Do you live with your parents who force you to eat their food? Are you a parent? Are you really really important? Do you have some of those "busy" kids too? Do you have a "busy" job where they expect you to actually WORK? How about one of those partners who doesn't help / can eat anything they want / sabotages your weight loss?



    Sheesh. I'm so lucky I don't have any of those problems. I just eat food and exercise.

    You must be a special snowflake.
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    Why do people want to "substitute" their meals with chemicals and sugar?

    bc you're "on the go"? Really? Really? You are SOOOOO busy, busier than everyone else? Are you a STUDENT who has SO much work? Do you live with your parents who force you to eat their food? Are you a parent? Are you really really important? Do you have some of those "busy" kids too? Do you have a "busy" job where they expect you to actually WORK? How about one of those partners who doesn't help / can eat anything they want / sabotages your weight loss?



    Sheesh. I'm so lucky I don't have any of those problems. I just eat food and exercise.

    Why would someone on this site want to make such a mean-spirited and smug post about how other people are tackling THEIR weight issues?

    bc you're oh so clever? Really? You know what other people's situations are like? You understand their issues with food that have perhaps plagued their entire lives? You know what it's like to deal with their family issues? Their upbringing?Their workload? Their commute? Their financial pressures? Their emotional state? Their health issues?



    Sheesh! I guess we're all lucky we have your example of how to eat food, exercise and make snide judgements.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Why do people want to "substitute" their meals with chemicals and sugar?

    bc you're "on the go"? Really? Really? You are SOOOOO busy, busier than everyone else? Are you a STUDENT who has SO much work? Do you live with your parents who force you to eat their food? Are you a parent? Are you really really important? Do you have some of those "busy" kids too? Do you have a "busy" job where they expect you to actually WORK? How about one of those partners who doesn't help / can eat anything they want / sabotages your weight loss?



    Sheesh. I'm so lucky I don't have any of those problems. I just eat food and exercise.

    Why would someone on this site want to make such a mean-spirited and smug post about how other people are tackling THEIR weight issues?

    bc you're oh so clever? Really? You know what other people's situations are like? You understand their issues with food that have perhaps plagued their entire lives? You know what it's like to deal with their family issues? Their upbringing?Their workload? Their commute? Their financial pressures? Their emotional state? Their health issues?



    Sheesh! I guess we're all lucky we have your example of how to eat food, exercise and make snide judgements.

    ain't no magic bullets. or judgments.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    You must be a special snowflake.

    translation: EVERYONE is busy. There are no magic bullets. "slim" and "fast" are mutually exclusive.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I think the real question is, "Has anyone maintained the weight they lost with slim fast after returning to "real" food?" I would be interested in this answer as well.


    Seriously, why do something that isn't sustainable long term? I mean, unless you want those shakes for the rest of your life. I am always kind of suspicious of doctors who recommend this crap. Losing 55 pounds means little if you don't keep it off long term. Find a nutritionist/dietician -- find a workout routine that works for you and just track you calories.
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    ain't no magic bullets. or judgments.

    But you are making judgements by your tone.

    Shakes may be a magic bullet for someone wanting to quickly shed a few pound that crept but it's certainly not for those with larger goals. Nobody would chose meal replacements as a long term option unless they were desperate.

    If using shakes is the transition stage that someone with food issues needs to make the long term change in their diet, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who is very obese drop the weight they need to BEFORE they can start an exercise programme, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone quickly lose the weight they urgently need to for their health, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who genuinely cannot exercise lose the weight they want or need to, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who has struggled with traditional diets for year upon year lose weight and be healthier and feel better about themselves, then good for them for using them.

    Sure any of them may relapse and regain, but so can people who do it with food and exercise.

    But none of those people, deserve to be ridiculed, judged or demeaned for making what is a positive change in their life. And that is how your blase, dismissive and smug post reads.

    And even if it is someone using shakes as "magic bullet" to lose a small amount, so what? It's not going to do them any harm.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    ain't no magic bullets. or judgments.

    But you are making judgements by your tone.

    Shakes may be a magic bullet for someone wanting to quickly shed a few pound that crept but it's certainly not for those with larger goals. Nobody would chose meal replacements as a long term option unless they were desperate.

    If using shakes is the transition stage that someone with food issues needs to make the long term change in their diet, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who is very obese drop the weight they need to BEFORE they can start an exercise programme, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone quickly lose the weight they urgently need to for their health, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who genuinely cannot exercise lose the weight they want or need to, then good for them for using them.

    If using shakes helps someone who has struggled with traditional diets for year upon year lose weight and be healthier and feel better about themselves, then good for them for using them.

    Sure any of them may relapse and regain, but so can people who do it with food and exercise.

    But none of those people, deserve to be ridiculed, judged or demeaned for making what is a positive change in their life. And that is how your blase, dismissive and smug post reads.

    And even if it is someone using shakes as "magic bullet" to lose a small amount, so what? It's not going to do them any harm.

    no, you PERCEIVED a judgment. my tone was sarcastic. I have had ALL of those issues that I mentioned in my original post at one time or another, and EVERYONE has things to deal with. Regardless, there never has, isn't now, and probably never will be, a magic bullet.

    Denial doesn't work either.

    BTW, sounds kinda judgy to say only desperate people would use shakes in the long term.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I wouldn't pay anymore attention to her, she looks to be a healthy weight to me, starting and currently...interesting she'd be on here at all....
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I wouldn't pay anymore attention to her, she looks to be a healthy weight to me, starting and currently...interesting she'd be on here at all....

    right, don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain.
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member

    no, you PERCEIVED a judgment. my tone was sarcastic. I have had ALL of those issues that I mentioned in my original post at one time or another, and EVERYONE has things to deal with. Regardless, there never has, isn't now, and probably never will be, a magic bullet.

    Denial doesn't work either.

    BTW, sounds kinda judgy to say only desperate people would use shakes in the long term.

    Wow! You really are rather lacking in understanding (in all senses) as well as self-awareness. But Redraidergirl has a point, you're not worth any more attention (which it would seem is what your 'aren't I wonderful' post was about in the first place).
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    I did. And then I did a magic trick- where it all came back lol
  • faas001
    faas001 Posts: 4 Member
    I tried it once years ago... I'd take it with me to work and I didn't want anyone to know I was drinking Slimfast so I drank it out of a brown paper bag; it dawned on me that didn't look so good either hah. Also my roommates girlfriend once asked if I know they were supposed to be meal replacements... as if I was drinking them like chocolate milk with all my meals.

    But, yeah tried em and never found them filling enough.
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    I didn't use slim fast specifically, but the Kate Morgan shakes diet. And wow I had a really bad experience! I was completely dedicated and stuck to it for a solid two months; it was super restrictive. Even certain vegetables were off-limits because they were too fattening/high in sugar; which I think is silly now. All in moderation! Especially the good stuff. But at that time I relied on the shakes and followed the diet plan as reccomended.
    Anyway, it worked very well, to it's credit..Lost a ton of weight, stomach felt almost flat for the first time in years; then disaster struck. I was at my boyfriends house and had forgotten to bring a shake. (Gasp! lol.) I was starving so I decided to eat a very small bowl of cereal, and it was like someone flipped a switch. I swear some sort of chemical brain thing went on because as soon as I had 'real food' again I just couldn't get control of myself. For over a year I binge ate, put all the weight back on and then some, was going to the shops for bags of chips, chocolates, biscuits, lollies and more chips to restock my stash at home. I was horrified with myself because even I knew it was beyond unreasonable to eat two family sized bags of Doritos/potato chips in one day, which was happening quite often. And that was in addition to the chocolate bars and choc covered biscuits. I tried again and again to curb it, stop it, find control again but for the longest time I struggled and failed. Finally I feel 'back to normal' and have been eating healthy without being overly restrictive; but its honestly been a long hard battle to get back on track, repair my mindset and food habits/cravings.

    I'm not saying this is everyone's experience! I do know of people that use shakes from time to time in addition to their healthy eating, and from what I've heard I think some people manage to come off strict shakes diets and maintain (though I can't say for sure.) I'm just sharing my personal experience and saying to be careful. I think any extreme-low-cal diet can be damaging; so make sure you're getting the right nutrition in a way you feel you can sustain after you've reached your goal. I however won't be touching a strict shake-oriented diet ever again! Didnt work for me that's for sure. :noway:
  • swilki84
    swilki84 Posts: 13 Member
    I did it for two weeks to drop a bit of weight about four years ago. Lost a stone, of which I slowly put back about 7lb over six months.
    What it did do is give me the confidence this time when I started to lose weight. I used it as a kickstarter to drop some initial weight and then switched onto a "normal" low calorie diet. I think it's helpful, but as others have said, not really sustainable longterm.
    What I did do also was swap from skimmed milk to semi skimmed and account for the increase in calories by snacking less. It made the shake so much thicker and more filling that I didn't need to snack as I wasn't hungry all the time.
  • kn081083
    kn081083 Posts: 18 Member
    harrylafemme put it perfectly on the point..All these meal replacements etc etc, although mite not be a long term definitely puts some of us food junkies on the path of watching-wat-u-eat...instead of using it as a restrictive program, we can customize it per our habits so that it complements our eating discipline n helps us get back on track!!
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