Meal Replacement?!

Is anyone using meal replacement shakes/bars? I thought I'd give it a try for a week or so. I keep having to "restart" my diet, and I was hoping this would help me get the habits going again with portion control.

If anyone has had experience with these I would like to know how it went for you! Pros, cons, and any advice to go along with it =)



  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Shakes and bars can be good in a pinch on a busy day, but they don't teach you anything. The best tools for learning portion control are a kitchen scale and a nutrition label.

    edit to fix my horrible grammar
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    A replacement shake or bar isn't teaching you portion control, it's only teaching you what a portion of meal replacement is. As the previous poster stated, you need to get a scale and a set of measuring spoons and start figuring out what a portion really is and learn to live within those boundaries.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    A replacement shake or bar isn't teaching you portion control, it's only teaching you what a portion of meal replacement is. As the previous poster stated, you need to get a scale and a set of measuring spoons and start figuring out what a portion really is and learn to live within those boundaries.


    I use meal replacement shake powder now and again... but just to make my protein powder taste better. I would never rely on them long term for a meal. At most I have them two to three times per week when I'm in a pinch or am short on my protein goals.

    Meal replacements teach you nothing.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I think relying on shakes or meal replacement bars will only lead to failure in the long run. You may lose some weight but it does not teach you how to eat properly---portion control, balanced meals, healthy options to fill you up.

    I tried shakes like 15 yrs ago and I remember being starving and gaining weight back anyway.

    Just "jumpstart" your diet by reducing your calorie intake and eating 3 balanced meals and 3 snacks a day. You will lose weight the right way and you will be learning food habits that will maintain your body in the long run.
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    I have shake powder as a backup at work, I use them when I don't have anything else or I have to stay longer than expected. Instead of grabbing something (usually not so good) in the cafeteria I just take a shake.

    I think a week or two of only shakes is fine if you want to jump start your weigth loss, it might give you that push you need. It's not uncommon in Sweden and I know plenty of peole that have used it, some with success, some without.
  • Compudad
    Compudad Posts: 54 Member
    I use Protein shakes as a meal replacement. It is convenient for my lifestyle and it works for me. I like the taste of mist whey protein powder shakes and mix them with Skim milk, yogurt and occasional fruit.
  • mimilynn79
    mimilynn79 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't like to eat breakfast so I always have a protien shake for breakfast. I need the extra protien and it gives me something to get me going in the morning.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I pretty much only use meal replacement bars for quick protein after a workout. I don't find them satisfying as a meal.
  • I'm using the Body Vi shakes 2 times a day and love the results I've gotten over the last 90 days (I think you could use any high quality protein shake and have the same results)! I also workout about 6 days a week so I'm sure that helps, but the shakes help me keep my protein levels up since I'm pescetarian it's hard to always get my protein levels where they should be. They also help me keep my calorie intake in line and let me splurge on a bigger meal once a day which works with my busy lifestyle. :)
  • windyleal
    windyleal Posts: 20
    I have a ready-to-drink Atkins Advantage chocolate shake almost everyday for breakfast because it is easy and helps with my chocolate cravings. I have a hard time eating a meal early in the morning and on my plan I must eat within an hour of waking up. The shakes work for me. I know all about portion size, etc., so I'm not worried about that part of it...if I didn't have the shake I wouldn't have anything at all so I think the shake is better than no breakfast.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    Depending on what the meal replacement is, it can be as many calories as a meal. For example, a friend of mine was telling me about how they're drinking this meal replacement concoction. It's 2 cups 2% milk (140 calories), one scoop slim fast powder (90 something calories), 2 tbs wheat germ (90 calories) and 2 tbs of something else (but I remember it was 60 calories). So that's about 380 calories total. She could just eat some real food for that many calories!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    My daughter in law sells Visalus and tried to get me into it. My usual breakfast is about 170 calories. She was showing me her breakfast shake concoction and when I totaled it all up it was over 500 calories! WTF! How is that going to be any help? Not much of an endorsement either that her 300 lb sister has lost 11 lbs in 30 days by doing shakes twice a day.
  • kelcileigh
    kelcileigh Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with the previous posters about portion control. However, I am always in a rush in the morning (I like sleep a little too much) so I always grab a slim fast shake. They are a bit high in sugar but I can honesty say they fill me up until lunch time! I had oatmeal yesterday and was starving until 10 am, but the shakes do the trick. I do drink them slowly though when I get to work so that may help as well
  • sjobowes
    sjobowes Posts: 13
    I drink shakeology in the morning for breakfast, I do add a half a banana an PB2 to it. I am not a BIG breakfast eater and this gets me my breakfast and also gives me loads of good nutrients. I also drink them after a heavy lifting workout as they are full of protein. Let alone the fabulous ways my digestive system works now!!! :) Message me if you have any questions on them.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I've done Slimfast a couple of times and failed miserably both times. Apart from giving me horrendous wind (!) they never filled me up so I was grumpy, miserable, windy and never managed to shift more than a couple of pounds.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    OP- Beware of anyone who raves about Shakology, Body By Vi, Advocare, or any other brand sold by "coaches" or distributors. They're usually going to try to sell you something.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I heard Shakology and those workout specific shakes are really high in sugar. AVOID.

    To answer you OP, I do have meal replacements.. daily. I have two active children, my oldest having special needs which both demand my attention. I have a high protein meal replacement by Ensure in the morning. It doesn't have a lot of sugar, carbs are reasonable for the morning and the protein is higher than anything I can get that doesn't involve going to the natural food store every week.
  • sjobowes
    sjobowes Posts: 13
    Not trying to sell anything on shakeology, just my personal opinion. I use the product and love it and feel great on it. As others have made their opinion on what they thought you should or shouldn't use. Sorry some thought that was my intention. I am hear to find motivation and people motivated to be healthier.
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I lack a gall bladder. I use the body bi vi shakes because I'm not hungry in the morning before I work out. What else gives you 12 protein and only comes at the cost of 7 carbs? Nothing that I would eat. So I use one or two a day. What works for you is great, but the people saying they won't work in the long run is only their opinion. I see my nutritionist once every three months and she is proud of me. My doctor knows all the standard process supplements I'm taking and tells me to keep up the good work. You have to do what works for you. It's not a one size fits all plan that fits everyone's needs. Wish you the best of luck.
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    I also believe that you need to eat real meals the majority of the time, but my absolute favorite protein bars are Quest Bars and favorite protein shakes are Syntrax Matrix mint cookie. I'm a RNY patient, so I've tried most often protein shakes out there, and this one is by far the best.