how long did it take before you liked to go running...



  • kellybeam
    kellybeam Posts: 22
    About six months, but I did get there!

    And I hate, hate, hate the treadmill. It's outside or elliptical.

    I hate treadmill running, too!!! It's on the road for me. At the gym, elliptical and strength training all the way!!! I have been running for 6 months and there are still days I force myself to go....when I get done, I am so glad I went!!! :)
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    hasn't happened yet.

  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    When I started running outside instead on on a treadmill. It does not feel like exercise to me when I am outside :)
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Not sure exactly when it happened...within the first few months though. I remember driving past an area where I usually run, looking longingly at the path and wishing it was a run day because i wanted to be out there. And I wondered what had happened to me and who's voice I was hearing in my head! :tongue:
  • angelayogalv
    angelayogalv Posts: 3 Member
    Glad I read this! I'm thankful for the others that call it the dreadmill. I had a big breakthrough two weeks ago running for over 22 minutes with no break. It was a great feeling but the very next run I was checking the clock for the 22 minute mark, just like I was at 6 minutes & 8 minutes & so on. My goal is to run a 5k, all the way this time. And to stop wishing it would end. :laugh: :laugh:
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I started liking it when I began to treat it as a sport and learned how to train for improvement.
  • ril0riley
    ril0riley Posts: 54 Member
    I avoided the treadmill for a long time, because I "knew" that I hated running and didn't want to be the one fool hogging a machine by walking when there were people lined up to run
    One day the stair machines (which I had gotten comfortable with) were all taken so I grudgingly tried the treadmill
    As soon as I saw that I could burn a lot more and work up way more of a sweat in the same amount of time, I decided that I'd still do my stair workouts when I had time, but if I ever only had 30 minutes to spend at the gym, I'd run

    Anyway, all that to say it took about 2 months of that new habit before I started running exclusively. And a few months after that, when I finally decided to try a run outside (which I was CONVINCED would be somehow different or much more difficult) I was HOOKED.
    Now I can't get enough of it.
  • sccet
    sccet Posts: 141 Member
    hasn't happened yet.

    Having run off and on for 20 years, this. :)

    More seriously, I rarely enjoy it for the first 2 miles. I always love the last mile and I always love the post-running physical and emotional high.
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I feel like gym running is no fun but when its while doing something like a sport, that's when I enjoy sucks cause I workout around 4am and no one to play basketball with...

    Does your gym have a track? I hate running on tredmills...3 seonds feels like a year on those I decided to take to the track even though its always either super advanced runners or older people speed walking. That helped me a lot! Also awesome music helps too.

    As for basketball....could you go to the gym later on the weekend and have a pick up game...or a day or two out of the week?
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    When I first started running, 15 years ago [and 30 marathons ago] my mentor told me she always hated the first mile. Me too! But once I get going I love it! Many new runners are trying to run too fast---run slower and enjoy the world around you. I coached running for a long time and feel that new runners lose weight faster than anyone else I know.

    Good luck!
  • jungleclaudia
    I started running because I had a deep depression and I wasn't eating anything, so my therapist told me that I should make an activity that helps me to stay alive. At first I did it because It was like my "homework" from therapy, but after two months I really fell in love with it. Also, it helped me to lose weight and I started eating clean and healthy.
    You can try new places, the atmosphere is always important. :)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    "Like running"? Ummm... still hasn't happened for me and I've been running for nearly four years. What I "like" about running is the feeling of being able to do it (was never athletic growing up), the feeling of being done, and the all the wonderful calories I get from running. :laugh:
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    When I actually have somewhere nice to run. For years I ran round the streets, and it was okay, but not very exciting, but when I moved to where live now and I can run out in the countryside and up on the moors, it's just fantastic. Makes all the difference to me. I detest running on the treadmill - if it was a choice between that and swimming, I would usually choose swimming.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I've never liked it indoors! It's tolerable on an outside track. It's pretty good when I run around town. It's FUN when I run on paths or thru nature.
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
    I am a new runner and I dont go very fast but I am enjoying running using Zombies Run. It makes it more of a game.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    The THIRD time I tried to train for 5K distance. 2008 - ran for 9 weeks, still didn't like it, quit. 2010 - ran for 15+ weeks, still didn't like it, quit. 2013 - been running for 7 weeks, FRICKIN LOVE IT.

    I don't know what changed. I'm approximately the same weight as all the other times. I'm older now. I think the only difference may be that I started out in slightly better shape this time from other activities and so got to the running happy place faster.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    I usually start liking it after the first mile and a half. Before that, though, every single time I go, it's effing torture.
  • Ironman2be
    Ironman2be Posts: 140 Member
    Hate every minute of it!!! But I ran my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marathon last summer and I love the feeling of getting that Medal draped around the neck and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. But running sucks.. plain and simple! :)
  • KrissyKris10
    KrissyKris10 Posts: 68 Member
    I always loved it when i was DONE. It was probably about the time when i could run for 20mins straight without wanting to pass out. the lungs didn't burn so much and i could really just let my mind go. The cares of the day just seemed to melt away and it really helped to improve my mindset/attitude/mood. I might mention that i can't stand to do it anywhere but outside.
  • phatnotfat81
    Hated it always. Gave it up and started lifting. Much happier now.

    ^^ ditto...i may jog once or twice here and there...way better and easier results lifting though!