HELP!! How long did it take you to like running?



  • hahahood
    hahahood Posts: 4
    I too highly recommend the Couch to 5K program. I was a 50 year old total 'non-runner' last June when I started the C25K program. Since then I have participated in 9 runs. Some 5K, one 8K and 2 10Ks. Running with a friend (or friends) makes it much more fun for me. I am now training for my first half-marathon on May 6, 2012. Yikes! Having a training partner has been vital-for both of us. I call them 'runs' not races becasue for me it's not about finishing first all of the time. It's about improving my personal time and feeling great about my accomplishment.
    Relax, find a training partner (or 2) and perhaps read up on Jeff Galloway's Run/Walk/Run program. It has made the longer distance runs possible for me.
  • I have always had a love/hate relationship with running.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I really started to enjoy running as soon as whatever run I was on was finished.


    Seriously though, I think the first time I really enjoyed it was when I realized I could run a full mile without stopping. I had been working on my cardio and strength for a long time but never really considered running.

    Once I realized that I could do a mile I stated working on getting a lower time. That is one of the aspects I enjoy most about it. My mile time went from 19 minutes, to 17, to 15, then to 12. Last weekend I ran my first 5K ever :)

    I think I'll still stick with my original answer though... my favorite part of running is when it is finished and I have accomplished my goal :bigsmile:
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I enjoy running when it's over. Seriously. I really don't like running at all, but the feeling you get at the end of a run is pretty hard to beat.

  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you guys SO MUCH for responding. Now I know that not everyone falls in love with running after their first mile. I'm going to keep with it and maybe look at it again after the end of Couch 2 5K. :-)
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    :sick: I am still waiting for that promised "runners high", looks like I have to wait until I can run 6 miles to find it!!! UGH

    I do not enjoy running, I do it because I can't and am determined to beat it! I love when I am done!!! Maybe someday I will enjoy it but not yet!
  • fstfrd00
    fstfrd00 Posts: 33 Member
    For me, like most here, I hated the idea but while wanting to find a hobby for my wife and little girl I registered for a 5k and fell in love with crossing the finish line.
  • stamfordjules
    stamfordjules Posts: 26 Member
    When I realised that the first 10 minutes feels awful for most runners and that even seasoned runners say they hate the first 2-3 miles the worst!

    So I knew that until I got up to running past 2 miles it'd be rubbish. Now I'm running 2.6 miles and the last section is great. I've booked into a half marathon in October and will start upping my miles soon.

  • mwownbey
    mwownbey Posts: 43
    I am not a runner and never will be but several of my friends and I have started signing up for 5Ks. Participated in my first one last Saturday and did it in 42:45. Scheduled to participated in my next one in two weeks. Hoping to beat my time by a minute or so. I was very impressed that I even finished!!!!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I still don't "like" it, but I prefer doing short HIIT sessions with running and sprinting than long runs. Ugh, I can't stomach more than 20 minutes, and that's pushing it.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I started loving it the first week I joined a group at the Running Room! I have met amazing friends and it is a real motivation to show up for a run and see so many other people there! A year later I have just signed on to be a group leader!