Ear Buds that work :(



  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Have you tried buying the foam tips, can squeeze them in like earplugs. Only downside is you need to keep buying more as they get gunked up...
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    OMG, stalking this thread! My new ones, which I found on clearance at Menard's, keep slipping out of my ears and it's driving me nuts.
  • 44rkyle
    44rkyle Posts: 11 Member
    Try Yurbuds - Link http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/yurbuds/ironman-inspire-duro.html?MCID=CG-PLA-US&mr:trackingCode=C9876990-0376-E211-8D02-001517384908&mr:referralID=NA&mr:adType=pla&mr:ad=16488418626&mr:keyword=&mr:match=&mr:filter=41325473466.

    They are not cheap ($50.00), but they stay in and work great. Ran 10-miles last weekend and zero problems with them staying in my ears. Great sound as well!
  • txsbbtc
    txsbbtc Posts: 5 Member
    If you have an audiologist in your area, you can get custom earmolds that the ear buds fit into. Since they are shaped for your ears, they don't tend to fall out. Pricing varies but they are highly effective and last a long time. I've had the same pair for 5 years. *Disclaimer-I am an audiologist which is why I know about them.*

    Yep, I am an audiologist, too, and I love my custom earmolds. I have little bitty ear canals and could never feel comfortable with standard buds. Additional advantage, they block out much more background noise, so the volume level on my mp3 can stay really low.
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    I've got a pair of Jaybird Bluebud. (http://www.jaybirdgear.com/bluebuds-x-bluetooth-headphones/) They are more expensive as they are wireless and sweatproof. They come with a number of different size buds and also another thing (not sure what to call it) that helps to secure it in your ear.

    Fantastic sound, lifetime sweat-guarantee and I've actually worn them while warming up playing volleyball (with my phone in my bag 20+ feet away) Again though... expensive.
  • mklassy123
    mklassy123 Posts: 153
    I cannot believe the yurbuds didn't work for the OP. Definitely try getting a different size. I have teeny tiny earcanals that curve. I'm an audiologist and have had any ear impressions made of my ears. I also sell the custom earplugs. I have used both the custom and the yurbuds I like the yurbuds much better. My ears don't sweat with them and once I found the right size for me they fit perfectly and they are so comfortable. They have definitely gone up in price as mine were about $25 a year and a half ago.

    If the yurbuds really don't work for you and you want something to go inside the ear, then definitely go for the custom made earbud earmolds. They are going to cost, but they will last a long time - provided you don't lose one or both - as I have done many times. So far I have never lost a yurbud.
  • mklassy123
    mklassy123 Posts: 153
    If you have an audiologist in your area, you can get custom earmolds that the ear buds fit into. Since they are shaped for your ears, they don't tend to fall out. Pricing varies but they are highly effective and last a long time. I've had the same pair for 5 years. *Disclaimer-I am an audiologist which is why I know about them.*

    Yep, I am an audiologist, too, and I love my custom earmolds. I have little bitty ear canals and could never feel comfortable with standard buds. Additional advantage, they block out much more background noise, so the volume level on my mp3 can stay really low.

    Too many audiologists on this thread, LOL. Me too, me too!
  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
  • kmdavis1105
    kmdavis1105 Posts: 16 Member
    I bought a pair of Sony earbuds pretty cheap at an airport, and they're surprisingly the only buds that haven't hurt my ears or constantly fallen out. Got tired of using huge headphones to workout, so glad these stay in! Most buds seem to hurt my ear, no matter which size I get.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    If you have an audiologist in your area, you can get custom earmolds that the ear buds fit into. Since they are shaped for your ears, they don't tend to fall out. Pricing varies but they are highly effective and last a long time. I've had the same pair for 5 years. *Disclaimer-I am an audiologist which is why I know about them.*

    Yep, I am an audiologist, too, and I love my custom earmolds. I have little bitty ear canals and could never feel comfortable with standard buds. Additional advantage, they block out much more background noise, so the volume level on my mp3 can stay really low.

    Hello fellow audiologist!!!

    Very true about the noise blocking! So, if you are a side street runner, make sure to ask for large vents so you can still hear cars honking.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    YURBUDS! I boought a pair from Wal Mart for about $25.00. They stay in very well, sound decent, and are reasonably priced. I have tried many pairs of ear buds and these are by far the best I have tried.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member

    I have yurbuds and I love them!
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I have small ears---I haven't found any ear buds that work so I rock it old school with the headband foam over the ear style. Not cool, but cheap and they work for me.
  • Felicia714
    Felicia714 Posts: 21 Member
    I have the BOSE MIE2i and they are wonderful! I've had them for a few years and they still sound great. They have this rubber thing that keeps the ear buds in and they don't fall out. I'm training for my 2nd marathon and never had a problem with them falling out while I run. They cost around $100 (i think) but are well worth the investment.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I have tiny ears and could never find anything that fit. Oddly enough, the cheap sony ones work perfectly for me,

  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    I've had great luck with Bose IE2 earbuds, they have this rubber-thingy (that's a technical term ;-) ) that hooks around your ear & really holds them in whilst running. There are 3 sizes of rubber-thingys to choose from, one of them will fit.

    The price however, is stupid - I bought mine at Sams Club for around $75. That was the cheapest place that I could find to buy them.