Parents, how often do you go out?



  • xtina1129
    xtina1129 Posts: 111 Member
    My husband and I try to go out every, or every other sat. Even if it's to grab a bite to eat or see a movie. Our kids are 8.5 and 5.
  • angelicarubi
    angelicarubi Posts: 148 Member
    Hmmm I wonder if age of parents plays a role too. We are 21 & 25. I feel like my other friends with kids are out way more. Once they are sleeping they just leave them with grandparents and go to the club.

    Thanks to everyone who imputs, I dont judge I feel its a personal choice based on how often you see your children and spouse, as well as what you can afford. We are lucky to have grandmas sitting services.

    I do not have any kids yet, but I think once a week is awesome! Not many couples spend time alone without there kids anymore, it is important for your relationship. It does not make you bad parents. I think it is awesome, that you guys set a side a day for just you two, even if it is just 3 hours. It makes your relationship stronger. Great Job, I say ! (: Mommy and Daddy are happy kids are happy, simple as that !
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    What is this ''going out'' of which you speak?
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    Maybe once a month. I have 3 kids 6,3,1.5 with 1 more on the way. It is hard to get timing down. But we have a good time when we do. I have only had one guys night out in the last 8 years, but I let her go out with her friends when she can and I watch the kids.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Our boys have grown up and left home but we are still parents. We tell our boys that they can come home whenever they want to but we have a social life so they had better not forget their keys. Lol.

    Monday nights we go out for dinner then dance class, Wednesdays are my service club, Thursdays are his, Friday or Saturday nights we go out dancing and Sunday mornings we cycle together.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am a single mom to a almost 2 year old little boy.
    I try to go out once every other week but I always make sure my little guy is already in bed for the night and my mom watches (keeps an ear out for him).
    I always make sure I am home before he wakes up in the morning,
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Not often.. When my son was 0-3, he never spent one single night away from me.

    I would like to get out more now that he is older.
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    My husband is military and so we have never lived near family that can babysit so to me once a week seems like a lot. We generally only go out when once in a blue moon my husband and I wind up with a day off at the same time, usually national holidays. We take the kids to daycare and look at it as free babysitting! Otherwise, it's hard to justify the huge expense of paying for a babysitter for a five year old and an infant.
  • Zuragh
    Zuragh Posts: 35 Member
    5yro, 3yro, 1yro. We don't live by family and babysitters are few and far between. The hubs and I have gone out without the kids maybe two or 3 times in the last 5 years. We go out individually for a couple hours with friends maybe once a month, sometimes more depending on friends' schedules as most of them (mine) are also parents. I do not think that once a week is excessive, however. I think if you have appropriate support for it and aren't abusing the relationship of the person who is caring for your children and they enjoy it or you're paying, it is completely appropriate.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    My boys are 3 1/2 and 2 (as of this Sunday).

    My husband and I are lucky if we are able to go out without the kids two or three times a year. We don't have family that live locally, and I haven't yet found a sitter.

    I go out without him once every few months or so.
  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 28 and my hubby is 29... We have a 6yr old, 2yr old and I'm 5 months pregnant. We try and go out once every couple months alone...usually to dinner and the casino.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    We have a 4 year old with the closest relative being a 6 hr drive away. We get about 2 dates a year. No babysitters have worked out and they're crazy expensive. We occasionally go out for dinner an bring him with us.
  • XLMuffnTop
    XLMuffnTop Posts: 76 Member
    I am extremely lucky that my mom volunteers to keep my kids from about 7pm until around 9am every other Friday night, give or take. We are appreciative, don't take advantage and are flexible with the whole thing.

    But, my husband and I are both students and I work full time so during these free nights, it's usually grocery shopping or homework. Oooooh! exciting!
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    After getting a comment insinuating that we go out too much I am wondering ...

    In general how often do you go out without the kids (anything recreational counts)

    Do you And youe s.o. Go together or seperate?

    How many kids and ages?

    After having opposite schedules for a year, hubs and I now go out together one night a week leaving our 2 yr old with grandma for about 3 hours. I dont feel its excessive. We dont drink a lot hit clubs etc.

    If we had a grandma close by you bet we'd go out more. Nothing wrong with that.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    sounds perfect. in fact, good for you. most parents-of-one are too busy trying to out-martyr one another about how they can't do anything anymore.

    We have 4 kids and go out together every Saturday, and occasionally another night during the week. The kids are now 15, 11, 9 and 5, so we are usually able to go without a sitter unless the oldest one has plans. We have always lived far away from family, so we have always used sitters until the eldest became old enough.

    Also I will typically go out with girlfriends salsa dancing (I'm a dance instructor married to a non-dancer) on Sunday nights. My husband is much more of a homebody, but has a monthly weeknight he gets together with his friends.

    Oh, ha ha -- we are OLD - 45 and 56.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    we never ever did when they were young, EVER., not even a babysitter....
    but now that they are 14 and 20.
  • aandasmommy
    aandasmommy Posts: 33 Member
    We do go out often as a whole family with the kids :)
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    We go out together either once a week or once every other week. It really depends, sometimes it just ends up we have two weekends in a row of something like friends birthday or some other event. In that case we then don't go out for a couple weeks. We usually always go out together he sometimes goes out on Friday nights with friends or I do a girls day of shopping with a friend on the weekend. We average 2-4 times a month. We are 27 and 28 and are kids are 10 and 3.

    My MIL usually watches them and they LOVE spending the time with her. I am really close with my Grandma so I also wanted to make sure my kids have a strong relationship with theirs. I defiantley don't see anything wrong with once a week. :wink:
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    me and the hubs rarely go out together. we have plans to go out for my birthday next week, and that will be the first time in over 2 years we'll have been out together.

    i spent the night at a friends house before a race the next day (about 4 months ago now), so although the run was a bit of a social event, it wasn't a night out to let rip.

    before we had kids and when we had money it was different! now we have 3 kids and no money, and no family around to help out. i think if we had family around then we would go out more- even if it was just to the movies.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    MAYBE every 4-6 months :( We really don't have family close by, my in-laws are about 45 minutes away and we ask his mom to come to our house to stay with them well in advance...his parents like to go out as much as a young couple, so they are always on the go. We have 4.. 17,13, 6 and 1....NOW...once in a while we may need to run somewhere and the teens can keep the littles..but they visit their dad on a lot of weekends and my 17 year old also works...I have never wanted them to feel like they had to care for the younger ones all the mom did that with me when I was a teen with my brother and sister..And my 13 year old is in sports year round and that fills most evenings and weekends! Most of the time if we want to go somewhere..they come with