Getting over hunger

I started this site about 2 weeks ago and have been following my calories very close. It has really opened my eyes to what is in the things I eat. However, I must have been just gorging myself because with my revised calorie intake (for only 1lb lost per week) I am starving by the end of the evening. I have tried several different options for meals and snack and I always feel the same every day. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem or had any solutions.


  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Eat high fiber and high protein foods.... They make your body work harder to digest so you feel full longer.

    Also foods that are full of air or water (like air popped corn & watermelon) can make it feel like you're eating a lot even though you really aren't.
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    I snack on fruit, and 100 cal popcorn bags to battle the hunger, they seem to fill me up the best. I drink a cup of french vanilla hot tea when I fill hungry, sometimes I find that satisfies me enough to hold off eating for awhile.
  • twoes
    twoes Posts: 30
    Fruit and water!!!
  • Precious_Nissa
    I had that problem the 1st 2 weeks and i think its just because your body isnt use to paying attention to what its intaking....what i did was i bought some raisins which is 70 cal for a snack box and some peanuts and every time i get a hunger i drink some crystal light and eat some raisins, peanuts or a granola bar.....It has really really helped me....
  • its_damaris
    this is exactly how i felt when i first started dieting, its something your body needs to get used to. i have lost 60pounds in over a year. but i had that feeling for about 2 to 3 months into it. so just hang in their!!! :) you will eventually get used to it.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    What helped me the most was monitoring WHY I thought I was hungry. I came to realize that I am an emotional eater. Food makes me feel good because it tastes good. Or I was bored. I noticed that on the days I keep myself busy, I eat less and I feel ok. I am not famished at the end of the day.

    I also noticed that I feel like I have a God given right to eat. And I do. But not the way I was. I have the right to feed my stomach (the little size that it is) but not ANY voids I have. I have to learn how to fill those without food.

    Hope this helps!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I have the same problem. The only way I solved it was cutting back on high glycemic foods for a while and only introducing them back in slowly and in small quantities. High Glycemic Index foods (such as simple carbohydrates) will increase the body’s sugar levels rapidly whereas low glycemic index foods will increase the body’s sugar levels slowly. Then, when your blood sugar plummets, you feel hungry. Avoiding blood sugar highs and lows not only helps with hunger, it also helps with weight loss in general.

    The next aide in not being hungry is filling up your stomach. The other posters have given good advice in regard to drinking water, eating popcorn, etc. I discovered Irish sea moss (a source of carrageen). Added to a beverage, it expands as more and more water is added from your digestive system and you feel full.
  • startover
    startover Posts: 37
    Thanks Everyone! I got some good ideas that I will try. :)
  • KristyO
    KristyO Posts: 126
    The last few days I have really been trying to stay at 1410 calories...typically I can eat more because I workout but since I'm taking a break from the gym after straining my back I don't have room for much error. I have found that drinking tons of water helps. Lots and lots of water!!! At the very least a glass per hour.