Rethinking weight goal.

Alright. I'm not sure if I'm medium boned or small boned. I have about an inch of fat around my wrist... So I'm rethinking my weight loss goal. Does anyone have any pictures to share? My weight goal was 150 but now I'm thinking of going to 130. So pictures of big boned to medium boned women that around 5'6" and weigh 150-130 would be appreciated.. Also... what pants size would that be? Thank you! I'm kind of bummed out now.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Instead of going by "frame size" or weight, why not pick a fat loss goal?

    When I was 191 pounds, I used to think that I was medium or large framed because of that weird "wrap my fingers around the wrist" test. My fingers couldn't touch at all, lol. But now, I am a little less than 140 pounds and all my fingers wrap around that wrist and overlap. So according to that "test," my frame size shrank! Of course, what really happened was I lost body fat...and that whole frame size thing turned out to be nothing at all.

    Anyway, picking a healthy body fat percentage is less stressful on you anyway. You just keep losing fat and inches, and when you get there, you can just step on the scale and be like "So THAT is what I will weigh at 18% body fat" (for example).

    Right now, I am 23% body fat and I weigh a little less than 140. The profile picture was taken in January this year, and I wear size 5/6 (I am 5'5" tall). My goal is to be around 16% body fat. I don't care what I weigh when I get there, whether it be 120, 130, or whatever. I just want to wear certain sizes and be lean.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Why don't you just lose weight until you're happy with your weight? Why pick some arbitrary number? Just lose weight and play it by ear.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Why don't you just lose weight until you're happy with your weight? Why pick some arbitrary number? Just lose weight and play it by ear.

    This. Get to 150 and see how you feel and look. You can adjust your goals as you need when you get there.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why don't you just lose weight until you're happy with your weight? Why pick some arbitrary number? Just lose weight and play it by ear.

    This. Get to 150 and see how you feel and look. You can adjust your goals as you need when you get there.

    You could do this or pick a body fat % rather than a scale #. My goal is to get to 19-20%. This means my end weight could be anywhere between 110-140lbs.
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    Because being medium or big boned means that I'll look fat even when I'm 150. I want to be thin. I've been fat most of my life and I'm tired of it. I want to look good. Not just feel good.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Because being medium or big boned means that I'll look fat even when I'm 150. I want to be thin. I've been fat most of my life and I'm tired of it. I want to look good. Not just feel good.

    No it doesn't...especially if you include weight training into your exercise regiment. The scale is not reliable..measurements are. And having small goals helps get you to your main goal. Also, with what you just said tells me that aside from getting need to teach yourself good habits that not only pertain to your eating/exercise, but how you think about yourself.

    Just because you reach a "goal weight" doesn't mean you are going to appreciate yourself and suddenly find the confidence, self esteem and such you lack/have been wanting. Just like getting fit/losing weight - all that takes time. So set mini-goals to help build yourself up to achieve the bigger picture...and at the same time, when you reach that - you'll be mentally prepared and able to accept everything about yourself.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    There is no such thing as medium or small boned. The only thing that makes your bones smaller is your height or deterioration. I think you're referring to your frame. What you will look like at 150 or 130 depends on where you carry your weight. I carry my weight in my belly and thighs so its still there's a little when I'm at 150 but I'm 5'9. My friend is 5'9 and at 150 she has a flat tummy. See how you feel when you reach 150 and if you feel like you want to be smaller try 140. Try this site for additional help
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Because being medium or big boned means that I'll look fat even when I'm 150. I want to be thin. I've been fat most of my life and I'm tired of it. I want to look good. Not just feel good.
    Wow...this statement makes me really want to share a pic now...I'll just look fat to you. Sorry...but your "frame" size doesn't make you look fat...fat makes you look fat.
  • bellarae1803
    Actually if you're bigger boned you don't look fatter. In fact you can often times hide the weight better. You need to not worry about frame anyway. You're setting yourself up to fail by thinking you have to be a certain way!! Just work at it and embrace it. Don't worry about numbers.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    just found out that big/small bone is used to refer to frame size... sorry for the miss info
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    I think that weight goals change sometimes over time...I had a goal of 142 and have been around that for a few years now (a little fluctuation), but now I want to work on body fat % and also get down to around 130-135. It took me awhile to feel comfortable with my new body, but now I'm ready for more change! :)
  • Nettie96fb
    I'm 5' 5"...I'm older so this may not apply...I'm currently at 141lbs...that was my goal, but I still feel I can grab a handful in all the wrong places, so I'm aiming to drop 5lbs extra at a time, if I look 'drawn or gaunt' I'll stop...I'm toning really well, I did a 10km run two weekends ago, and I've never run in my life, my journey only started 6 months don't stress about 'frame' go with how you feel, and you look....if you can still grab a handful of fat then you can lose some more I reckon
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I am 5'6" and started at 232 and then restarted at 190. My original goal was 145 and a size 6/8. Once I got there I wanted to lose more. I am now 130 and a size 0/2. 18.2% body fat. This was my high school weight and I never thought I'd see it again.

    I totally credit my size to heavy lifting mixed with cardio.

    Get down to your first goal weight and see how you feel. Good luck!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Why don't you just lose weight until you're happy with your weight? Why pick some arbitrary number? Just lose weight and play it by ear.
    I agree with this as well. I've been here since June 2012 & had over 100 lbs to lose. I STILL don't have a goal weight. I'm taking this journey one day & one pound at a time. I'm not going to focus on a number at this point, seems way too far away to get there and I need all the motivation I can muster up. It is very easy to get discouraged, especially if you have a lot of weight to drop. If anything , make small goals, 5-10 lb increments so you feel like you've accomplished something. As far as a final goal weight, I'll know when I get there, I might not like how I look when I get to (insert some # here), everyone carries their weight differently, different body shapes as well.

    Good luck on your journey
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I agree with everyone on here. Lowering body fat is so much more important than a number on the scale. By losing body fat you gain muscle and change the way you look. There is a difference between being "skinny fat" and "lean with muscle." Good luck on your endeavor hun :)
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I'm 5'6", medium frame and 150 in the pic of me in the red sweater. In the cowl and jeans I'm 145. Jeans are a 6 - 10 depending on brand/cut. I put my goal as 130 but as soon as I'm cleared to lift heavier I plan to focus on that instead.
  • lizno
    lizno Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to all of this, but I'm older and 5'5" and 130 lbs currently. I am considered large framed by the fingers not touching around the wrist test. Here is a pic of me so you can see what 130 looks on my frame. I've been told I look like I am 10 lbs lighter than my actual weight. I think it is due to my frame. I am now trying to exercise and tone my body because I would like my waist area to be a little tighter and my butt to be a little larger.

    But we are all different and 150 on you might be just right. You won't know till you get there and see how it makes you feel. I have a friend who is heavier than me, but the same height and she looks fabulous. I think it's all about how the weight is carried and if it's muscle.

    Sorry. I tried to imbed the image in my post, but it didn't work. Here is a link.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Check out this site: -- input your height, weight, etc., and it'll give you a gallery of women with that body type.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm new to all of this, but I'm older and 5'5" and 130 lbs currently. I am considered large framed by the fingers not touching around the wrist test. Here is a pic of me so you can see what 130 looks on my frame. I've been told I look like I am 10 lbs lighter than my actual weight. I think it is due to my frame. I am now trying to exercise and tone my body because I would like my waist area to be a little tighter and my butt to be a little larger.

    But we are all different and 150 on you might be just right. You won't know till you get there and see how it makes you feel. I have a friend who is heavier than me, but the same height and she looks fabulous. I think it's all about how the weight is carried and if it's muscle.

    Sorry. I tried to imbed the image in my post, but it didn't work. Here is a link.
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  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Bones have sizes? You're bummed and you haven't even picked a goal weight yet?

    I have a suggestion. Don't worry about pulling some arbitrary number out of a hat right now. Chances are that no matter what the number is, when you get close to it you won't be satisfied with how you look. That's because random numbers are, well, random.

    How about this instead. Start an exercise program that gets you cardio and strength training for 30-45 mins 4-5 days per week. And then use MFP to eat in a calorie deficit so that you lose a pound or so a week. After a few months, we'll reevaluate. By that time, maybe you'll decide you like running or biking and there's some event you want to train for. Or you like lifting and there's a certain amount of weight you'd like to be able to lift over your head. We'll change to a program that better suits your needs at that time.

    Let's stop spending time choosing random numbers and get started on getting in shape. One day, you'll look in the mirror and like what you see. Whatever you weigh on that day will be your goal weight.