Glycemix Intex

Stunner Posts: 20
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
hey all..i've been wondering if you should watch the amounts of GLs in certain foods while counting calories at the same time?? WOuld this help..or isnt it necessary? thanks!


  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    About to head off to work but tagging this so I can reply later
  • Stunner
    Stunner Posts: 20
    thanks lilmissy2 that would be so helpful!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    As promised...

    I think you are talking about Glycaemic Index? (ok, it would really be spelled glycemic in America!). Basically, glycaemic index reflects the effect that a particular food has on your blood sugar from the time it is ingested until the time your blood sugar returns to baseline. It is essentially used to rank carbohydrate foods. A high GI food will affect your body really quickly, your blood sugar will spike quite high and will come down again quite quickly, say within a couple of hours. This is in a healthy person of course, it will be different for a diabetic. A low GI food digests more slowly so your blood sugar does not raise nearly as high (often less than half) but it remains that way for a lot longer.

    For weight loss, this means that a low GI food will leave you feeling full for much longer than a high GI food.

    If you eat the same amount of calories, whether you eat high or low GI foods you will still lose the same amount of weight BUT it will be easier for you to control your hunger if you eat more low GI foods.

    Hope that helps.
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