What motivates you when you're just not feeling it?

I'll be honest. I hate working out. I hate sweating. I hate the feeling in my chest when my heart rate goes up and I breathe more rapidly. I hate the way my face gets all red and ugly after 10 minutes.I hate the way my fat jiggles around when I move. I hate feeling like the only fat person surrounded by athletes at the university rec center. I hate being sore after a so-called "good" workout. Pretty much the only reason I bother with doing something I hate so much is because I hate being fat even more. And even that's not enough on some days. I have to seek motivation elsewhere. A big motivator for me is seeing people even larger than me out running in the cold, the heat, and the west Texas wind. If a 300+ pound woman can get out there and do something active, why can't I? I have a lot of respect and admiration for anyone that heavy doing any sort of exercise. I'm sure it's even more unpleasant for them than it is for me, so if they can do it, I really have no excuse. Seeing that really helps me put things into perspective whenever I feel like having a "poor me" pity party.

For those of you who hate working out, what motivates and/or inspires you to do it anyway?


  • hey, my motivation is my mini goal treat, my mini goal is to lose 20lbs. I've lost 7lbs so far, when i reach my goal i get to visit my bestfriends in Bristol, which is the other side of the country. These people are the sweetest, kindest and fun people i've had the pleasure of knowing, i kind of live and breathe for them.

    So thats my motivation x
  • one big motivator for me is looking at other people's before and after pictures. proof that eventually all this heaving and sweating and dying will pay off and i'll get to where i want to be. another thing i like is how when you log cardio on here, you get bonus calories, and it helps me stay under my goal for the day. I'll see how many i've earned and think "well i could do one of my dance videos and get even more" Push through this slump! You can do it!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    it used to be the voice in my head was my un-motivator. I could talk myself out of about everything good for me!

    After some time and real hard work, I have altered that damn voice into one of support and motivation. it took time - lots of it - but redirecting that ugly negative voice in my head was the best thing I have ever done for myself! When I began, I was just like you. Now, there is no stopping me! And on days when motivation is a problem (we all have tough days), I (to steal the Nike slogan) Just do it. I am always happy that I did.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I give myself a star in my appointment book every day that I exercise, and I really hate seeing a gap in the stars.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I actually have more of a problem with taking a day off from exercising when there is something else I should do instead.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    If it's an activity I genuinely enjoy, then motivation comes naturally. We all enjoy some workout activities more than others. For example I love ice-skating but hate step classes. I dislike aerobics but find them more bearable if the music is familiar and energetic.

    If, for some reason, you're doing an exercise you truly hate, promise a reward for yourself once you finish. I promise myself a shower with nice shampoo and a relaxing hot tub soak once the workout is done.
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    Right now my motivation is the two summer tops I bought that I have hanging up where I can see them. Every time I see them it pushes me more. I will be wearing those tops this summer and I will look d*mn good in them!
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I don 't struggle much with motivation, but I do exercise that I enjoy, when I enjoy it. For example, I thought about running on Tuesday, but I was tired and it was freezing out. I went to a zumba class instead. On Thursday I was too exhausted to get up at 7am for power yoga- so I caught up on my running in the afternoon and felt great after.