New Balance N4 Heart Rate Monitor

Anyone have experience with the New Balance N4 Heart Rate Monitor? I'm interested in hearing pros/cons. They have them for half price at Target right now and I've been wanting a heart rate monitor. I had decided on the Polar, but this one seems decent.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Wow - half price? Nice!

    I have the N4, have had it for about two and half years or so - works great! I read reviews from users here at MFP and on Amazon, and had narrowed my choices down to either the Polar or the N4. I'm broke, so turned to eBay and put both items on my watchlist. The New Balance came up first, so that's what I got.

    I've had no problems with it, and have had to change the battery in the chest strap twice, and the watch battery only once in the time I've had it, using it probably six days a week pretty consistently.
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    Good to know...thanks; I think I might go snag it. It's on clearance (obviously).