Insanity - tell the truth



  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    When I started I was out of breathe and sometimes felt my heart would beat out of my chest. I did finish the work out but I did take breaks. I knew going in I would have to start out at my own pace but I completed the program and as time went by the breaks were short and farther appart. In the end I was able to do most of it (had to modify some of the push ups due to bad wrist) I loved it I would recommend it to anyone. Good luck.

  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I can do them without too much of a problem. Now, with that being said let me say how how I do it. I can't do a push up (yet) I modify them with a couch/chair. I don't do the full jumps either and I don't do it as fast as they do. The jump thing is partly a weight thing but mostly a house build in 1880s and a long span between the joists.

    I say just do it as best you can. Doing it my own way I still saw great results.