so frustrated!!

i have been working out consistently for quite a few years now. i have always been able to lose and then maintains my weight. however, in the last six months i have gained 5lbs i cant get rid of! i am still working out, and i have been working on my diet. i used to run but i now have plantar fasciitis. so i do elliptical and ride stationary bike. i also lift weights and we have the total gym. the scale is NOT budging. it could be muscle, but am too pessimistic to hope for that! and it seems too sudden that over night i have gained feels like all this happened so suddenly. i am 39, and i know that as women get older it is harder to lose weight. i just dont understand what is going on with my body right now. i have even went up a size! i log my food almost everyday, or i try too. and from what i can tell, i am under my calorie goal almost everyday. i feel like whatever i put in my mouth puts weight on. i am very hard on myself and i expect alot from myself. i have a desk job and try to get up and move throughout the day. so, i try to workout pretty hard when i get home. I just dont understand any of this and could use some help and advice!


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Do. Or do not. There is no try.

    Your post is full of I try, for both eating and workouts. Log consistently, and you will likely find your answers.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Have you had a doctor check thyroid/hormone levels? If everything remains the same and your calories are low, it is more likely a thyroid/hormone problem. Of course, it's impossible to know without always logging.
  • June2268
    June2268 Posts: 37
    I just posted pretty much the same thing and topic......I am only on week 4, but have lost only 2 lbs total and I am frustrated too.....I am 47 and feel like I am starting to go through the change as I have put on a ton of weight and cant seem to lose it. Friend me and lets try and work on this together and maybe we both can jump this hurdle.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Do you have a food scale? Are you accurate in your weights and measurements, or are you eyeballing and estimating? Do you log the little bits, or just (most of) your meal?
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    i dont weight my food or measure how much. i dont use a regular dinner plate, i use the next size down. it doesnt change the fact that i havent changed my diet. if anything i eat less. everything that worked before doesnt work anymore. and again, its all seemed so sudden. like the last six months or so.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    As you get older, your metabolism will slow.

    Weight and measure your food to get a more accurate understanding of the calories you consume.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    i have been working out consistently for quite a few years now. i have always been able to lose and then maintains my weight. however, in the last six months i have gained 5lbs i cant get rid of! i am still working out, and i have been working on my diet. i used to run but i now have plantar fasciitis. so i do elliptical and ride stationary bike. i also lift weights and we have the total gym. the scale is NOT budging. it could be muscle, but am too pessimistic to hope for that! and it seems too sudden that over night i have gained feels like all this happened so suddenly. i am 39, and i know that as women get older it is harder to lose weight. i just dont understand what is going on with my body right now. i have even went up a size! i log my food almost everyday, or i try too. and from what i can tell, i am under my calorie goal almost everyday. i feel like whatever i put in my mouth puts weight on. i am very hard on myself and i expect alot from myself. i have a desk job and try to get up and move throughout the day. so, i try to workout pretty hard when i get home. I just dont understand any of this and could use some help and advice!
    This is me... It started for me when I hit 40... everything was harder. I did manage to lose and keep off 40#s for 6 years now.. but I still have a good 40-50 to take off.. for the last 3 years... it has been losing and gaining the same 15-20 pounds... super frustrating.
    It could be hormonal. there are so many hormones that play different rolls in our bodies. I wish I could give you the answers.. I am just finally starting to see results again...I have tried many, many different combos. I am seeing results with more protein, lifting more weights and taking supplements to help balance hormones.
    It is a very personal and often a woman.. problem (at this age).... I had a MALE doctor tell me... "just eat 1200 calories"... ah... I had been doing that and measuring and weighing everything for over 2 years... I was getting no results... that is why I went for help... talk about frustrating... this was my doc of 25 years..... I almost let myself go into a depression... ( which is easy to do if your hormones are out of whack!)
    Realize that you need to do the work for yourself... write down everything.. all your moods, what you eat... how it makes you feel... try to narrow down what your imbalance is and then you can supplement with foods or health supplements.
    You can see doctors... but I found that they either didnt understand... or wanted to give me prozac... " to help with the stress...." ya, right! You can do this... no body cares more about you than you... it might takes some work... but you can do it! Good Luck!
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    i dont weight my food or measure how much. i dont use a regular dinner plate, i use the next size down. it doesnt change the fact that i havent changed my diet. if anything i eat less. everything that worked before doesnt work anymore. and again, its all seemed so sudden. like the last six months or so.

    there's your problem. start weighing your food again with a scale. You probably are adding a few grams of this, a few grams of that, which you don't notice, but add up.

    You also may have hit a plateau, where you need to change things up a bit. Recalculate your daily calorie amount, maybe due to the weight loss you need to be eating less. Drink more water. Change your exercise routine. But most of all, get back to weighing everything that is going in your mouth and I bet you will find out you were eating more than you thought.

    good luck!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm 44, and have been working on losing weight/getting fit for a little over three years. Been on and off the wagon a few times the first couple of years, hit my short term goals, gained some back, worked at it again, lost some more, etc, etc.

    Finally decided enough was enough, got back to logging in here every day, logging all my food and exercise, no matter what. I weigh and measure foods, and was surprised at how over and under I had been when just estimating portions and serving sizes! I've been consistent, hitting 555 consecutive days logging in here at MFP.

    However I think the best success I've had has been over the last year, starting around this time in 2012 - I found this topic:

    Excellent info there, with step by step instructions and link to tools to calculate how much you should be eating for your weight/fat loss goals. There is also info on setting up not just your daily calories, but the macros (carbs/fat/protein). Since starting with this method, I have consistently lost fat, inches and pounds, even hitting my goal weight and a little lower.

    I work out 5-6 days a week, for about an hour or less each day - 3 days of strength/resistance type work at home with my dumbbells, and the other 3 days I run, average of 3-5 miles. I always take at least one rest day, sometimes two, and occasionally a full week. I ate 1800+ calories for most of the last year (didn't even gain during the holidays, and enjoyed all the foods!), and recently upped my daily intake to 1950.

    Check out the topic - it's a LOT of info, I think I read it five times before I started to wrap my head around it. Follow the steps for calculating your numbers as directed in the thread (they are slightly different that what the Fat2Fit website says in one area), and then the directions for setting up your numbers here.

    Like I said - the best success I've had has been over the past year, all since I started following the Road Map. My diary is open, feel free to have a look, and there are few comparison and progress pics in my profile too.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I just can't seem to get this! What am I doing wrong? I am gaining not losing! And I can gain 4 lbs in a day? NO! But I could cry right now! I am bloated due to my monthly cycle but still...!! My diary is open and I would've some help!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    And I was so hungry when I for home too! I just don't get it!
  • crincon1983
    crincon1983 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain! I am 30 and I swear I hover around 10 pounds higher than I used to over the past year. They can all say weigh and measure your food and all of that but I do that and work out like crazy along with walking over 3 miles a day as my commute to work. I lost 5 pounds when I started this and can't budge any more! I am starting to think my body has just decided to change on me. I am praying that it is muscles or water in my muscles or something and it will start to drop soon but I have been very discouraged. I am now terrified because the age most people feel this way is still 10 years in the future for me so I shouldn't be going through this now!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I weighed less when I ate worse then I do now and just ran for exercise!
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    Sorry you're feeling down. It's always hard when the scale doesn't move, or when it goes up.

    I think you should get a food scale to measure what you're eating. When I don't use my food scale, I take a lot more food than I think I do, even if I use a smaller plate. A scale makes life easier too because you can just weigh food right onto your plate.

    How often are you weighing yourself? If the number on the scale makes you stressed, I think you should just try to weigh yourself once a week only. I weigh myself a lot, but I don't get upset about the numbers anymore. I have noticed that it easy to be 5 pounds heavier in the evening than you were in the morning. I also think that your monthly cycle is affecting your weight. (It is easy to gain 5 pounds of water weight or even more during that time). I would try weighing yourself next week.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I looked at your diary, and it's really hard to give advice because it's impossible to see what you're doing right or wrong. Every day you have "quick add" calories, sometimes hundreds of calories worth. Are these accurate, or are you guessing? What kind of nutrients are you getting from these, and how might that change your carb/fat/protein breakdown?

    So my first recommendation is to log properly. Don't see the exact item you ate? Either enter it yourself, or find a similar item. Enter your recipes in the recipe builder to get nutritional profiles for those, too. I totally agree with the poster who said you need a food scale, too. Track everything accurately for a week, then if you're still having trouble, come back and ask again and we'll be better equipped to help you.

    In the meantime, yes--do check out In Place of a Road Map. It might be that your goals need to be reworked.

    Best of luck!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    A lot of my quick add calories are things that I can't find. Specifically servings and/or serving sizes. Like if I find a food, and the serving size is one cup but I didn't eat 1 cup so I try to figure it out myself.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I work in a hospital and they put calories on their menu. So each dish they serve on any given day will have calories included so I use those numbers
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I work in a hospital and they put calories on their menu. So each dish they serve on any given day will have calories included so I use those numbers

    The calories for the dishes at work may not be as accurate as you think. I read an article about inaccurate calorie counts at restaurants a while ago:

    You might be getting more calories than you think you are. Maybe you could bring lunch from home instead?
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I work in a hospital and they put calories on their menu. So each dish they serve on any given day will have calories included so I use those numbers
    So find a dish in the database that comes in at the same calorie count, and use that instead. That way you'll at least have some idea of how much you're getting of protein, fat, carbs, etc. Like if your cafeteria serves tuna casserole at 350 calories a serving, search the database for a 350-calorie tuna casserole instead of just putting in the calorie count.

    For the things you find but you didn't eat a whole cup, you can put in fractions. Again, that will give you a better idea of what nutrients you're getting.

    If you're pretty sure that your calorie estimates are accurate, then one thing you should do is make sure you're eating enough. I saw many days where you were well under your calorie goal. Eating too little can slow your metabolism. But since you said you haven't been weighing or measuring your food, that's still the first place to start. Weigh. Measure. Log the actual items. Eat to your calorie goal. I think it will make a difference.