The Zumba Crew

iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok All. I am starting this thread as a place for the Zumba crowd to come together. I would love for it to be an on-going thing, so please chime in often! Please come and tell me why you love zumba, and tell me about your experiences with it. That way, if anyone comes by and is interested, they can read how awesome it is from us! Do you go to class or use a DVD (or both) ? what have your results been?!

The reason I am starting it is because I know that there are a lot of people on MFP who Zumba at all levels. We can support each other and just gab or talk about our classes or favorite dances.

Also, I need to vent! Several years ago I started taking zumba with an awesome instructor who was very very high energy and had some awesome routines that were the same every time. I even subbed for her teaching class several times when she had to be absent for some reason.
Then I got pregnant with twins, and stopped going. Now, almost a year later, I found a class closer to my home, so I was very excited to attend. But the instructor is...well..she doesn't have very good rhythm and uses the same moves over and over to all the wrong songs. I get frustrated because she uses the same 10 moves, over and over, and does not include any salsa or merengue steps! (which to me are the backbone of almost all of the dances!!) She does cumbia moves to every single dance, even very fast paced ones.
Luckily it is just a summer class..and it can help me get back in shape and work off my twin belly. Then I am planning on getting certified, and teaching another class in our town so that people can have a high energy - routine oriented - instructor.

Ok Rant over!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm in!

    I know what you mean about different instructors. I have been absolutely spoiled (the two I lucked into at my intro to Zumba are widely regarded as the best in town) and now I have one who is exactly like the one you described. In short, a bummer.

    So, I'm thinking of getting certified to teach, as well.

    Are there any certified instructors who'd be willing to chat about what that entails? I know it's a day-long seminar, but do you need a separate group exercise certification to teach, or does the Zumba cert. stand on its own?

    Yeah, I love me a cumbia, but not to a salsa song (I've had this in class...makes the musician in me cringe...)

    Viva Zumba!
  • deenebes
    deenebes Posts: 9
    LOVE Zumba!!! Have been doing it for about two months now and just adding that to my regular diet I have lost 7 pounds!! I have two very good upbeat instructors. They change it up the three times a week that I do it! This has been the best thing for my weight loss since I started this journey a year and a half ago!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just discovered Zumba and it's awesome! I signed up to take a class every Monday night at 7pm in the community center. I opted to take the intermediate one so I get a good workout and I'm not too bored. I've taken 2 classes at a different community center and I found it pretty easy. It goes all summer long for this particular class, and I they have it all year round too, it's just broken up into sessions.

    I'll report back here after my first class this coming Monday :) I'm excited for it!
  • vcatay
    vcatay Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I love zumba too!!!!!!! I go to two different classes and are both very different but both brilliant. I dont see it a chore I actually love it.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    Almost at the end of my first Zumba session. LOVE IT!!!! But then I love dancing anyway, so it was probably a given. Our instructor is AMAZING. Apparently our fitness coordinator interviewed 20 applicants and only felt 1 was worthy of teaching at our facility. After having a sub two weeks ago, I now know why she only hired one!!! No where near the same quality. I would love to take it twice a week....but we have to see if our instructor has any more time available. She teaches a number of classes at senior's facilities as well she is a personal trainer. Maybe I could fake being a senior!!! lol Hope we get another great instructor and I can take it more than once a week. I also take TRX for strength, but love the Zumba for a fun, cardio workout.
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    I'm totally in!!!!! I so far have my own choreo for 4 songs already! I've been doing Zumba for about 2 years now on and off of course and I love it I know all the dances to the instructors I go to but I don't want to copy their style you know but its all very similar :flowerforyou: Soon enough I'll be making a youtube video and will post the link and you guys tell me what you think :drinker: I will be certified this July!!! super excited :bigsmile:
  • deenebes
    deenebes Posts: 9
    Congrats with getting certified next month! That is such an awesome accomplishment!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Viv - I know what you mean about the 'musician in you cringing" that is exactly how I feel at every class! She does not stay on the beat at all! And there are some complicated beats as you know!! It just inspires me to get certified!
    I am also curious to hear if the zumba cert stands on it's own, or if you need other certifications to make it valid?
    Cant wait to see your videos pam!!

    I am waiting on my dvds to get here, then at least I can do the 'correct' dances at home to get my fill before going to class. I genuinely have to struggle to do the moves that she is doing, because they are so off the beat, and boring!
  • joymarino
    joymarino Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Zumba crew!

    I am going to be using my Zumba dvds at home again and was wondering... how do YOU log it in your exercise tracker, since it isn't in the database? Do you use "dance" or some otherr category? I want credit for sweating my butt off...LOL

  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    For me, I finally just broke down and got a heart rate monitor. It helped me to track more efficiently.
    I have not used it yet since having the twins, BUT before the twins, I burned 600-700 calories regularly during the hour class, BUT if I was teaching the class, I burned in excess of 1000 cals in an hour!
    I just need to re-set my heart rate monitor for my new heavier weight etc...

    I would say that logging it as Dance should work fine. As you know, your heart rate stays up for almost the entire hour, so it is a pretty great calorie burner!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I LOVE zumba! I've been doing it twice a week for about a year. :love:

    I have an amazing instructor that is funny, up beat and an incredible dancer. She mixes in popular club songs from Pitbull, Lil John (edited of course) with a lot of traditional latin songs.

    I have noticed a change in my whole upper body! My waist is longer and thinner. I actually have DEFINITION in my shoulders and I can visibly see my collar bone for the first time in years. I have more confidence on the dance floor and in general!

    Whenever my instruction has to cancel, I take another class. It PAILS in comparison. That class drives me nuts because it is the same few moves with JUMPING in between. Um...I came to dance?
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I know RIGHT!! It's a dance party! Not any ol aerobics class!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Zumba!! :happy: I am a dancer and teacher, so Zumba is just the right thing for me! We did have an ongoing class at my dance studio with an AMAZING instructor. Unfortunately, our instructor is moving to China. Yes, China! I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't really have the time to get certified and teach, but maybe some time down the road. Just as everyone else I tried another class and was completely disappointed. The instructor had no rhythm, musicality, and looked uncomfortable doing the steps which was not motivating in the least. It’s unfortunate that the Zumba training does not test or even look at who they are certifying. They will just certify anyone that pays the money. And its those instructors that give Zumba a bad name. A friend of mine took from the "bad" instructor for her first time Zumba-ing and I had to let her know that "this really is not how it is!" She then came to my dance studio and got the 'real thing' and loved it! (She was a dancer too.)

    So, with my instructor moving to China, the hunt for a good instructor is on. Or I will just go and get certified myself. Anyways, Happy Zumba-ing!!!!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member

    I am going to be using my Zumba dvds at home again and was wondering... how do YOU log it in your exercise tracker, since it isn't in the database? Do you use "dance" or some otherr category? I want credit for sweating my butt off...LOL

    I just manually entered the exercise in "My Exercises" based on a HRM reading. About 500 calories an hour! INSANE!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    kcurtis - I can identify with you so much... I can't believe your instructor is moving to China!! I really really miss my old class more and more every single time I go to the new one so I hope that you can find a new class that is worth it!.... this new instructor is not a natural born leader at all... and I am! I have to hold my tongue a lot, since I have more experience than her! It has been difficult not to make suggestions to her! She is such a sweet girl though, I'd never want to make her feel bad.

    I agree that they should be a little more strict about certifying instructors - because they really need to weed out the people who have no rhythm!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I just recentely started Zumba and I LOVE IT!!! My friend and I have a DVD and get together and do it at least 2 times I week. I wore my HRM for the first time doing it last night and I burned 356 for the 40 minute workout. It is so much fun and is something I actually look forward to instead of it being actually WORK. I would love to go to a class, but our small town doesn't offer a lot. I think the Y just started offering one, but of course its on a night that I can't go:grumble: I love my videos, and I can feel myself becoming more comfortable with the moves and having a lot more fun! LOVE IT!
  • yasjon
    yasjon Posts: 9
    I started taking Zumba last month and I love it! The first class I attended was not great...instructor was rather stiff and looked uncomfortable:frown: . However, I found a class at my local Y and the instructor is great:bigsmile: . The music is pumping and I sweat like crazy. I'm going tonight! Only have time for one class a week for now but hopefully will increase that in a few weeks.

    iluvsparkles: Glad you started this thread!:wink:
  • joymarino
    joymarino Posts: 23 Member
    I just manually entered the exercise in "My Exercises" based on a HRM reading. About 500 calories an hour! INSANE!

    That's good to know...thanks for sharing. I will add it under that section (I had forgotten about doing that).

    Zum-zum-zumba! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I managed to burn 720 calories for less than an hour of zumba! It doesn't take much to get my heart rate up, and it stayed pretty high for the entire class so I burned a ton. It felt great tho! I'm excited to start my weekly class on Monday.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    bumpin for someone that has Zumba interests:laugh:

    Figured you all would have plenty to share:flowerforyou:
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