I have been working really hard and not seeing results



  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    OK she said she is sorry. She thanked us for our advice and sounds like she is going to start logging. (that's a good thing). some times when you read something you take it different from the way it was intended- can't see the person face so it could be taken wrong. She most likely can take criticism but not 100% of the time. I'm that way I do a lot wrong so I have to take a lot but every once in a while I say something back that I should not have said.
  • grbhmb
    grbhmb Posts: 12
    Julienewlie is right - have you had bloodwork done recently? Your hormones
    could be out of whack. I listened to this recently: http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=38063244
    by Leanne Ely and Dr. Sara Gottfried and a lot of it made sense; the doctor has
    a website that talks about it, too.

    I recently spoke with an acquaintance (around 32 y. o. I think) who lost about 40 pounds in two months
    exercising like a crazy woman and eating less, but she said a couple of years prior to this she had her thyroid
    and her other hormones checked by her doc who helped her and prescribed progesterone and something
    for her thyroid. She thinks getting her hormones regulated helped her body
    to become more efficient.

    My own DH experienced this same thing recently by having his hormones
    regulated and not only is he able to lose weight and gain muscle better, but
    his bloodwork (triglycerides, etc) looks much better and he's donating blood to help others and
    bring down his hemoglobin/hematocrit levels.

    I understand how frustrating it is to work so hard and not much to
    show for it, so it could be you have an underlying hormonal issue
    working against you! Just a thought!