I would feel so much better if I could just drop a size alre

sroseber Posts: 197 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
How much does the typical person have to lose before they drop a size in clothing? I feel like it has to be about 10 lbs for me but I'm really not sure. I think I'm just getting impatient. I'm down about 4 1/2 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks so I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I just want to get to a double digit loss or drop a size or something to make it feel real. Does anyone else feel like they have to get to a point like that for it to feel real? I guess 4 1/2 lbs seems to easy to put back on and it's not enough of a buffer for me to feel comfortable with saying I've lost (even though I have and I don't plan on changing anything and putting it back on!)

I guess I'm just waiting to lose enough that someone notices or I have to go to smaller jeans (yay!) or shirts that were too tight will start fitting, something that seems like a big deal. I've got 2.4 lbs to go until I'm back down to my starting weight last year!! Maybe once I'm below that I'll feel better. I'm proud of my progress so far...I just want to press the fast forward button! :laugh:


  • dmcpage
    dmcpage Posts: 66 Member
    10 pounds for me is generally a size, but of course it's different for everyone and there are no two women's bodies that are the same. You just have to keep plugging along and you will get there.

    Good luck!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    A dress size is usually about 10 pounds.

    ...And I had to lose about 20+ pounds before people started commenting on my weight loss. I've since gone from a size 12 to a size 4 (in 3 months) and I still don't get too many comments. Oh well. I know I look good :)

    You are going to get there! Keep plugging along and you'll see those dress sizes come and go. Each one is a little victory :) Good luck!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Don't worry!! You will soon!! I think for me when I started out, it was like, okay: I've only lost 4 lbs so far, which feels like a teeny, tiny drop in the bucket, but I just need to keep doing what I'm doing or else that's all it's ever going to be. It was more like determination and stubbornness than anything else. You have to know and accept that it is going to be a loooooooong process overall, but it will start to feel real soon, I promise!! When I made it to the glorious double-digit number of 10 lbs lost, it was a pretty fab celebration. Just be a stick-in-the-mud about your diet/exercise program, and changes will definitely be achieved soon.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Touching on the previous post, every woman's body is different and a size is based on much more than weight. For me, I am "blessed" with German hips and will always be a size bigger than other women my weight just to accommodate my hips. Always seems I am in search of a good tailor. Some where around my 40th birthday I came to grips with clothing size and admitted it is just a reference number, not a dictator of fat or thin. Sure, if it changes (especially up) that's an indicator something else is going on, but for the most I don't think setting your sight on a size number is a worthy goal. I could lose weight in my belly, arms, legs and still be a size 14. As long as my clothes fit and are comfortable, that's what counts. I would rather wear 14 jeans that fit than squeeze into a pair of size 12 and have muffin top.

    It will come, be patient. Focus on eating right, exercising and it will all fall in place.

  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Just this morning, I was thinking that no one has commented on my weight loss. I guess it's not that significant yet but I am noticing the little things. First, my pants were too tight, like buttons getting ripped off, and now they fit a little better, no where near falling off but I can feel the difference. Next, I noticed my energy... it has been through the roof. I have been cleaning my house just to have something to do.

    Remember, stress will prevent you from getting that one size down so relax! Set a goal, like our 4th of July Challenge, to go shopping and try on clothes. You'll get there!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I think it can be frustrating. But don't give up! I keep thinking that each pound I lose is way better than gaining a pound! I have lost 10 pounds so far in 5.5 weeks. My clothes fit better and can fit a few that I haven't worn in a while. I think for me it will be at the 15 lb. mark that I will show a real size change. I would bet it would be more if I was exercising more. Anyway, hang in there. I too am heading to "last years start weight"!
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I don't know if this will make you feel any better but I usually remind myself that it took several years for me to slowly put on weight and go up a couple of dress size, the fact that it will take months (as opposed to years) to drop even one dress size is just a bonus. I'm starting out too and am in need of motivation so if you want to add me as a friend we can motivate each other!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    It definitely depends on the individual. I am tall 5'9" and very heavy. I tend to lose 1 size every 10-20lbs. So that means if was 300 and a size 22 and I went down to 290 I would be a size 21 but if I got down to 280, I would be a size 20. That means I really have to lose 20-30lbs to go down a jean size. I've lost 26 since starting this time again and have not gone down a size. Things are SLIGHTLY looser, but not even close to going down a size.

    I think it all depends how heavy or petite you are.
  • Elizabeth_King21
    Elizabeth_King21 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, Congrats on your loss so far. That is wonderful. It can be frustrating. I know I would love to drop a size, well a few of them anyways. I think it'd motivate me even more that "I did it!" But it can also backfire on you too. If you are too focused on dropping a size and get frustrated because you aren't seeing that it can become discouraging and you may give up all together. SOmething to remember is that everyone gains and loses weight differently. I carry almost all my weight around my abdomine, but that may be the last place i see progress. So it all varies individually. But don't worry, keep it up and you'll see amazing progress. We're all in it together.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I'm not sure of your current weight, but i had a simliar goal to get down 40 pounds. I have almost kept off 30 pounds (ticker does not reflect this, as i lost first 25 from WW and didn't include that here) I had to lose 20 to go down siginificantly and to get comments. I was so bummed. I was finding 14 way too small, and 15 at my fave store that had always fit became too small too. Yet 16 Plus sized was too big at my heaviest. I am now in a 12, but yet almost 30 pounds down. Sizes make me nutty! I had thought i would be in a 10 in the low 150's but its not working that way at all for me, BUT i did get down to a size med in tops, as i'm a pear shape. SO try not to pin your hopes on your clothes, and perhaps take measurements. I find this to be much more satisfying. What i'm doing now, is having my husband take pictures of me in a new dress that fits nice now, but will 'rock' if i can slim down significantly before august. I sooo hope i can put before and after pics in the success forum!
  • Elizabeth_King21
    Elizabeth_King21 Posts: 20 Member
    I liked your post. I too am "blessed" with German hips and a large bone structure. My mom tells be I'm built to bare children because of those hips. So in highschool, especially, it was tough because even though I was fit and healthy at the time I was still a large girl. My friends were wearing cute jeans that fit their butts nicely, and anything I wore seemed to just make my hips and butt look bigger. I always joke about the government standard of weight. According to the government I should be at approximately 135lbs. However, with my hips and overall bone structure I'd look like an emaciated horse!!!! So I've set my goal for no specific size or number. My goal is to be healthier and to lose weight until I'm comfortable.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    A dress size is usually about 10 pounds.

    ...And I had to lose about 20+ pounds before people started commenting on my weight loss. I've since gone from a size 12 to a size 4 (in 3 months) and I still don't get too many comments. Oh well. I know I look good :)

    You are going to get there! Keep plugging along and you'll see those dress sizes come and go. Each one is a little victory :) Good luck!

    Last year (the first half of the year) I lost 21 lbs. (before gaining it all back and then some, but that's another story) I think around 10 lbs a few people close to me may have noticed and said something (maybe because I was wearing more fitted clothing even?) but around 15 a few more started commenting and around 20 it was apparently getting pretty obvious that I had lost weight. I did find though that once I lost quite a bit and it was obvious when some people would comment they would say they had noticed the last time they saw me or something like that. I think sometime people don't want to comment on your weight loss because they don't want to sound like they are saying you were "fat" before. So people are probably noticing and just afraid they might offend you if they say something.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I feel good about what I've done so far and how I'm going about it (I should probably start doing some strength/toning exercises, especially abs and that would probably make a big difference on the size thing.) I'm making changes that I feel I can live with the rest of my life. I'm not an exercise loving person so I try to find non-exercise activities to burn calories. I couldn't live the rest of my life going to a gym or doing workout DVDs. I can, however, live the rest of my life taking my dog for long walks, working in my garden and playing golf with my husband and daughter.

    4 lbs. does just feel like a drop in the bucket but I know I can't get to 10 or 20 lbs without starting with 4. I really think I'm excited about those 4 lbs. and the changes I've been making (and the fact that it doesn't seem so difficult this time around) and I'm just anxiously awaiting a major motivational point, reaching double digits, dropping a size, someone noticing, anything like that would be a HUGE motivational boost and confirmation that I really am doing this!

    I really don't care so much about the size or getting to a certain size. It all depends on the store you got them from and it is just a number but it would feel like I was really making progress if I did get down a size. I also think part of my problem with sizes is that when you are in a 12 and gaining weight and don't want to go up to a 14 you might push those 12's until they are just too tight before you move up. Whereas when you are losing you may be down to the weight you were when you were pushing it with the 12s but you don't want to wear a tight 12 and look worse and feel worse than you do with a loose 14. :wink:

    Just wanted to let you ladies know I'm not complaining about only losing 4 lbs (WooHoo! I've lost 4lbs! :drinker: ) I'm just anxiously awaiting a bigger milestone and something noticeable for my efforts, even if it's only noticeable to me. :tongue: I am also not quitting. Things are going good and this is a life change. Goals just make me excited and getting excited makes me impatient (like a little kid!) Good luck everyone and thanks for your support and sharing in my frustration/anxiety/impatience! lol!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    4 pounds is awesome!
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    I only went down one size for pants with a 21 pound weight loss. This is partly due to the fact that I am tall and partly due to the fact that I was fooling myself into thinking I was a size 8 when I should have been a size 10. Try taking your measurements!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    4 pounds is awesome!

    Thanks! So is 27! Can't wait till I'm there....there I go being all impatient again! lol!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I only went down one size for pants with a 21 pound weight loss. This is partly due to the fact that I am tall and partly due to the fact that I was fooling myself into thinking I was a size 8 when I should have been a size 10. Try taking your measurements!

    I need to do that, I forgot to do it when I started and keep thinking I need to so I can track my progress from here on out but I keep forgetting. Maybe this weekend I'll remember and do it.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I think it depends on where you body stored the weight too. I am down the 12lbs and havent seen a change in size (nor is one likely to come all that soon). My clothes do seem to fit better though. My pants are no longer buldging tight. I think it will be another 10ish lbs before I see a change in size (but thats asusming it comes off the right places).
  • mlbbarry
    mlbbarry Posts: 1
    I feel your struggle. This is the first time I have really struggled to get the weight off. No matter how calorie careful I am and exercise each day, I still hover at the same weight for long periods of time, and the inches move very slowly. I have only lost 16lbs but am down one size. So for me it was quite a bit of weight before dropping a size, but i also don't like snug fitting clothes.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    It took me 30 pounds before losing 1 size in the begining. Now its about 8-10 pounds for a size. I think the bigger you are the more it takes to drop a size.
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