feeling weird shaky and weak



  • 1fbg
    1fbg Posts: 3
    It is worth getting it checked out by the doc. Check your'e eating enough too. I had the same thing and it was a combination of not eating healthily or enough to sustain the exercise and my blood pressure being high. Also helped to drink more water!
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    I found that as long as I eat a snack before my workout (like a hard boiled egg) and drink water during, I don't feel that way anymore :)
    If you try that and it is still happening, seeing a doctor would probably be a good idea.
    Good luck.
  • Sometimes I get really shaky and feel very weak. This happens a lot of times after, or during cardio exercise. Does anybody know why?
    Are you logging and eating your workout calories? Sometimes you just need to eat them back when your feeling weak.
  • gem057
    gem057 Posts: 12
    My blood pressure is normal, so my faint was put down to not eating enough with giving blood, but it would be worth getting checked out.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Sometimes I get really shaky and feel very weak. This happens a lot of times after, or during cardio exercise. Does anybody know why?

    I don't see any exercise logged in your diary, and you are consistently below your calories (and your diet seems to have a lot of excellent components, but is a bit sugar-heavy). You mentioned that it's "after cardio", so you're obviously working out.

    If you're always under on your calories AND you're working out and not logging it, you're probably hungry. I'd eat some more fats and proteins if I were you. Feed the machine!

    Also, I know your snacks are good, but I'd recommend something less sugary and more fatty/protein-y. They'll make you feel more satisfied and feed more of what your body really, honestly needs.

    If eating more doesn't help, see a doctor. There could be something else wrong. But based on your diary, low blood sugar/hunger is probably a really good possibility.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I felt like I was going to die when I first got started.. it'll get easier. Worth a doctor visit but it may just be that you're stressing your body in a way it's not used to.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I get a similar thing sometimes!! I find it is a little better when I drink lots of water but more than anything if I really concentrate on my breathing I feel better! Maybe you are not getting enough oxygen while you are working out? Just a random idea!
  • rodakowe
    rodakowe Posts: 20
    It's most likely due to a low blood sugar. I was on a very low carb diet last summer, eating mostly only veggies and lean meat and I would often feel like that after working out and sometimes without exercise. When I felt all weird and shaky, I would eat some berries (raspberries or blackberries) because they were lower in carbs than most fruit, and I would feel so much better! I know you're not an low carb diet but I felt exactly the way you described, and I pretty much guarantee incorporating more sugar (the good sugar in fruits) will fix the problem.

    Also make sure your hydrating! It's such an important factor! I have low blood pressure, that combined with a slow heart rate and being taller (5'7'') if i get up too fast I can get really dizzy, sometimes everything will go black, and I've actually fainted a couple times. Drinking more water made such a big difference, especially a glass right when I wake up. Almost a 1/3 of what you exhale is water, so when you sleep at night you're losing a lot of water! Dehydration can definitely be cause of those symptoms as well.
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I get like that too, and know it isn't blood sugar since I have a pre workout snack. What I noticed is that when I am not focused on my breathing it happens. I really started concentrating on that and it's gotten tons better! That being said I did look at your food and I would recommend increasing your calories, increasing protein, and lowering your sugar intake! Good luck and I do think it gets easier.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    When I was eating the recommended 1200 MFP calories I was getting that all the time. Now that I have upped my calories to my TDEE mi us 15 % and never go below my BMR it hasnt happened since. It feels so great to be satisfied and feel great when working out.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    There are a variety of possibilities, from dehydration, low blood sugar as many have mentioned, blood pressure issues,and many more. I'd say check in with your doctor to rule out any of the more serious ones. If it's dehydration, remember that you should be drinking nearly a liter per hour during sweaty cardio. And if it's low blood sugar, get a sports drink that you like and mix 16 oz of that with an equal amount of water for an hour-long workout.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    could be low blood sugar... try having a snack to see if that helps :-)

    Bingo. Eat a banana after your workout or something light but sugary.
  • laladre
    laladre Posts: 2
    TAKE A VITAMIN D TEST FROM YOUR MD!!!!!!!!! trust me when i say if you have low vitamin d it can make you feel totally out of it(weak, shakey, cloudy vision, etc) !!!!!!!!!!! and if it comes back low make sure you get a prescribed vitamin d (NOT OVER COUNTER)
  • laladre
    laladre Posts: 2

    > TAKE A VITAMIN D TEST FROM YOUR MD!!!!!!!!! trust me when i say if you have low vitamin d it can make you feel totally out of it(weak, shakey, FRAGILE, cloudy vision, etc) !!!!!!!!!!! and if it comes back low make sure you get a prescribed vitamin d (NOT OVER COUNTER)
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    low blood sugar, are you eating breakfast? Also, just take a snack for the gym, a protein bar, pistachios a banana.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Blood pressure, low blood sugar, thyroid...could be anything. See a doctor!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Sometimes I get really shaky and feel very weak. This happens a lot of times after, or during cardio exercise. Does anybody know why?

    It's likely one of two things:

    1. low blood sugar - especially if working out fasted; or
    2. need some sodium (I always put a teaspoon of salt and potassium chloride in a jug of water that I drink during any intense exercise periods). This is especially important if you're eating low carb (ketogenic).
  • Chrissy292018
    Chrissy292018 Posts: 57 Member
    This happens to me often and for me it is low blood sugar. I feel weak, shake, hot and then cold sweats, my heart starts beating weird, I get blurred vision and I get dizzy. I cant function properly when this happens, I have to sit and I eat and eat and eat until I feel better. The slower I eat and the calmer I stay makes the feeling go away faster. I eat high protein foods along with something sugary. Just to help keel the balance. That being said, you should probably see a doctor.
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    Wonderful diagnoses....perhaps you should have your doctor check you out!!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    TAKE A VITAMIN D TEST FROM YOUR MD!!!!!!!!! trust me when i say if you have low vitamin d it can make you feel totally out of it(weak, shakey, cloudy vision, etc) !!!!!!!!!!! and if it comes back low make sure you get a prescribed vitamin d (NOT OVER COUNTER)
