Spinning Anyone?

ydbush30 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone take spinning classes? If so, how many calories are burned?


  • kistjo
    kistjo Posts: 19 Member
    i LOVE spinning!!! i havent been able to however due to my school schedule but hopefully in two weeks I should be able to again. As for calories Im not sure but I know you can burn up to 600 or more in a single class!
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I usually do them all winter but now the weather is warmer I tend to ride my bike more. I usually burn 400-600 calories in a hour class. So it is a very good workout. Buy some bike shorts your but will thank you for it. It will take a few weeks to get used to the seat but then you will be fine.
  • milliedot
    milliedot Posts: 3 Member
    I love spinning - it is so addicting. Calories burned depend on the intensity of your workout & weight.

    Best bet is to get a heart rate monitor that also tracks calories burned. On average I burn between 750-900 per class. Heart Rate monitors range about $70-$100 for a decent one. I've noticed since I"ve been able to track my calories it helps me to be better accountable on MFP.
  • snowsflake
    snowsflake Posts: 214 Member
    I LOVE spin class!!! I wear a heart rate monitor and I can burn anywhere from 500-760 calories depending on the instructor, how long the class is and how much *kitten* I feel like kicking that day. They are awesome! I hope you enjoy!
  • milliedot
    milliedot Posts: 3 Member
    I love spinning - it is so addicting. Calories burned depend on the intensity of your workout & weight.

    Best bet is to get a heart rate monitor that also tracks calories burned. On average I burn between 750-900 per class. Heart Rate monitors range about $70-$100 for a decent one. I've noticed since I"ve been able to track my calories it helps me to be better accountable on MFP.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've been considering going to one for a couple weeks now. I can't seem to talk myself into one. Any words of encouragement for those who have done it? I just can't decide if I'm ready for something like that yet!
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    I've been considering going to one for a couple weeks now. I can't seem to talk myself into one. Any words of encouragement for those who have done it? I just can't decide if I'm ready for something like that yet!

    You gotta try it Jess......your bum will hurt the first week but you will get over that.......the results are soooooooo worth it, plus it really is fun.....try to find a good instructor with great music! I know that it seems very intimidating but you can adjust the tension that best suits you and no one really knows the difference. It is VERY worth it!!!!
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    I tried it once and hated it...mostly because of the discomfort. I said I would get some better pants and try again but haven't done so. I would be interested in the number of calories burned as well, but I think the only way to be sure is to invest in a HRM. Let me know how it works for you.
  • kentish
    kentish Posts: 2 Member
    i swear just looking at those classes through the windows with the dark room, loud music and flashing lights was enough for me to steer well clear for months!
    Then my personal trainer started taking a class, so i plucked up the courage to take one.
    it was enough to get me hooked!
    i burn between 450-600 calories in 45 mintues which is the same as an hour with my PT (which costs me extra) as the classes are free with my gym.
    its great for cardio and strength (depending on the trainer) and you push yourself as much or as little as you want.

    dont be scared - DEFINITELY give it a go... whats the worse that could happen?!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I think I'm going to give it a try this week. Not sure if that's a good idea before I go on a 22 hour car ride on Thursday! Guess it's a good way to rest my butt afterwards!:laugh:
  • crystal081
    crystal081 Posts: 12
    I spin 4x a week and i absolutely love it. The adrenaline rush is amazing. i can burn upwards of 750-800 cal because the instructor i spin with does a vigorous class. I recommend padded shorts for the first bit, but after a while you really won't need them anymore, i don't think. If you start, just be patient. i wanted to quit because itt 's slow going at first , but it's so worth it. I really enjoy it now.
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