Has anyone else done the RAW cleanse detox?

NaturalMom Posts: 85
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Has anyone else done the RAW cleanse detox? I have never done anything like this before and I am wondering if what I am experiencing is normal. I am following a low carb, low calorie diet that excludes all grains and starchy vegetables (for only a week for the cleanse - I realize that is not a healthy or sustainable diet) and includes only whole, unprocessed, organic vegetables and chicken. Then I am taking the morning supplement (which doesn't taste good, but it isn't horrid) and the pill supplements. I took the evening supplement the first day and almost threw up; I like to think I have a cast iron stomach, but this stuff was the most disgusting thing I have ever ingested. (Not to be crude, but it tasted like a child's vomit smells; oddly, though, it in of itself didn't smell as bad as it tasted - a first in my experience!) So instead I have been using the Detoxifiber product by Garden of Life in the evening. It smells funny and is gritty but doesn't taste too bad.
Today is the third day and I ache all over. My stomach feels bloated - even though I am barely making the 1200 calories a day - and, even though I shower twice a day, I feel really greasy. And I don't feel "cleansed" in any way whatsoever. Again, not to be gross, but I seem to have the opposite problem. Is it going to get better? Is it worth torturing myself for another 4 days? I was going for total detoxification of chemicals from my system to make a regular whole foods diet (including sprouted grains and starchy organic veggies) easier on my digestive system.


  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    i do a detox once a year...although it's not totally RAW. I allow myself limited brown rice and quinoa. The first week is really tough, second week not so bad, third week is much easier. I follow the plan my nutritionist gave me. I too take pills to cleanse out the inside and usually end of putting them in my protein shakes becasue they make me sick to my stomach. Sometimes I don't even take them. Focus on the fresh organic nutrients and you will feel a big difference when you're done. It takes a while for all the "junk"to leave the body. Drink plenty of water and get some protein shakes in if you are not getting 1200 calories a day. Your body is going through a big process so be good to it. Yoga is wonderful during this time.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    Definitely go straight to the healthy diet. Cleanses certainly don't do anything along the lines of purging bad chemicals from your body and are a complete waste (unless its enjoyable, in which case the sole benefit is enjoyment) and they're potentially harmful and in your case, apparently its also gross.

    If you're interested in raw food, don't do a cleanse, but research how to do a proper raw food diet. Cleanse diets are marketing products... stay away.
  • SashaS
    SashaS Posts: 7 Member
    Hi There! I have not done this type of cleansing. I did a different one a few years back and to be honest I had a horrible experience. I did the Master Cleanse (also known as the Lemon cleanse or Maple Syrup diet). It was also supposed to be for a week but I could not do it. I tried one time and the very first day I almost passed out. I had to have a co-worker take me home because I could not even drive. The second time around I was able to keep with it for about 4 or 5 days and then decided I was too hungry to continue this. Mind you, the one I did consisted of only drinking a maple syrup lemonade with cayenne pepper with a laxative tea for a whole week. The first two days I felt absolutely sick. Headache, nausea, aches all over. By the third day these symptoms were better but I was starving. I added some vegetable broth (some websites said this was ok) to try to stick with it. I couldnt...I stopped on day 4 or 5 (probably 4). I hear a lot of people swear by these cleanses, but I really didnt think it was worth the torture. After, I didnt feel any different from when I started...only weaker. In my opinion this is a waste of time, but I am not a doctor. I am only saying this because of my bad experience. I just dont believe in torturing myself.

    Good luck and keep us posted with whatever you decide!
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I agree with Dom m. I think cleanes are a waste of money and time. Just start eating the right foods and your body will continue to eliminate toxins. Keep up your water intake.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Not everyone can do a low carb diet. I know you are trying this for a week to "cleanse" but this could be your body saying that you aren't a low carb/high protein type person. There are people who perform very well on low carb/high protein diets (like myself) and others who end up feeling incredibly sick. For me, if I switch to a low fat/higer carb diet, I go out of wack and feel loopy. If I were in your shoes, I'd stop the cleanse.

    On another note, when I had done the Atkins diet (which seems similar to what you are describing in ways) I felt a little funny the first couple days as my body was switching over to a different fuel source. But by no means did I have bloating and that icky feeling, it was more of a high in my head.

    One last thing, the bloat could also be from a higher fiber intake with all the veggies. Just a thought.

    Good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Do a Google search for "low carb flu" and that should answer a lot of questions pertaining to transitioning into a low carb lifestyle. It's not for everyone and yes, there are some adjustments that need to occur within the body (i.e. your body transitions from using a high carb source for energy to essentially...fat.)
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    Thank you everyone for your input. I have stopped taking the supplements but am continuing to eat the cleansing, whole foods diet - at least for this week. I have done low-carb diets in the past and haven't felt like this before so I really think it must be the supplements. If the symptoms persist beyond day 4 I will include at least starchy veggies. Will let you know how it goes. Thank you!!!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I am not familiar with the cleanse supplements that you have, but I have tried out some gentle herbal detox teas. Maybe the supplements are just too strong. Having bloating and an achy body is pretty normal as all the toxins are mobilized in your body.
    I learned about detox when my dad went through Chemo. While I don't have that kind of chemical load in my body I know that my modern lifestyle allows in lots of chemicals from vehicle exhaust, flame retardants in my couch and bed, caffeine, alcohol, pesticide residues in foods, mercury in fish...
    So, I am of the opinion that periodic gentle cleansing is helpful, especially as I am loosing weight and fat-soluble chemicals are released. Although you could probably mix your own tea from ingredients found in an herbal store, I make a big batch of Flor-essence tea and take a tablespoon before bed and after waking. I did have some symptoms the first couple of days, but then felt way better than before. Until I did the detox, i didn't realize that my lower belly had been in a constant state of inflammation. After avoiding sugar and white foods all the time and drinking the tea instead of a late-night snack, my belly seems so much smaller and the heavy feeling that keeps me from exercising goes away.
    Fond of tea
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