New to MFP

Hi all,

My name is Marwa and I joined MFP a while ago but just started using it.
I am determined on reaching my goal weight and would love to add some people to track their journey as well.
Feel free to add me!!


  • Navigator0811
    I have open food and exercise logs open to view. Feel free to add and let us meet our goals!
  • fishinthetown
    fishinthetown Posts: 10 Member
    I'm determined too! Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Shanekhyl
    Shanekhyl Posts: 31
    Loving this journey of better health... Feel free to add me anyone that wants some support and can give little back.. Donna
  • Reinventing_Joi
    Me too!! Me too!!! I wanna go on the healthier, sexier me journey! SHOTGUN!!! Adding you all!! Add me back :-)?