why i gain back even when eating right and excercising

Ok my concern is i have been doing turbofire from past 2 1/2 weeks...now i am on week3...i totally love the workout. i haven been on fad diets before but never ate good and healthy with exercise. so i know weight loss will be slow...but damn SOO slow!!

when i started in January i was 61.1 till februaury 6 i lost about 2 kgs i reached 59.1...then i got bloated and gained back, so started again with turbofire regime and now i am 58.9 however, day before i was 58.6 and then i had dinner late night at my mums although i did my workout for that day and ate a bit above my calorie goal for that day and boom in the morning my weight was 59.1 :((((( so yesterday i ate right and exercised as well and today weight was 58.9 , though everybody says we should not see scales but then i do watch since i am not even losing inches!!! so how to track weight loss??? does eating once would raise your weight of scale immediately the other morning...isnt that absurd... !!

i am 5ft 2 inches
sw- 61.1 kgs
cw- 58.9 kgs

waist 29
hips- 38
neck 13
arms 11
thighs 21.5

I want to lose fat around my arms and thighs!!! plus reach 54 kgs thats my goal weight 1 and then gradually reach 52 - 51 kgs with ofcourse appropriate fat percentage.
shall i focus more on eating protein. i eat fairly healthy my calorie intake is 1200 per day with 6 days of turbofire.

i know some of you will say i should up my calories but then i tried that and i ended up gaining weight :(((

i need some advice...


  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    My experience has been that my body has a mind of its own. I have gained like 2lbs over night but then in two days of continuing to eat healthy it goes down. It could be that maybe some of the food you eat cause water retention moreso than others, your muscles could be holding on to more carbs and water, or your body may be under stress. It could be a myriad of things so I would suggest that as long as you are eating lots of unprocessed foods with the occassionaly processed/ less nutrient dense food, you are doing fine and the weight/inches will melt off. I am not the BEST eater at all but I know that the scale is a lot of people's enemy. Try weighing once a week instead of everyday because you will almost always have fluctuations.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear and you're stressing over 0.2 kg? That's not even 1/2 lb; that could still be undigested food, waste, excess water etc. Do not weigh everyday and pick one day a week. I am someone that will tell you to eat more based on your activity but you'll do what you want. Weight fluctuates daily and that's what you need to know.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    A few things...

    Weight loss isn't linear, especially when you are using the scale as your sole gauge of progress. There will be weeks where you lose nothing, there will be weeks where you lose a lot (relatively speaking).

    Your overall body weight fluctuates daily. Weigh yourself in the morning then again at night... rarely will the numbers be the same. Weigh yourself this morning then again tomorrow morning... chances are they won't be the same. Daily fluctuations of 5lbs or more are normal. That doesn't mean that you are gaining or losing weight, it just means that the amount of water your body is holding is changing based on a variety of factors. It's normal.

    you can't view this as a short term thing or expect significant and quick results. This is a slow process (especially when done right). 2 months is enough time to see progress (which you are seeing), but it's not enough time to see body shape-altering progress. If I'm not mistake, you've lost 2kg (about 4lbs) in 2 months? That's 1lb per week which is good - right where most people should be.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Step away from the scale!! That thing will play jedi mind tricks on you. For women specifically you will tend to have a lower level of weight loss in the beginning. This is because women generally need to build that initial cadre of lean muscle mass. Of course muscle wieghs more than fat. Also as some of the other posters have already said you will have daily fluctuations in your wieght. Thus step away from the scale, do your measurements as you have do your weight and don't think about it for 30 days. When you go back; if you manage to get the physical activity in with a sensible meal plan the results will follow.

    Good luck,
  • sanazah
    sanazah Posts: 9 Member
    yea i guess thats the matter ... but the feeling that you get when you see scale int he morning :) ofcourse if it drops down...
    i will try and check weight once a week ....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    QUIT the scale.

    Think about it:
    If you look the way you want to, fit the clothes you want to wear, and comments are very positive, how much value does the weight on the scale make?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 0.2 kg over a night is nothing.. It can be water or food that hasn't passed through you yet.. You are losing weight normally so relax. Remember that muscles weigh more than fat. About 20% more. Every time you do exercises your muscles disintegrate and will grow back even bigger. Measuring your waist, neck and hips is great because it is easier to see if you really have lost weight. Don't get too obsessed about your weight it can be demotivating, instead you should be proud of what you have lost so far. :-) Be positive you are doing great!

    - And losing inches takes weeks not days girl! ;)<3

    Btw if you eat under the recommended calories your body will go to "starvation mode" and hold on tight to all your fat depots. Then you will not lose anything! Remember to eat 5-6 a day and drink plenty of water. Good luck :)
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    When you start rigorous exercise, your body retains quite a bit of water to help your muscles to heal. This can last for a good 6 weeks. I gained 6 lbs weight lifting, but my measurements are pretty much the same.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Ohhh boy there is going to be a lot to this thread isn't there.

    1) You can't target where fat comes off, but you can target areas to build muscle.
    2) Generally a carb conscious diet is smart whether it's balanced meals, lower in carb, or low carb
    3) Women due to water retention, hormones, stress, and other influences will have more unreliable scale measurements than men (This can be debated, but from what I've seen to be true)
    4) Create a lifestyle that's sustainable... even if you like something don't copy someone else because everyone is different. Micro-nutrition is as important as macro.. so eating a meal with 1,000 calories and fiber is going to react differently than 1,000 calories of fat and sugar.
    5) Don't be afraid of food. If you're going to adopt an active workout regimen stay hydrated and don't cut your calories unnecessarily.
    6) If you're focused on health and aesthetics get a tape measure and don't worry about a scale.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    0.2 kg over a night is nothing.. It can be water or food that hasn't passed through you yet.. You are losing weight normally so relax. Remember that muscles weigh more than fat. About 20% more. Every time you do exercises your muscles disintegrate and will grow back even bigger. Measuring your waist, neck and hips is great because it is easier to see if you really have lost weight. Don't get too obsessed about your weight it can be demotivating, instead you should be proud of what you have lost so far. :-) Be positive you are doing great!

    - And losing inches takes weeks not days girl! ;)<3

    Btw if you eat under the recommended calories your body will go to "starvation mode" and hold on tight to all your fat depots. Then you will not lose anything! Remember to eat 5-6 a day and drink plenty of water. Good luck :)

    You contradicted yourself in your post. First you're telling her its muscle which isn't true since she's eating in a large deficit. Then you are telling her she's in starvation mode. Great info there.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    You are not eating enough, don't say you tried it, you didn't completely dedicate yourself to it for 6 wks.... I am willing to bet
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    Ok my concern is i have been doing turbofire from past 2 1/2 weeks...now i am on week3...i totally love the workout. i haven been on fad diets before but never ate good and healthy with exercise. so i know weight loss will be slow...but damn SOO slow!!

    when i started in January i was 61.1 till februaury 6 i lost about 2 kgs i reached 59.1...then i got bloated and gained back, so started again with turbofire regime and now i am 58.9 however, day before i was 58.6 and then i had dinner late night at my mums although i did my workout for that day and ate a bit above my calorie goal for that day and boom in the morning my weight was 59.1 :((((( so yesterday i ate right and exercised as well and today weight was 58.9 , though everybody says we should not see scales but then i do watch since i am not even losing inches!!! so how to track weight loss??? does eating once would raise your weight of scale immediately the other morning...isnt that absurd... !!

    i am 5ft 2 inches
    sw- 61.1 kgs
    cw- 58.9 kgs

    waist 29
    hips- 38
    neck 13
    arms 11
    thighs 21.5

    I want to lose fat around my arms and thighs!!! plus reach 54 kgs thats my goal weight 1 and then gradually reach 52 - 51 kgs with ofcourse appropriate fat percentage.
    shall i focus more on eating protein. i eat fairly healthy my calorie intake is 1200 per day with 6 days of turbofire.

    i know some of you will say i should up my calories but then i tried that and i ended up gaining weight :(((

    i need some advice...
    Well at least im not the only one then. I am the same, ive eaten good for 2 weeks straight, and been under cals every day, but yet all ive lost is 1/4 pound, ffs. On the other hand im pretty sure i look thinner round my torso, which is really good, But it makes me wonder, if im losing body fat, then why is that showing on the scales. I weight everyday, just to see how the scale is going, ive went up i dont take much notice, as i know its more than likely food etc.
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    One universal truth to weight loss and fitness: Scales are liars.
    Trust your tape measure, your clothes, and mostly yourself.
    Do what makes sense and you'll get where you want to be.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Isn't that the worst?!

    I gotta say though: that's a TINY fluctuation to stress about, so try to let it go (it's HARD, I know!). In the year I've been on this journey, I've come to realise that my weight fluctuations can be between 2 and 5 POUNDS in a day - and that's when I'm dead on top of my diet.

    Drink lots of water, make sure you're eating enoguh for your exercise regime, and -- hardest of all -- be patient. This will take time, if you're trying to make a change that will last.
  • sanazah
    sanazah Posts: 9 Member
    thank you all for the wonderful advices/suggestions ...i guess i should just stop weighing everyday :) . like yesterday i ate dinner a bit late around 10 PM, and my scale in the morning showed about .5 kg more :-(((...this could be water retention...rite?
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    after my binge weeks I gained some weight was losing it again and I can't get back to the weight I was before the binge... I'm not worrying because I can tell I'm bigger in a good way. I made some "gaaaiiinz" that I'm pretty happy about and even though I'm + 1.5 lbs I can tell I am just as lean as I was at 165 even though I'm 167.

    I haven't been sleeping right, so I'm sure some of that has been the issue with the scale being inaccurate, but if you pay close attention to your body you should be noticing changes.