Ideal Protein



  • tyrog11
    tyrog11 Posts: 35 Member
    Again, another diet plan that replaces real food with supplimentation and the end of the day it's the deficit that creates the weight loss, not the dollars you've spent buying powder and pills. If people realized that real food offers all the nutrients and a sensible weight loss regime gets the job done. Drinking protein isn't suppling all the micronutrients that are supplied within the matrix of a whole food, hense the addition of vits and your money and eat real food.

    I have been on IP for exactly 10 weeks today and have lost almost 55 lbs. This is the first "diet" I have ever been on and I expect it to be the last. I have lost weight before through exercise, but eventually I lost focus and gained it all back and then some. I have followed the program strictly and have purchased everything through my doctor. It is kind of expensive, but to have my BP go from 150/100 (medicated with 2 pills/day for over 2 years) to 110/60 (no medication since starting) is completely worth it. You are completely right, of course, that the supplements replace what you are not getting through the foods you eat. But then again, that is the nature of supplement! This "diet" isn't for everyone...which is true for any diet. The intent is to lose the weight quickly moving eventually to phase 4 (mentioned above) where you are eating sensibly which they teach you to do. Let's face it, if fat people could eat sensibly, they wouldn't be fat to start with (and I am definitely including myself in that statement). You learn (at least with my doctor) about how your body processes each type of food. Let's face it, most of us learned the food pyramid in school, but it is never talked about that grain and dairy farmers of America paid the USDA to structure it the way they did. The bottom line is that everyone has to do their own research and decide what they feel will work for them. If you don't like the supplements and restrictive food nature of the IP no matter how short term, then don't do it. I, on the other had, am very satisfied with my progress. Ladyrayado seems to really have figured out the formula and frugally "supplemented" the IP food.
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    Again, another diet plan that replaces real food with supplimentation and the end of the day it's the deficit that creates the weight loss, not the dollars you've spent buying powder and pills. If people realized that real food offers all the nutrients and a sensible weight loss regime gets the job done. Drinking protein isn't suppling all the micronutrients that are supplied within the matrix of a whole food, hense the addition of vits and your money and eat real food.

    I have been on IP for exactly 10 weeks today and have lost almost 55 lbs. This is the first "diet" I have ever been on and I expect it to be the last. I have lost weight before through exercise, but eventually I lost focus and gained it all back and then some. I have followed the program strictly and have purchased everything through my doctor. It is kind of expensive, but to have my BP go from 150/100 (medicated with 2 pills/day for over 2 years) to 110/60 (no medication since starting) is completely worth it. You are completely right, of course, that the supplements replace what you are not getting through the foods you eat. But then again, that is the nature of supplement! This "diet" isn't for everyone...which is true for any diet. The intent is to lose the weight quickly moving eventually to phase 4 (mentioned above) where you are eating sensibly which they teach you to do. Let's face it, if fat people could eat sensibly, they wouldn't be fat to start with (and I am definitely including myself in that statement). You learn (at least with my doctor) about how your body processes each type of food. Let's face it, most of us learned the food pyramid in school, but it is never talked about that grain and dairy farmers of America paid the USDA to structure it the way they did. The bottom line is that everyone has to do their own research and decide what they feel will work for them. If you don't like the supplements and restrictive food nature of the IP no matter how short term, then don't do it. I, on the other had, am very satisfied with my progress. Ladyrayado seems to really have figured out the formula and frugally "supplemented" the IP food.

    AMEN Brotha!!
  • Ideal protein has so far been a very easy diet to follow, the weekly weigh ins are a huge help when it comes to keeping you accountable. I think that is the biggest savior for me. I have only been on the diet for 4 weeks and I have lost 19.4lbs and 15.25 inches! My mini goal is to beat the weight I lost in the last 4 weeks :). Mini goals are very helpful :)
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    This thread is very helpful! Thank you!!
  • The pancake mix works better when you bake them in a small muffin pan.... Use the mix, water, sryup... we also add walnuts
  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
  • RanmaGirl5
    RanmaGirl5 Posts: 13 Member
    I have heard of the product and heard the results. Personally, I don't like all these fad diet systems. It takes away from the idea of actually changing your life. People can't go on this diet for the rest of their life, however it makes the person lose weight very quickly. However, what people don't understand is that statistically speaking, over time 60-80% of that weight will be gained back unless there is a true life change.
  • I'm 5'4" and 137.6 lbs. .... I want to be about 115-120 lbs again. Is this the diet for me?
  • Abbigruell, Ideal Protein is for people who have a hundred pounds to lose or 20. It will work effectively for both types.
  • Bump...loving this thread
  • Ground turkey. It is leaner than chicken.
  • Ideal... I don't know exactly what you mean, but the most Bio-Available is eggwhites/eggs. Meaning your body will absorb the most from it.
  • Thank you for posting this very helpful information. My doctor has asked me to consider this diet but I was concerned about the foods and the costs.
  • I used to use IP but found it much too expensive. Protidiet at half the cost has just as wide a selection and the foods taste 10x better. Compare the chicken soup or the vanilla shake. (You can even smell the vanilla bean in the Protidiet version!) No comparison. Both are good sources of protein isolate from gelatin, whey or soy. For extra protein or weight loss both protocols work. I find that because Protidiet recommends exercise and allows some fruit and dairy is easier to do and therefore more sustainable.

    Most important though it's at least the same or better in quality at half the price! Why pay more?
  • tzabate
    tzabate Posts: 1
    Its about $100-$200 per week depending on the food you buy and the inital start-up is between $500-$600 dollars depnding on where you go. I did Idal protein and lost 40 lbs, but I gained 25 lbs back just eating regular; so I am trying to just eat more natural and not process (Ideal protein is ALL process--except for the food you buy)--the 1-2 lb a week is good for me! It definately does not come off as fast, but its better than yo yo dieting--when I did Ideal Protein, I started having really horrible anxeity problems too because I would drink too much coffee to compensate for my hunger; I also started having eye issues and thumb twitching--when I stoped IP it all went away. Not sure what chemicals they put int he packets of food--that is the only issue.
  • karenhorn6
    karenhorn6 Posts: 1 Member
    I paid $300sign up fee that included 2 weeks of food. My ideal protein products run $75 a week. $4/packet X 21 packets. I go to see my weight loss coach once a week for 30 minutes of counseling and weigh with body composition analysis. I have lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks with no side effects. I have also been able to go off BP and Diabetic meds (physician supervised). I feel great and can make it through the day without a nap. Works for me.
  • I turned 62 on June 24th and started the plan that day as a gift to myself for weight loss and better health. Not sure why anyone would critcize the plan because it is very healthy, my own dr. reviewed it and agreed that Ideal Protein is a very nutritional plan. In 4 weeks I have lost 12 lbs. NO CHEATING which is very hard when you eat out. It takes a lot of will power. Can't say that I've noticed any loss of muscle tone. The diet makes your body use the fat, instead of muscles and it is important to walk at least 30 min. per day. My neighbor is doing it also - we started together and we both feel better already. She is losing weight a little more slowly than me (10 lbs.) - everyone is different and you have to keep and open mind about that. She cheats occassionally with things that we are supposed to avoid. Everyone says I look great and I can tell you I have way more energy, in fact you can't hold me down and I sleep a lot better. If anyone wants to contact me to encourage each other my email is
  • 123dmc
    123dmc Posts: 13
    Again, another diet plan that replaces real food with supplimentation and the end of the day it's the deficit that creates the weight loss, not the dollars you've spent buying powder and pills. If people realized that real food offers all the nutrients and a sensible weight loss regime gets the job done. Drinking protein isn't suppling all the micronutrients that are supplied within the matrix of a whole food, hense the addition of vits and your money and eat real food.

    AMEN to that! Common sense answer, my friend! :drinker:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    This thread makes me sad. What's so wrong with just eating real food? I mean, it has worked pretty well for me.