Whats the main reason you want to lose weight?



  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    Read my ticker - it says it all.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Originally it was to get back at my ex by looking hot as hell, I've moved on and got over that (thank god). Now my reason is I want to be a tank! =D
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    I have two main reasons and both are equal important for me. Health and vanity. I want to be be healthy and live a long time but hell I want to look good while doing it!
  • rettigkl
    rettigkl Posts: 18
    #1 bikini bod. #2 feel good and healthy :smile:
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    I have two reasons tied up to one: 1. I'm 21 and my gynecologist told me to lose weight so I'd have a better chance at having children someday and having easier pregnancies 2. Currently I look like I'm pregnant, especially when wearing anything remotely tight (=non-sack), and I don't want to look pregnant until I actually am.

    Oh, and the fact that I'm up to the largest jeans size at regular stores and I just don't want to go for the "big is beautiful"-sizes. I think it's awesome that bigger chains are doing those lines for larger people, but I just don't want to go there. Besides, my two favourite stores don't have them.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Health, to look good and to have a more enjoyable time shopping for clothes. Buying bras right now is hell, so is wearing them. haha
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    Health is the main reason but I also want to be able to buy cute clothes.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Partly to be a good example to my kids; partly to just be more active overall. I'm sure there's a small part vanity (just want to look better) in there somewhere

    Also, because its just dawned on me that I actually do want to be around and healthy in twenty years - so I guess its time to start now.

    Oops - that's four reasons. Who am I kidding - main reason - shallow vanity!!
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Short term: bikini ready by summer, more energy by eating/drinking clean
    Long term: fit enough to hike longer distances, family history of diabetes
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I've been fairly happy maintaining 165-170 for the past two years (started at 200 in 2011), but now want to see whether losing another 15 or so pounds will (a) make me a better runner (as in: more endurance, maybe a little faster), and (b) reduce my belly and back fat, which continued to bother me after I lost my first chunk o' weight.

    8 pounds down, and just this week my stomach is noticeably smaller. Getting there!
  • inorder to decrease my cholestrol level, to fit into cute jeans and be energetic :)
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    - Overall health. Family history of health problems, diabetes, high BP, etc.
    - For my son.
    - For myself, because I have horrible self-esteem and cannot stand my body.
    - To be able to go outdoors, walk and not run out of breath.
    - To eventually hike up Mt. Rainier.
    - To prove to myself and everyone that I CAN do this.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Because I was sick of being obese.
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I want to hike Bourgeau Trail without wanting to throw up, and to climb stairs without being winded, and to complete the 5k I signed up for this summer without walking.
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I really want to get in shape before I get pregnant so I can still be active and have healthy babies, then lose the weight faster after giving birth.

    And I want to look awesome.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    The little bones in my feet and ankles hate carrying this much weight around.
  • mjoyelle
    mjoyelle Posts: 7
    To have more energy for better hiking, dancing, and kayaking! Also, to look awesome and fit, and to feel good about myself and my habits. I also want to enjoy healthy food more, rather than stuffing my face with crap!
  • To be able to watch my kids grow up...............nuff said!
  • I need to loose the winter weight so I can fit back:smile: into my spring and summer clothes :sad:

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/3962/8797/39628797.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Counter</a></small></p>
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    4 reasons right here....f7f8dcb5-1359-4477-a3ef-237652de6e16_zps310dcdba.jpg