
I've been on Adderall (30mg 2x daily) since I was in 4th grade. I've always avoided taking it on weekends because I really have no need to function like a normal sane person, on sat and sun. I've been doing some reading up on it and it sounds like gives some people some nasty sides, but other then feeling a little fatigued and not so full of energy the only bad thing I've noticed is it seems like it dehydrates me rather quick. Could this be hindering my fitness results at all specifically loosing weight while cutting, or even trying to bulk up?

I know it dehydrates me because during the week while I'm taking it I could drink a glass of water and litterally have to pee it all out within 10 minutes....Just doesn't seem healthy to me. I know when I'm not cautious about drinking ton's of fluids and I go workout I get horrible muscle cramps and feel like I have only about 70-80% of my strength and endurance. Is there anyway to counter act this? I really can't stop taking it all together because I become so wound up, erratic and spontaneous I never get anything done and all I do is piss people around me off big time! You'd think I would have grown out of my adhd by now but it hasn't even got slightly better in anyway. I've been looking into ways to cope with it but the self talk doesn't help and when I don't take my meds and get put into a social situation that requires any prolonged attention or if I get stuck cooped up doing one thing for too long, I just feel like I'm gonna loose my mind.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I used to take it for ADD as well (I need to get back on it!) and my biggest issue with dehydration is that I never thought to drink enough so I was probably always dehydrated. I just wasn't thirsty when I should have been. I would sip water but never really drink it. Have you tried logging your water and forcing yourself to drink a certain number of glasses a day even if you don't want to? And if you work at a desk or sit in a particular chair, have a bottle or glass full of water next to you at all times to remind you to drink regularly.
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    No I never have logged my aqua, I always felt like it wasn't worthwhile because I'd probably forget to log it or drink it anyway. I should really give that a shot though, as long as I can remember to actually do it. I work behind a desk for the most part at a fitness club and always keep a big 48oz water bottle filled, I always make sure to drink atleast 2-3 through out an 8hr shift, so I'm pretty sure I am getting plenty of water, but it just runs right through me when I'm taking my meds. It's like a 10 fold increase then when I don't take em.

    I was wondering if there were any kind of supplements or something that I could take that would minimize the diuretic (i think thats the right word) effect of my medication.....
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Have you looked at trigger foods that make you better or worse? Maybe paying careful attention to dietary links would help. (My son has autism and some foods affect him more than others). Just a thought :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Well, you don't need 150 oz of water in an eight hour period. That's why you're hitting the head so much :laugh: Maybe chew on some sugar free gum instead. . .if you're allowed. The Adderall is giving you dry mouth, so chewing gum stimulates saliva production.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My husband was miss diagnosed with ADHD and took Adderall for a few years. Turns out he has hypoglycemia since birth and has had transient seizures all of his life which has caused brain damage which makes him appear to have ADHD. He was always falling asleep prior to the adderall and they thought it would help him stay awake and alert. It didn't do a thing for him. The seizure meds he is on now help him focus better and stay awake and alert. While on the adderall he had no changes in his appetite or his weight. He always drank a lot so was never dehydrated. He's very thin and had hoped that the meds would make him gain a little weight but it never did. By the way, he is 6'1" and 165 lbs. Don't know if that helps answer your question or not but that was his experience with it.
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    Have you looked at trigger foods that make you better or worse? Maybe paying careful attention to dietary links would help. (My son has autism and some foods affect him more than others). Just a thought :)

    Please elorbarate...Do you think it's possible that my diet plays a role as well? Or maybe it can be fixed with diet mods?
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    My husband was miss diagnosed with ADHD and took Adderall for a few years. Turns out he has hypoglycemia since birth and has had transient seizures all of his life which has caused brain damage which makes him appear to have ADHD. He was always falling asleep prior to the adderall and they thought it would help him stay awake and alert. It didn't do a thing for him. The seizure meds he is on now help him focus better and stay awake and alert. While on the adderall he had no changes in his appetite or his weight. He always drank a lot so was never dehydrated. He's very thin and had hoped that the meds would make him gain a little weight but it never did. By the way, he is 6'1" and 165 lbs. Don't know if that helps answer your question or not but that was his experience with it.

    Yes that does help thanks, I wonder if the days I get these symptoms are the days I'm not being concious about my water intake. Because it's only at work that I drink that much water. Any other day of the week I'm probably not good about it. It's also really weird you mention the seizures with you husband. Any idea what caused them, was it the hyper glycemia? I' had a phase for about 1yr when I was 19 where I all of a suddenly started having grandmall seizures for no apparent reason. I spent months getting test done and had to wear an Ambulatory EEG and they ended up diagnosing me with eplipsey. But then just as random as they started they stopped and I haven't had any seizures in almost 4years, with out meds?
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    My grown son began taking it a while back and he is so much better to be around. He took ritalin from 3rd to 6th and then stopped. Had very rough teen age years. Now, he seems calmer and more focused. Plus he has lost a lot of his belly weight.

    For cramps, try taking magnesium.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm not sure what your goals are but Adderall is an amphetamine and like most amphetamine it will suppress appetite and spike your cortsiol levels.

    " Measures of subjective drug effects, plasma cortisol, and growth hormone (GH) were obtained. Findings showed that cortisol levels were positively associated with AMPH-induced DA release in the left ventral striatum (LVS) and the dorsal putamen. Subjects with higher cortisol responses to AMPH also reported more positive subjective drug effects than subjects with lower cortisol responses; no association was observed between cortisol levels and negative drug effects. Higher ratings of positive drug effects were also associated with greater DA release in the LVS, dorsal putamen, and dorsal caudate."

    Not good things if you're looking to put on muscle mass.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    My son is ADHD/Aspergers and we have run the gamut of meds and diet over the years. As you grow your condition changes, you learn coping strategies, and it's important to tweak. When he was on Concerta (similar to Adderall), he suffered the worst. Horrendous dry mouth/dehydration, lack of energy etc. Just recently he's been put on a new med "Vyvanse" that has left him feeling more like "himself" as he puts it. Dry mouth is gone, he has normal sleep patterns and energy levels are back to what they were when he was a kid. Diet can play a big part for sure. Diets rich in Omega 3-6-9 can help reduce the symptoms, but it is not a cure-all. Some kids outgrow their ADD/ADHD at puberty, others continue on through their lives with it. You've been on the same dosage for how long? Might be worth getting in to see your doctor and revisit your dosage/formulation etc.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Have you looked at trigger foods that make you better or worse? Maybe paying careful attention to dietary links would help. (My son has autism and some foods affect him more than others). Just a thought :)

    Please elorbarate...Do you think it's possible that my diet plays a role as well? Or maybe it can be fixed with diet mods?

    Yes I think it's very possible, sensitive foods for him are sugars, gluten and hypoglycaemia. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk about it xx
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    My son is ADHD/Aspergers and we have run the gamut of meds and diet over the years. As you grow your condition changes, you learn coping strategies, and it's important to tweak. When he was on Concerta (similar to Adderall), he suffered the worst. Horrendous dry mouth/dehydration, lack of energy etc. Just recently he's been put on a new med "Vyvanse" that has left him feeling more like "himself" as he puts it. Dry mouth is gone, he has normal sleep patterns and energy levels are back to what they were when he was a kid. Diet can play a big part for sure. Diets rich in Omega 3-6-9 can help reduce the symptoms, but it is not a cure-all. Some kids outgrow their ADD/ADHD at puberty, others continue on through their lives with it. You've been on the same dosage for how long? Might be worth getting in to see your doctor and revisit your dosage/formulation etc.

    Great information, thanks! I was slowly incresed from 10mgs as a child to 30mgs about 3years ago and have only noticed these symptoms since I started paying attention to my health and working out. If I wasn't working out and getting to know my body I think I prob never would have thought twice. I will try to eat more fish as I love salmon but hate the price....Maybe some omega supplements wouldn't be so bad either?
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Adderall is diuretic. It's a side effect of it. Make sure you're drinking lots of water. Many amphetamines are diuretics as well. You just need to ensure you're drinking extra water. During the weekends when you're not on Adderall as well. Try drinking tea, maybe a bit of juice, etc. so it doesn't seem like you're only drinking water. I've found that tea especially helps me feel more hydrated. It tastes good so I drink it more often than just plain water.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My husband was miss diagnosed with ADHD and took Adderall for a few years. Turns out he has hypoglycemia since birth and has had transient seizures all of his life which has caused brain damage which makes him appear to have ADHD. He was always falling asleep prior to the adderall and they thought it would help him stay awake and alert. It didn't do a thing for him. The seizure meds he is on now help him focus better and stay awake and alert. While on the adderall he had no changes in his appetite or his weight. He always drank a lot so was never dehydrated. He's very thin and had hoped that the meds would make him gain a little weight but it never did. By the way, he is 6'1" and 165 lbs. Don't know if that helps answer your question or not but that was his experience with it.

    Yes that does help thanks, I wonder if the days I get these symptoms are the days I'm not being concious about my water intake. Because it's only at work that I drink that much water. Any other day of the week I'm probably not good about it. It's also really weird you mention the seizures with you husband. Any idea what caused them, was it the hyper glycemia? I' had a phase for about 1yr when I was 19 where I all of a suddenly started having grandmall seizures for no apparent reason. I spent months getting test done and had to wear an Ambulatory EEG and they ended up diagnosing me with eplipsey. But then just as random as they started they stopped and I haven't had any seizures in almost 4years, with out meds?

    My husbands blood sugar level was only 16 when he was put in the hospital. On that day he came home from work and said he was extremely tired and had no memory of anything he did during the day. He remembered going to work and coming home but nothing in between. He had to wear the ambulatory EEG as well for 3 days. The tests showed that he had seizure activity during that time and that one side of his brain was not very active. That was the side where he had the seizures and they said it was due to the extremely low blood sugar levels. He is only allowed to eat protein and veggies. No carbs what so ever. He doesn't always follow his diet however but it hasn't caused any more seizures since he's been on the new seizure meds. My husband has always had a going problem....meaning having to go a lot. Turns out he has an enlarged prostate. He's had it since he was in his early 30's. Have you thought that maybe you might need to get your prostate checked? Probably best to discuss this with your dr.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 338 Member
    Adderall doesn't quite work like that, it builds up over time, so not taking it on the weekends, does nothing.

    Perhaps ask for Adderall XR, this worked a lot better for my son, more even, less spikes. He did drink like a fish, constantly, and pee'd a lot.
    Have to do it, when he didn't cos we were on a long flight back from the UK, he ended up with Epidymitus Orchitus (sp)

    He was also never hungry..
  • linalovekitty
    Adderall is the devil. Im sorry but I know way too many people who take and and my advice is go for the lower grade before you accept an RX for speed. If my kid was flunking school and they told me to put him on adderall, I would say "well I guess hes going to be held back a year" - no one can tell me pharmaceutical grade meth is a good thing.

    And if you dont think a side effect is lower weight, go off of it and see how much you gain. It makes people insane.I have lost over 10 girlfriends in my lifetime bc adderall made them so flipped out crazytown and the sad part is they didnt even realize how terrible their personalities got. Theyre basically crackheads. the adderall over time made it hard to sleep, so they have to take rx downers. Its a slippery slope
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    Adderall is the devil. Im sorry but I know way too many people who take and and my advice is go for the lower grade before you accept an RX for speed. If my kid was flunking school and they told me to put him on adderall, I would say "well I guess hes going to be held back a year" - no one can tell me pharmaceutical grade meth is a good thing.

    And if you dont think a side effect is lower weight, go off of it and see how much you gain. It makes people insane.I have lost over 10 girlfriends in my lifetime bc adderall made them so flipped out crazytown and the sad part is they didnt even realize how terrible their personalities got. Theyre basically crackheads. the adderall over time made it hard to sleep, so they have to take rx downers. Its a slippery slope

    No offense and I have heard similar situations with others as well, put trust me when I say I resemble a crack head when I am not taking Adderall, not the other way around. Saying Adderall is the devil and will destroy your life is like saying to a diabetic insulin is poison and you take that your gonna either die or loose your mind.....which may be the case for you or I, but certainly not for the person who suffers from diabetes. Just like Joe Shmoe mike get go nuts from Adderall but in my case it does the opposite it calms me down helps put my mind at peace and allows me to function like any other person.

    And for the record I did go off of it for almost 6 months and aside from a mild appetite increase, I had no other issues with weight gain. I didn't add any weight but could tell I was hungrier more often. The appetite suppression is completely eliminated when I take it on with a full meal. Perhaps your friends were really not in need of this drug, maybe not even suffering from true ADHD. Noone really understands how hard living with it can be especially as an adult. My minds always racing and it has a tremendous impact on my social life untreated. My social life would be devastated if I went unmedicated, it has happened in the past. I am extremely impulsive when not on it and sometimes can even put myself in dangerous situations because I just don't think things through, I'll just try and self medicate by seeking thrills and getting rid of that excess energy in dangerous ways. Please consider everybody is different and everyone's brains function differently as well and what may bring hell upon one may help the next considerably.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Adderall is the devil. Im sorry but I know way too many people who take and and my advice is go for the lower grade before you accept an RX for speed. If my kid was flunking school and they told me to put him on adderall, I would say "well I guess hes going to be held back a year" - no one can tell me pharmaceutical grade meth is a good thing.

    And if you dont think a side effect is lower weight, go off of it and see how much you gain. It makes people insane.I have lost over 10 girlfriends in my lifetime bc adderall made them so flipped out crazytown and the sad part is they didnt even realize how terrible their personalities got. Theyre basically crackheads. the adderall over time made it hard to sleep, so they have to take rx downers. Its a slippery slope

    Stop hanging out with crack heads, and you will stop seeing people abuse adderall. ADHD is an chemical disorder, and does not stem from a lack of intelligence or information. In fact, people with ADHD tend to have higher IQ's than people without the disorder. Harnessing all that brain power becomes the issue. You don't just learn to "cope" or deal with it.. there is no magic diet fairy that takes it away (although proper diet helps everything, and some foods *may* trigger extra hyper activity in those with ADHD).

    For the love of Murphey OP... Adderall is a cumulative effect drug, which means you need to take it every day (at roughly the same time) to get the best effects from it. You are only doing yourself a disservice by taking days off from your meds.

    That being said... Always Tired, Always Thirsty is a potential warning sign of diabetes. I'd strongly recomend you march your butt into your doctor before you start messing around with anything else.

    If you feel like you can't be human on your meds, that is also something to talk to your doctor about. Dosages are based on gender, age, AND body mass. Changes in body mass will require a tweak of your dosage (though, your doctor probably won't adjust your meds until you give them a REAL trial period, which is usually somewhere between 6 weeks - 3 months).

    It's my husband who has ADHD. I met him before he got diagnosed, and have been with him through all of the adjustment periods, ect. I can tell you as a spouse that EVERYTHING is better now that he's medicated... focus is important....

    We're not too sure if either of our kids have ADHD (there is a high genetic component), but, they are both very diet sensitive. When my husband actually eats what the kids eat he is a bit calmer (with less anxiety), but it's not enough to not take his meds. He is able to gain/lose weight, gain muscle (he sucks at getting in cardio, but, that's just him).

    Good luck OP.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Adderall is the devil. Im sorry but I know way too many people who take and and my advice is go for the lower grade before you accept an RX for speed. If my kid was flunking school and they told me to put him on adderall, I would say "well I guess hes going to be held back a year" - no one can tell me pharmaceutical grade meth is a good thing.

    And if you dont think a side effect is lower weight, go off of it and see how much you gain. It makes people insane.I have lost over 10 girlfriends in my lifetime bc adderall made them so flipped out crazytown and the sad part is they didnt even realize how terrible their personalities got. Theyre basically crackheads. the adderall over time made it hard to sleep, so they have to take rx downers. Its a slippery slope

    My husband took it for several years and had none of those issues. NONE! He had absolutely no change in his moods or personality nor did he have problems sleeping while taking it. He did not gain or lose weight while taking it and didn't gain or lose weight after he went off of it. He has been 165 lbs for the past 18 or more years. He was only on Adderall for less than half of that..maybe only 7 years. If your friends abused it or were given it by mistake then sorry for your friends but you can't generalize adderall based on your friends and their outcome. ALL meds work differently for everyone. If your friends kept taking it while it made them go wacko then they should have complained to their doctors and tried something else.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Adderall is the devil. Im sorry but I know way too many people who take and and my advice is go for the lower grade before you accept an RX for speed. If my kid was flunking school and they told me to put him on adderall, I would say "well I guess hes going to be held back a year" - no one can tell me pharmaceutical grade meth is a good thing.

    And if you dont think a side effect is lower weight, go off of it and see how much you gain. It makes people insane.I have lost over 10 girlfriends in my lifetime bc adderall made them so flipped out crazytown and the sad part is they didnt even realize how terrible their personalities got. Theyre basically crackheads. the adderall over time made it hard to sleep, so they have to take rx downers. Its a slippery slope

    Stop hanging out with crack heads, and you will stop seeing people abuse adderall. ADHD is an chemical disorder, and does not stem from a lack of intelligence or information. In fact, people with ADHD tend to have higher IQ's than people without the disorder. Harnessing all that brain power becomes the issue. You don't just learn to "cope" or deal with it.. there is no magic diet fairy that takes it away (although proper diet helps everything, and some foods *may* trigger extra hyper activity in those with ADHD).

    For the love of Murphey OP... Adderall is a cumulative effect drug, which means you need to take it every day (at roughly the same time) to get the best effects from it. You are only doing yourself a disservice by taking days off from your meds.

    That being said... Always Tired, Always Thirsty is a potential warning sign of diabetes. I'd strongly recomend you march your butt into your doctor before you start messing around with anything else.

    If you feel like you can't be human on your meds, that is also something to talk to your doctor about. Dosages are based on gender, age, AND body mass. Changes in body mass will require a tweak of your dosage (though, your doctor probably won't adjust your meds until you give them a REAL trial period, which is usually somewhere between 6 weeks - 3 months).

    It's my husband who has ADHD. I met him before he got diagnosed, and have been with him through all of the adjustment periods, ect. I can tell you as a spouse that EVERYTHING is better now that he's medicated... focus is important....

    We're not too sure if either of our kids have ADHD (there is a high genetic component), but, they are both very diet sensitive. When my husband actually eats what the kids eat he is a bit calmer (with less anxiety), but it's not enough to not take his meds. He is able to gain/lose weight, gain muscle (he sucks at getting in cardio, but, that's just him).

    Good luck OP.

    Blue meanie i had forgotten about all of that with Adderall. My husband used to take his every morning with breakfast and never missed a dose. I do recall that he also had to keep an eye on his BP and have regular blood work done. I don't remember what the blood work was for however. But I would guess it was to keep an eye on your sugar levels. He did have to take a few fasting blood tests and then drink soda and then test again. Now it turns out he is hypoglycemic so they took him off the Adderall and he is on seizure meds. It is very important that no matter what meds your on that you follow up with your dr. and take your meds every day at the same time. You put your body through a yo yo effect by not taking your meds on a daily basis as recommended.

    I agree.. get to the doctor and get your sugar checked.